Program Notes and Trifextra

Today’s Music: The National – Mistaken For Strangers

Usually around this time is when I throw in my weekend Trifextra, if I’m playing.We’ll get to that in a minute.
First, to you and yours and all to whom this is appropriate, Happy Passover and Happy Easter. Both are stories of redemption and freedom, and of love for your neighbor.
For me (generally non-religious), those are themes even a cynic like me can get behind.
I hope you all have a wonderful time weekend, even if you don’t celebrate.

Next, I saw something incredible last night on twitter. @bats0711(also with a blog here) put up a post that frightened many of her virtual friends.
They instantly rallied, sending supportive messages and trying to get her to respond to make sure she was ok.
Because some of these tweeters and bloggers are people I have the highest respect and affection for (don’t tell one of them that – she’ll never let me live it down. Yes, she knows who she is.), I also joined in, commenting on her blog and tweeting to her. Mostly a series of stupid, mildly amusing comments. So she could see that living in my head is probably worse than living in hers…
At one point, she did tweet back, that she was surprised and amazed at the thoughts and affection directed to her. She hasn’t tweeted or posted since that last night though. So if you could, tweet her a line or drop her a comment.
Mostly I was just in awe at the rallying and assumption of responsibility for someone who was in pain and seemed to just want acknowledgement of it.
Seriously, it gave me the warm fuzzies all over.

And now for those of you who need your fix of mindless babble, I am only to happy to comply

Here are the challenge parameters:
The challenge is to write a response that is between 33 and 333 words long and uses the words listed below. Use the words however you wish, but make sure that all three appear in your response. Oh, and they must appear in order.

Good luck!


The Perfect Sound

The “band rehearsal space” wasn’t a grand studio area like it sounded.
It was the center of the studio apartment, with beds, tv and shelves all pushed in the corners away from the equipment.
Working as a band, they were even closer than a family. Or trauma survivors. Though sometimes it seemed like trauma survivors had it easier…
So it was no surprise that when Jake decided to wash Barnaby, the golden labrador and band mascot, he did it on the middle of the rehearsal area. It was the largest free space in the place.
What was a surprise was when the dog got away.

The cymbals tipped over with a reverberating crash, echoing and rebounding off the walls. The accordion, knocked from its stand, fell in a way that let its bellows compress with the longest most annoying sound possible. Wires and pickups got toppled together, gain and feedback multiplying from the amps as the bass and guitar strings twanged through them, resonating against each other ever more loudly. The piano reverberated in sympathy setting up a screaming wall of sound.

Tom and Aaron watched as Barnaby shot past, Jake running behind.
“Sorry for the cacophony!!!” shouted Jake over the din, puffs of soap dripping from his arms. “Just gotta wash those insects off him!” he continued, closing on the dog.
The bedlam continued until Barnaby, seeing Jenna coming in, sensed his opportunity and shot out the door. Jake took off after him, the sounds of barking and chaos trailing in his wake.

The instruments wailed into silence.

Tom turned to Aaron behind the mixing board.
“Tell me you got that.”
Aaron smiled. “Got it.” He pumped his fist. “It’ll be a number one, baby!”

Have a great weekend all. As for me, I have 18 minutes to finish this batch of matzah I’m going to make!

86 responses to “Program Notes and Trifextra

  1. Me Gusta!

    Some of those bloggers have the highest respect and affection for you too. Don’t tell yourself I said that.

    You wanna hear a funny? When talking to the kids about Passover, they kept calling it ‘Flyover’. “Mom! Do you member when God did that Flyover in Egypt”?


  2. Gonna try your challenge. Here goes:

    It was a warm spring Friday. I sat at my desk, desperately sorting papers to correct over the weekend. Math to the left, vocabulary in the middle, science questions on the right. Hurry, sort, hurry, sip some coffee, sort, organize, sort….the class was out for a fifteen minute recess with the classroom assistant (also known as my Angel of Mercy and Right Hand Woman). If I focused and refused to waste any time running to the bathroom, I should be able to get it all sorted out before they came back.

    Suddenly, the silence was broken by a cacophony of wails and cries, surging closer in a wave of running feet. “Hurry!” It was the Angel herself, running in the halls of the school! Shouting to the churning mob of children behind her, “Run! Get the soap and lather up, fast!”

    I stood in shock, my hands full of homework papers, my mouth open with surprise. The kids came roaring into the classroom, some crying, some laughing, all slapping at their ankles and backsides.

    I looked at my assistant for some explanation.

    “Insects.”, she stated calmly, in her proper English accent. “We seem to have sat on an anthill.”


  3. I hope your friend is ok, EG. I got one of those awful ominous posts once on FB and my friend and I chatted for a long time along with a hoard of other people. We couldn’t fix her but we patched up her sorrows for a while. Just the reaching out to let the person know you’re on their side is a wonderful gift. I’m glad you could help her.
    Nice trifextra, dude! You always seem to hit the “right note”! Happy weekend.


    • That’s a very cool thing you and your friends did, Zen.Sometimes just having contact with someone is enough to get over the hump.
      Thanks, and hope your weekend is great too!


  4. I like this a lot. Very playful and fun to read. A great ending. I hope they hit number 1!


  5. Awesome music pick! I had never heard of them before, so this was a real treat. Good stuff. They remind me a little of Psychedelic Furs – that type of thing?
    I like your short story. Very original. It always amazes me how differently everyone responds to these challenges – just an infinite number of ways to do it I guess? Anyway, nice job.
    Have a great Religious weekend! Or not. haha!


    • Thanks Lisa. The National isn;t quite as pop-y as the Furs. but they can be as angsty.
      Hoping to see you jump into one of these challenges one day. Seeing the other ideas is a lot of the fun.
      Hope your weekend rocks wherever it takes you…


  6. Was it a polka band? You don’t often see accordions in heavy metal, rock or jazz bands.


    • I thought it was a rock band – I can’t see a polka band living all in one room like that, sandylikeabeach. Where would you hang the lederhosen?
      Bruce Hornsby plays accordion at his shows.


  7. First of all let me say you are just a really decent guy! And I mean that in the best way possible! Ah your story! I could just hear all that clatter and banging OMG! (Something tells me you might have been in a band at some point?) So much fun! Great job! Haha! And I had to laugh at Ginger’s kids! The Flyover! Leave it to kids to make sense out of stuf that really doesn’t any sense!


  8. Hi,
    A great short story, well done, and I loved the way you ended it as well. 😀
    Have a great Easter weekend.


  9. love this
    hope Momsheib will go over and enter the contest properly. 🙂


  10. You are a good man Charie Brown…and your entry was a chart topper… honestly.. I could hear it.. and see it… very cool.. Happy Easter… passing on a heads up…when the Easter Bunny poops chocolate eggs all over your house tonight…..don;t eat the little ones……
    wait…maybe I messed that up…..did I mess that up?


  11. Very creative use of the three words! Totally not what I was expecting!


  12. You have more creativity in this post than I have in my 3.5 years of my blog. Well done.

    Amazing to say, this is the second reference I’ve had today with an accordion in the band. Here’s the first … and enjoy your weekend.


    • Hah – don;t sell yourself short Frank.
      Your way of phrasing makes even the most complex subjects or debatable topics easy and interesting to read.
      There’s a ton of creativity there.
      Of course, you can always come to the dark side and enter trifecta…
      *nudge nudge, wink, nudge*


  13. whiteladyinthehood

    (hope your friend is okay!)

    You are very creative!!


  14. You were more than up for the challenge. And I love the video.


  15. friggin’ perfection EG…on all levels. well written…and a snide commentary on what makes a pop “hit” – in any time. continue…


    • Thanks so much Tony! Though this is a case of the reader seeing more clearly than the author. I guess that idea was rattling around in my subconscious…


  16. I like The Hebrew National.


  17. Great story. It’s funny. Your three words came in only a few sentences totaling 29 words. (Yes, I counted. Quickly mind you so I could be wrong.)
    They could have almost stood alone. You and Lance … able to weave those three odd words into so few. Impressive.

    And I hope your friend feels better. I’m not sure exactly what was wrong. But please tell her that she is so very not alone. So. Very. Not.


    • Thank you ODNT. My only goal here was to have all 3 words together. But it needed the rest of it, or it would have been incomprehensible.
      Well, more incomprehensible…

      And she seems to be doing better today. Thanks so much for the thoughts.


  18. What a fun story. I could almost hear the commotion. I hope it is a hit (they’ll need the money to buy some new equipment :))


  19. Just visited your friend’s blog…I hope she is making out okay. That kind of desperation can be debilitating as she explained. I hope that she is getting some help and you all seemed to make a positive impact…good for you at responding so quickly. The story is great…loved the last line!


    • It really is, kayjai. And I was amazed at the outpouring on twitter and elsewhere that I just wandered into.

      Thanks so much – the dog and the punchline were what occurred to me first, the rest was wrapped around that.


  20. The power of Twitter. I had no idea. So glad everyone rushed in to support someone in their darkest moments. She sounded better today.

    Love the challenge response. Any dog story, I’m there.


  21. And if they are seriously rehearsing in a studio apartment, the neighbors are going to ‘get them’!


  22. Thanks for linking up this weekend. We hope you can come back for the weekday challenge too. Remember to check out our Facebook and Twitter pages for news on what’s happening on the site.


  23. Wait, you make matzoh?? WAY COOL. You just exploded on the awesome blogger scale. Do you like Matzoh brie?


    • Sadly, I only made matzoh once (in 4th grade, I think) I LOVE matzoh brie, asplenia. I make it during the rest of the year a lot too.
      And I know how to flip it without it breaking!


  24. “Sceaming wall of sound” Thats great. I was wondering how you would weave in cacophony. Well done! Let me get my snaps out. Snap snap snap….


  25. Jennifer Worrell

    Loved your Trifextra! Here’s mine: Amidst the caucophony of Dora the Explorer mixing in with the irreverent voices in my own head, I struggle to put the soap in the dishwasher correctly. I reach for the handle, only to find my son climbing on the door trying to get inside. He has a plastic, green insect stuck up his nose. Just another day in Paradise!
    Thanks for the visit!!! Loved your comment!


  26. Okay, I looked up “Bell Bottom Blues” to see if it had ever made it on the Billboard top 100 — and in 1971, after critics had panned it in 1970 – it got to # 91. That’s good enough to meet my “HIT” criteria and so I’ll remove
    “Layla.” Also, did you know Suzannah Hoffs did a cover of “Bell Bottom
    Blues?” Interesting…


  27. Thanks for sharing this as an Easter Holiday Gift! 😀


  28. Great thing you made of those three words! I was really wondering what you could do with it, and you did it so well!
    Bloggers are indeed great people; btw. I haven’t met one annoying person yet. We’re like a giant WordPress family.
    That sounds cheesy :).


  29. That dog’s gonna be famous, but I see a scenario not unlike the “Johnny Bravo” episode of Brady Bunch, where a producer tells the mutt “You’re the one we want. Ditch all these losers!”


  30. Clever by half!!! Now, going to read about your friend!


  31. Guapo
    comment is unrelated, but there’ s a person on Twitter you follow or who follows you that I also followed named Lily something. Each time I tweeted something, like a WP post, I would get a direct message from her saying there were bad rumors about me with a link. All these links were spyware, malware, and in one case a phishing site that tried to trick me into giving my Twitter username and password. I super unfollowed this person, and I suggest that if you or anyone reading this gets direct messages like that, don’t click them or fill anything out, and check your address bars! This has been a psa from your friendly neighborhood Hotspur. Be super vigiland and careful, everyone. People are evil crazy dicks.


  32. I have plenty of ladyfolk, by which I mean one, my lovely wife, and you can have all the rest, Guapo. You’re the Guapo. You’re the surfing BASE jumping mountain climbing manly adventurer. I’m just a guy who makes some posts that please all of the people none of the time.


  33. Love the story. Great punch at the end.

    I have seen the virtual community rally around so many who were in the throes of darkness. SM, for all its demons, stalkers, shitty little teenagers and pedophiles, has an amazing way of reducing suicide numbers.



  34. It’s the cacophony you hear that caused me to use all of the soap. When you cram 1,000 insects into a trombone, you end up with not only a horrible sound, but lots of guts.


    • I really hope there’s a powerewasher in there somewhere too.
      If that’s what you’re going to come up with, you’re going to have to start entering these contests, Lorre.


  35. I think I missed the memo (posting). What about a contest?


    • puts up a prompt on Monday and another on Friday, Lorre.
      They usually provide a word, and you have to use the word according to its 3rd definition, usually in a story 33 to 333 words. (Sometimes it has to be exactly 33 words).
      People link to their entries on their page, and they or the community voting, depending on the week, pick a winner for each challenge. They get from 50 to 90 submissions a week, and some of the stories are fantastic.
      Anyone can enter (or not) for any contest. It’s very informal, but there are some regulars who are very entertaining.
      You should check it out if you get a chance…


Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!