Friday Foolishness – It’s Just A Little Bunny Rabbit Edition

Today’s Music: Buddy Guy – Slippin’ Out, Slippin’ In

Well, another Friday to wrap up another busy week. Fortunately, this was not a week of too much work, it was a week of too much blogging. There was the first ever He Said / She Said, which was a ridiculous amount of fun. Also, Lizzie Cracked put up 3 of the most moving things I’ve ever read in any context. Please start here. It’s 3 short pieces, that say so very much.
Ginger Snaap gave us a theme for every day of the week, with Tuesday being hilariously appalling.
AFrankAngle posted some interesting thoughts on evolution. Mel showed me the true meaning of April Fools Day…and Tony showed us all an Academy Awards Outrage that really did get my dander up (and laughing. Ah, laughing dander.)
If you haven’t read his stuff, you really are missing out.
And that goes for these posts and everything else that went up this week. Seriously, y’all are on a roll – always!

But even as we move forward, we have to take a moment to look back. Specifically at last weeks poll. What, we asked, do you do when when the wind blows? Your answers moved me, folks.
They are listed right below. (As always, my comments are in italics.)

And so it is with great joy that I present the deep and philosophical answers from last weeks poll:

I blame it on someone else..oh, not that kinda wind?
(Or we could just start with a fart joke.)
breathe it in and feel lucky to be alive (I love the feeling) John Phillips
(I really hope it’s not that kind of wind!)
can’t go cycling…..xandi
(No, but if you just sit on the bicycle seat, it will keep your dress/kilt from blowing up!)
Wonder if the head will fly around the ceiling fan and get caught…Red.
(I think you definitely need to test that hypothesis. I’m sure you’ll be able to find a volunteer!)
Face down wind
(Wait – do you mean intimidate the wind, or it will leave you lying face down?)
fly my imaginary kite. –Goradde
(If it’s imaginary, why do you have to wait for the wind?)
close my eyes & pretend I am M. Monroe standing over a vent ~ whatimeant2say
(Careful, whatimeant2say. Never can tell what’s lurking in those vents!)
hope I’m in a white Marilyn dress and the skirt blows up to reveal my gams!
(I’m sensing a theme here with the Marilyn thing…)
Sit back and enjoy it…. (heehee) Motley News/She Speaks what/whoever
(The best advice for any day, Motley/She/Whoever…)
hold my nose.
(I’m sensing a theme here with the fart thing…)
Try to find the guy who just put on his best kilt! – CowgirLiz
(oh, how about a guy in a Marilyn dress!)
…casually notice who else is commando in a skirt. Red.
(I believe there are some Marilyn Monroe fans above you may want to keep an eye on, Red!)
I love to sit in a wide open space, like the beach and just let the wind blow Al
(You, John and She should start a club! Can I join too?)
Duck and cover. Watch for the widow makers!
(But don’t forget that fire danger! (For those with no idea what we’re talking about, google Buzz Martin.))
I do what Elvis said – stop, look, and listen, Baby! (Stacy Lyn)
(I don’t know, Stacy. Sounds like you Don’t Care if the Sun Don’t Shine…)
ignore it -the wind will blow anyone for attn. the ignorant slut Lizziec
(Does that mean the wind that cries Mary is named Jane?)
hardly get any sleep wait that was last night. Starlaschat
(The wind is supposed to sing you to sleep, starla, not scream you awake. Bad wind!)
sweep the desert off my porch
(You sure it isn’t putting the dust there in the first place?)
I quickly try to read the answers! Lindav
(I would rather collect the money. Get it? Winds of change!!! HAHAHAHA- sorry…)
… try to say, ‘Excuse me.’ BrainRants
(I’d have sworn you’d blame it on the dog, BrainRants.)
look for the answer Dylan kept singing about Rich Crete
(I prefer to find my answers in a bottle…)
The cradle will fall
I get my broom our for a nice Sunday morning fly- Mel According To Mags
(Watch out for flying monkeys. They’re very territorial!)
Hopefully will be wearing a skirt. You’re welcome boys. G-Snaap
(I believe Red would like to have a word with you.)
Strap on a rope and launch myself from Signal Hill – Kayjai
(I’d go for a hangglider, but hey, as long as you’re taking advantage of it!)

A great set of responses. I laughed allover myself reading them.
And congratulations to Anonymous for this weeks winning answer.
For those of you who prefer to pick and choose, the most popular offered answer was Float by parasol over the chimneys of London. Yeah, I would do that too. Wheee!

Now we can…hop ahead. Because it’s Easter! (almost).
I have to warn you all – it is quite possible that one of the answers might very well be offensive. But to me, it’s too funny to not include. And with the exception of very few situations, I think humor always trumps. Which tells you something about me…

This weeks poll asks about the significance of Easter. If you like, write in your own answer in “other” and leave some way to identify you so I can link back next week. And vote as often as you like – just do it before Thursday, 12 April 23:59 EST. because that’s when the poll closes.

And until next time, the first clip doesn’t just have the rabbit, it has the hand grenade too!

And just in case that wasn’t enough, this is for all of you that want to know the true meaning of Passover. But are willing to settle for an amusing video until you find it out.

Have a great holiday whatever you celebrate, or a great week if you don’t.
Catch you all next time!

90 responses to “Friday Foolishness – It’s Just A Little Bunny Rabbit Edition

  1. You find the best stuff EG. My 6-year-old’s birthday party is this weekend. I’m just relaxing after that. What are you going to do?


    • Off today, Some work tomorrow morning, Passover Seder tomorrow night, Easter at the MIL Sunday. Full weekend, but that’s alright.
      Hope the birthday is early in the weekend – that’ll give you more relaxing time!


      • That sounds busy. Hope you have fun though. Her party is tomorrow afternoon, so I should have plenty of relaxation time. I’m doing the party “lazy mom” style. We’re having it at the park and everything is store bought.
        I’m going to practice walking too. I think I am going to try to make a deal with my husband that if I can walk across the room, he will ease up on the skydiving and other flight methods. I get freaked out about water, but the sky stuff is his freak out point. Maybe he can go undersea diving while I jump out of a plane. We won’t have to watch eachother die that way. 😉


  2. Well … you are official one twisted puppy … and I say that in your praise! Now that is one helluva rabbit in Monty Python! Oh crap ,,, I forgot my name in the poll … the second submission (with rabbit). Enjoy your weekend.


    • I would never take that any other way, Frank! (which is a good thing, as I hear that constantly.
      Added your name so I have it for next week. (you can also enter it again if you like – there is no limit on voting).


  3. Thanks Guap!

    Oh, and, nothing involving my Hoo-Hah is apalling. Ever.


  4. I have to get some stickers for the eggs. Because our chickens lay colored eggs, we don’t need to dye them this year. I am really eggcited about that! Less work for Mama!


    • Ah, the benefits of feeding them irradiated grass!
      And you can use a geiger counter to find any unclaimed eggs, TikkTok!


      • LOL, no silly, they have the genes to lay colored eggs! 😉 I have to say they are pretty smart, too, because they lay them right where they are supposed to. At first, it was an egg hunt every day, but then they figured it out. It’s still great fun, though!


  5. Wow, Other was a biggie last week. I’m thinking you should scrap all the answers except other and let her roll. But then we would be counting on someone else to come up Jesus seeing his shadow. I’m glad I’d swallowed my coffee before reading that one.


    • Always a good idea to swallow first John!
      Wait – let me rephrase…
      And I have to keep the choices – always nice to see how may people go with BRRAAAIIINNNSSS!


  6. Happy Zombie Jesus Day…let’s go out and get blitzed on Cadbury creme eggs to celebrate.


  7. My name in lights woo hoo! I think I finially figured out how to vote in the poll. Sometimes it take me awhile it’s all the hair tossing.
    I enjoyed the videos smiling into the weekend. Navar just brought in the ski boots. Can you believe it we are going cross country skiing as soon as I stop typing. We will ski to the post office to check the mail. The town is so small we can ski right down the center of main street. :+) Until the sun comes out looks like playing in the snow is in order. Wow, that was a long comment. chatty me.


  8. Excellent song choice (love Buddy Guy) and video clips to start my weekend!


  9. Still laughing about why an imaginery kite would have to wait for the wind! And Pass Over Mortimer he’s meshugenah!!! I practically soiled my armor!


  10. Love the Monty Python bit, and had never seen the other vids you posted. You rock my dear.
    And a Happy Zombie Jesus Day from me as well. Will stop by with some tasty Pagan goodies as soon as I push that big fucking rock out of the way.


  11. Oh, and I have no idea HOW to vote in the poll. Did it once months ago but this was prior to my latest lobotomy.


  12. whiteladyinthehood

    Enjoy your Friday off, Guapo. Lots of Foolishness today! Great job. (Your Friday posts always make me laugh!)


  13. Thanks for the giggle. I wrote a whole comment this morning, but your blog and I had a fight so it wouldn’t post it. I thought I’d give it time to cool off and come back later. 😛 Happy Easter, Guapo.


    • Me and my blog are going to have serious words about that, Mel.
      I think it’s a wordpress/blogspot thing, because I often curse while trying to comment on yours.
      Modern technology…
      And happy Easter to you and yours!


  14. Awesome, as usual Guap. Have a great weekend.


  15. Happy weekend!! I’m hanging with both Mortimer AND the bunny, and at the same time, neither. Yay for awesome weekend ahead!


    • Wait – both and neither, Asplenia?
      I’m going to be trying to figure that all weekend. Or drinking because of it.
      Yes, definitely drinking.
      Thanks for the excuse!


  16. Thanks for the extra shout out this week Guapman – I have to go answer the comments from those posts still.. kinda drained me emoticationally.. – AND I had a BLAST with the He Said /She said – 😀 I think they liked it too..?? you stole my Mental Moment for today…. the Holy Hand Grenade…. lol great minds and all that what can ya do? … I will have you know that I answered the poll…last Friday or very soon there after – told you was thinking ignorant slut lately lol…. I thought it was almost a winning worthy answer DAMN foiled again… i’ll get it though…sooner or later… (not competitive much ) great Friday Foolishness always can count on you ! Enjoy your Easter Weekend – my kid told me they are out of school today cause Jesus died… uh hope THAT doesn;t offend anyone…. 🙄 kids. 🙂 I’m hoping the Easter Bunny brings me …a Koala bear LMAO….


    • I think giving kids a day off for Easter is a public relations stunt to get the kids to church.
      Not sure how many parents they lose because of it though…
      The He Said/She Said was lots of fun.Can’t wait to see what those two come up with next time!

      I hope the Easter Bunny does bring you a Koala, and I hope he isn’t pissed from being carried around in a bag… 😉


      • church? its about church? doh! man..
        I can name one?
        I am thinking the Easter Bunny is going to be good to me this year…. really really 😀 it getting hot in here? lol omg I’m blushing…

        Any ideas what might be next? I am curious as hell too… I mean heck oops sorry..flustered..spring.. sigh…



  17. ignore this – it’s just cause I forgot to click the f/u comment notification thingy. 😀


  18. I agree with everything you said, except “too much blogging.” There can never be too much blogging. Happy Easter, Guap! ❤


    • The first step to solving a problem, Stacy Lyn, is admitting you have a problem..
      You, not me. I can quit blogging any time.
      Happy Easter/Passover to you and yours!


  19. That is one of my favorite Monty Python scenes! 🙂
    Another fun Friday Foolishness Guapo, well done! Sorry to see my reply to last week’s poll didn’t make the cut…again! Grrr!! I’ll have to try harder next time. 😉
    And yep..Happy Zombie Jesus Day from me too!


  20. Home from the pub! Fridays are good! Have a good weekend me old china!


  21. Hi,
    Got a good laugh out of the answers and the videos. 😀
    Sounds like a busy Easter but I know you will have a heap of fun as well.
    Happy Easter.


    • Thank you Magsx2. And to you and your family too.
      And a busy weekend with family and friends is always good.
      It would be better without the work bit though…


  22. Happy Bunny Day, EG! May your smile be filled with chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks. You always have the greatest poll, btw…the responses and the options are stellar!


  23. Reading your comments is almost as good as reading your blog.


    • Why thank you, whatimeant2say!
      The comments really are great. Mostly because I have no idea what anyone is ever going to say.
      I already know what the blog post is going to be about.
      At least half the time…


  24. You know I always have volunteers. They line up in the stupidest inbox every stinking week. We are discussing whether or not they lose they fertilizer quality as they free fall without a ‘chute. Passing this week after the double up from last week.
    😉 Happy Easter/ZJD, Guapo.


    • I have to ask -was Zombie Jesus day always a thing, because today is the first I’ve heard of it.
      I’m pretty sure they gain, as every brain drug is being produced on overdrive right up to impact.
      Have a great weekend, Red,


      • You have just been sheltered. I have been hearing it for years. Then, I moved someplace where Judaism is against the Constitution. Fn Rednex.

        I hope so. The garden could use a boost.


        • Definately sheltered. Know the first time I used it was five years ago. Freaking FB keeps EVERYTHING including the dates you added graphics…For all I know was using on MySpace prior. Think I still have a page there. Haven’t checked in a few years heh


          • Makes me wonder about you two if I’m sheltered…
            Not concerned, just wondering. 😉


          • I was shocked to find out MS was doing a drive for more users….I thought we had laws to keep the mewling brats in school. PFT.

            And I know it has been around close to a decade that I know about…


            • On the other hand, as a source for music, MS isn’t bad. That’s the facet they’ve been promoting lately.


              • You haven’t lost your trolling Twitter have you?? And you need to follow M3 on Twitter. For that matter…I need to even GO to Twitter. Apparently, someone is following. If I get there and the DM is a Friday Follies candidate I am going to quit.


  25. EG, i’ll try to come up with something witty this time…thanks for the blog plug – i really appreciate it dude. now, easter…easter…what does it mean? hmmmm… i’ll get back to you…i think. continue…


  26. Easter means never having to say I wuv you wittle wabbit. continue…


  27. Just remember what it takes to succeed on broadway, and you won’t have any trouble with the rabbits.


  28. Thanks for your nice experience to share with us. Really awesome article with plenty of informative things to be known for us.
    My Bolg :


  29. I just answered the poll with a last-minute entry… I was so traumatized by the recollection of Fatal Attraction, I forgot to write my name. It was me. Still seeing rabbits in pots….


  30. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – The Edition of Fruit | Guapola

  31. Great clips. I’m so far behind. I hope you had a great holiday.


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