Friday Foolishness – Meta Edition

Today’s Music: Levon Helm performing The Band’s Ophelia

Busy busy week for me. but I persevered, and was able to finish up the foolishness with at least 10 minutes to spare. The moral here is perseverance, my friends. That, and fun should never be put off.
With that in mind, here are some of the posts that left an impression on me this week.
Sips of Jen and Tonic found us a great new dating site. Kayjai got very punchy working late. More than once. Morezennow unlocked one of the mysteries of Jesus, and BrainRants got ready to head off to Afghanistan. Be safe, man.

And all of you, keep on rockin, and doing what you do. I couldn’t ask for better company as my week goes by.

But even though you all want to check them out, first we should check out what happened in last weeks poll. The poll went “Baseball season is starting, so…”
And here’s what you had to say. (As usual, my comments are in italics.)

It’s pretty much same ole same ole for me.
(Wait – you get to watch baseball year round?!?)
Yay! I can blog while my husband watches. It’s why I started. Elyse @ 54.5
(Wait – your husband watches baseball year round?!?)
So… sssshhhh… I’m still withdrawing from March Madness ending. (Motley News)
(I suggest methadone to help with the withdrawal. Or chocolate. Chocolate helps everything…)
It means the Tony Awards are only two months away!
(I heard Damn Yankees was going to take best musical. But GO METS!)
What the hell IS baseball?
(If you’re a Mets fan…it’s frustrating.)
benzeknees: games will interfere with regularly scheduled programming
(Hulu baby!!!)
i can be self-righteous about how much they charge for a $+&+#@ ticket at shea
(But it will be so worth it to enjoy their upcoming late season meltdown!)
So what? Ask me about it after the Stanley Cup has been awarded. Cowgirliz
(Um…you know you’re American, right? ;))
Take me out to the ballgame and then take me to the beach. I hate baseball.
(But they don’t sell peanuts and crackerjacks at the beach.)
Baseball? Who cares about baseball? Passing time until football season! ~flame
(Ok, but then there’s no hotdogs and beer for you…)
minor league ball can’t be far behind. Hello affordable fun. The Jester Queen
(Obviously you won’t be enjoying the late season meltdown of the Mets.)
I’ll finally have a cure for my insomnia. Let the zzzzz’s begin! sandylikeabeach
(You need to get old tapes of Yogi Bera and Phil Rizzuto narrating games. That’ll keep you on your toes!)
Only 4 more months until football season! (Stacy Lyn)
(I think I’ll enjoy summer before thinking about the fall…)
I’ll have 9 innings to give hubby any bad news & get “Uh-huh. OK.” girlnextfloor
(WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Um…do you think you can get my wife interested in baseball?)
Baseball shmaseball… It’s all about kickball this season! CallMeQuirky
(Step away from those Portland Hipsters, Quirky.)
who cares. It’s a ball sport. Played by men. With balls. Say no more. (Kanerva)
(Well yeah, but they aren’t playing with their own balls…Wait, let me rephrase…)
there’s sure to be more just happy..guys..balls.. Lizzie
(Lizzie, meet Kanerva. Kanerva, this is Lizzie)
the NHL Playoffs begin. We do have strange calendars up here John Phillips
(You’re talking about ice hockey in April and it’s the calendar you think is strange???)
s0…this means we’re that much closer to football season! Alex Autin
(By football, do you mean soccer, Alex? And Argentinian soccer players?)
I can fall asleep in the 8th inning, then wake up wondering who won! Frank
(If you’re falling asleep in the eighth inning, you’re watching the wrong team.)
Holy Don Cherry, Batman playoffs are on! (that’s hockey, folks) Baseball?!! KJ
(You know that one National League pitcher has more teeth than an entire hockey team, right?)
I will dream of Pete Rose in a Yellow Lederhosen, says me who remains name-less
(Isn’t that outfit the real reason he was banned from baseball?)

Congratulations to girlnextfloor! Really, well done. And really, teach my wife to get that into baseball!
As for the offered choices, I was ecstatic to see that the winner was BRRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSS!!!! Seriously you people are a joy to me. And a terror. But mostly a joy.

Meta, baby!

Which brings us to this weeks poll.
As mentioned at the top of the post, I was a little busy this week. And this weeks Foolishness didn’t get started til the last possible moment. So no, I had no fully formed thoughts for the poll. Only half baked ones (don’t say it.).
So, to be a little meta, this week is a poll about the polls!!! (If this doesn’t get me on Nightline, nothing will.)
Here’s a chance to chime in, folks. Don’t hold back, and save us all from this embarrassment again!
As always, you can vote as often as you like, as long as it’s by 2359 next Thursday.
And if you add some way to identify you to your “Other” answer, I’ll link back to you on next weeks answer roundup.
And without further adieu…

And to keep you distracted until I think up another poll, enjoy these.
Dick Clark receiving a Lifetime Acheivement Award

And another Levon Helm video, followed by a Conan O’Brien interview.

They will both be missed. And I’ll miss you, until the next time we meet! 😉
Have a great week, y’all!

108 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Meta Edition

  1. whiteladyinthehood

    Our local newscaster said this a.m. , “Hey folks – it’s Friday, whatcha gonna do?” I thought hhmmm… – I’m going to go read the Foolishness!! You’re the best, Guapo.


  2. Tough week in the music world. Greg Ham died as well. As for hockey in April, it snowed here last week, Pretty normal. At least I know it’s Friday today, thanks for fixing my calendar


    • I’m hoping Greg Ham will be the last for a while. Aren’t these things supposed to happen in sets of 3?
      And you’re welcome John. But I’m pretty sure it will be a temporary fix… 😉


  3. Hi,
    Oh Wow, a lot of clever answers from last weeks poll. 🙂
    I voted BRRAAAAIIIINNNNNSSS!!!! again this week.
    Loved the videos, and enjoy your weekend. 🙂


  4. Most pathetic tv show (i.e doomsday preppers, swamp people)
    Happy Friday!!


  5. Thank You, oh sweet baby Jesus, that there are no pictures of Pete Rose in this post!

    LOVE the song today! Sa-Weet!


  6. Lots of people dying in the music industry lately… very sad.
    I didn’t think Dick Clark would ever die – he was always so eternally youthful.
    I like Sandy’s answer — 4 more months until football!


  7. Woohoo for Friday Foolishness and another week closer to the end of Baseball season! Really clever answers from last week. Enjoy your weekend 🙂


  8. Clarification: I fall asleep late in the game when listening on the radio while in bed.

    Hooray for Pete being in the post because MLB continues to punish Cincinnati fans.

    Ernie Harwell says great things about baseball.

    Enjoy your weekend!


  9. Love the stripper poll.


  10. Thanks for the nod, guap, I am honored! I won’t be selling your family jewels on eBay after all. I should be sending you mine but I’ve already bought the laptop…
    Great post but what is this baseball? Is it a testicle of a lowly scoundrel from days gone by? Give me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks…


  11. BIG FUN I really enjoyed the last video great drum playing! I also enjoyed the interview. Have GREAT FUN this weekend. :+)


  12. I held my breath the who way through this..kinda reading it from a side angle with a squint so I could quickly turn away if need be. I HAD BAD DREAMS!!!!! thanks for not using it 🙂


  13. Friday Foolishness is now firmly implanted into my DNA and I am physically unable to start any weekend now without the Master of Guapomonies ushering me in with his sparkling wit and clever retorts. Plus I also seem to have contracted some kind language disorder wherein I refer to the person I am addressing in third person. A side effect, perhaps, of Friday Foolishness?


  14. My apologies for remissing on my commenting and stamping my blog gravatar thingy up there to say “like”…I’m actually WORKING today. I know. I’m shocked too. Happy Friday! 🙂 Oh! and thanks muchly for the pingbacks!


  15. You mean baseball ISN’T all year long. Perhaps my husband is hiding something. Women’s basketball for example.


  16. EG, well…i’m now 0 for forever in the FF poll. so the least i can do is offer a little baseball lore. Willie Mays glove was dubbed by one wag as “The place where triples go to die” poetic i say. continue…


  17. One of my favorite songs is “The Weight” by The Band. So sad that Levon Helm is gone. He had such a distinctive voice.


    • He definitely did, Lafemmeroar. On the other hand, with all the coverage his death will get, hopefully a new generation will be turned on to his music.




  19. This is a tough one…what should the next poll be about?! Definitely sad about Dick Clark. 😦


  20. About the hockey – it’s a vestige of dating a guy from Canada for a while. Good memories, eh. Also the overlapping of sports seasons can drive me nuts. I like to complete one thing before moving on to the next. In my case though, my boys didn’t make it to the Cup race – so I guess it is Baseball season!
    Oh and RedWings SUCK!


  21. I’m guessing you know which comment was left by me in last week’s poll, but maybe I’m not as transparent as I think I am.

    Signed, Mrs. Cellophane


    • It occurred to me, but I’m so off the last couple of days (see my comments on your 100 word song post, I didn’t want to risk it, ODNT!
      Hopefully the brain will snap back into place soon…
      (no promises though…)


  22. I love baseball. It’s kind of like chess, but with people who run. Also, I love the fact I can get up and go get a beer and often not miss a thing. And the games they play between innings are corny-great. Way to feature an American pastime. What’s next? Apple pie or hot dogs?


    • Chess is a perfect analogy, Barb! There is so much more going on than just the the pitcher/batter/catcher relationship.
      They really need better people in the booth to explain what’s happening on the rest of the field.


  23. Poll Daddy is such heaps of FUN!


  24. OK, I am here to tell you baseball is not all it is cracked up to be. I was married to a pitcher. And to make matters worse, he was a Mets fan on top of it. No, I am not a Yankee fan. Do you remember where I live? What are the chances he was watching Mets on the boob tube? Right. Honking zero.

    So, computers in the house tuned to and ESPN and the Baseball Channel…OMG, what a waste of air time…until the 0300 reruns. Ugh. Watching grass grow. 162 times a year…and then there are the playoff and how many games out you are and 8,246 stats which no one remembers next year.

    Did I happen to mention I have more than 10,000 baseball cards, over 25 autographed baseballs, autographed jerseys, pictures, hats, programs, porcelain cards, plaques, more assorted gradu from 1962 & ’69, and so on and so forth? I own more things with Nolan Ryan’s signature than I have checks in my checkbook (and that is not a poor joke). You know the guy with the world’s largest Mets collection? He has bought stuff from me.

    I am going to the beach. I prefer the ocean to the ball field.


    • Yeah, maybe he took it a bit too seriously, Red. But don’t let one guy ruin it all for you! There’s still a lot to be said for a perfect day spent at a cathedral of baseball.
      (Said by someone who definitely prefers the beach.)


  25. saw a short tribute to dick clark on e, what a great man.


    • He really was, Goradde.
      Wounds like you’d never heard of him before. From where I live, that’s amazing – he’s been an institution in the US for a long long time…


  26. I do so feel that Ophelia. But I grow melancholic on this rainy Sunday afternoon at the thought that NYE is gonna feel just a little bit lonely without Dick Clark ringing it in.


    • I’m with you Cayman. Sadly, there was more and more mockery of Dick since his stroke. I would be happier with a nice memorial to him, and maybe his picture on the set in future NYE broadcasts…


  27. Nobody should take dating advice from me, and by nobody I mean ALL OF YOU SHOULD.

    Thanks for the mention, Your Guapness (copyright pending)



  28. Now THAT was a speech! Short and insightful 🙂


  29. I’m not a baseball disdainer, really. It’s just that, well, if you spent a summer in Louisiana, you’d understand why we look forward to autumn. Not sure what this has to do with preferring football, but let’s just go with summer vs. fall proclivities, shall we? You’re far too clever, though. I know you will have something in response that will floor me. Go on, say it… 😀


  30. How come I missed the earlier polls? Where have I been?
    (Oh wait – I’ve been at another planet. Right. PLANET F*CK*NG HOMEWORK).
    I can’t wait till I can spam these voting things!


  31. Wow, there’s a lot of comments here. It took me like, 10 min to scroll to the end! Anyway, I voted for Haiku format for this week’s poll. I think this is where I’m supposed to claim my entry…


  32. So I wonder how many will choose the Stripper Poll, or is that a Stripper Pole? Perhaps the latter will make for some very interesting reading? 🙂 Well I had to take the lift all the way down here El Guapo so next time I call it had better be sooner rather than later don’t you think? 🙂

    Sometime before the next Millenium i might have caught up on everyone, I might even have added a few comments in your Space too but hey I will just have to call in more often, after all there must be tons of ghoulish entries here, and with such a fan base I should be able to chip in with a few extra snippets as I venture deeper, okay until the next time then El Guapo 🙂

    Be good, be very good…



    • You are always welcome anytime you like Androgoth, and a pleasure to see you here! I feel your pain on the catching up (and no,it’s not the good kind of pain ;))
      The stripper poll is doing quite well – seems like the some of the commenters were just..waiting for the opportunity.
      Hope you have a great day!


      • Thank you my friend, and I will try catching
        up a little soon, maybe even get my comments
        ready for the stripper poll should it be the
        winning topic 🙂 lol

        Have a great day and
        evening El Guapo 🙂 🙂



  33. Wish we were into baseball here – I can totally see myself going to a game wearing one of those cute hats. Instead everyone’s into AFL, bogan central.


  34. free penny press

    Damn..I’m late for the party.. I honestly thought I was already following you and figured “He’s not posting anything”.. Well that snafu has been corrected and now I’m walking in EG’s footsteps..
    BTW I voted “stripper pole” just to see what you drag out of your bag 🙂


  35. Hey handsome. Be sure to follow tomorrow’s posts top to bottom. Part 4 comes first, and then it’s a scroll down to Part 5. Read them in order my man.
    And thank you for your freshness, and the music. Coolness, squared.


  36. Pingback: I Just Realized, I’m ONE YEAR OLD « Is It Possible To See It All

  37. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Philosophical Edition | Guapola

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