Trifextra – The Great Garbanzo Bean Incident

Today’s Music: Atlas Genius – Trojans

In yesterday’s post, I made reference to my refusal to do group hugs after The Great Garbanzo Bean Incident, saying I would speak no more of it.
Well, a clamor went up. Ok, it wasn’t a clamor, more like a cry. Ok, it wasn’t a cry either.
But one person did reference it in their comment on that post.
How can I refuse such an overwhelming plea for the story?

And then the admirably bent folk at Trifecta provided the final impetus with this weeks challenge, to provide (in 33 words) the opening sentence of your novel.

So, without further ado, I present the first sentence from my nonthcoming novel “The Great Garbanzo Bean Incident”

Oh the condimentanity!

For what would be the last time ever, we all joined in a group hug, filled with tears and pain, horror and screams, and hummus – and the husks of the beaten garbanzo beans.

67 responses to “Trifextra – The Great Garbanzo Bean Incident

  1. You crack me up. I’ll remember to bring the hummus to NY.


  2. Your nonthcoming novel, huh? That said, if it is every forthcoming, let me know. I love stories about food! And also food in general, which would explain my jeans keep shrinking… 🙂


  3. Group hug! ahhhhhhh – a horror novel!


  4. That sounds like comedy gold and sheer horror at the same time. Genius!


  5. So glad there was a word limit.


  6. We can’t forget the beans! This was brilliant.


  7. I forgot what the question was………………..


  8. A gripping life

    Group hugs are bad enough, throw some garbanzo beans in the mix and a group hug becomes traumatic. : )
    I’m just happy this wasn’t a limerick.


    • Alas, I couldn’t think of two words to rhyme well with Garbanzo, Lisa.
      But I did try! 😉


    • the most wonderful girl in the universe

      You just had to say the L-word didn’t you. Now see what you’ve done…

      We never knew of the danger they posed
      “Innocent” legumes, their evil intentions exposed
      The war was hard-fought
      Great damage was wrought
      The hummus was as bad as supposed.


  9. An enjoyable start. Especially with the backdrop


  10. The visual I got from that had me laughing immediately,,,,which I needed to do….seriously considering shutting down my blog.


  11. I vote horror story, too. *giggles*


  12. Hummus would scare me, not to mention the group hug. Great prompt!


  13. I don’t know which is worse: hummus or a group hug 🙂


  14. Youv’e got me curious, since it’s the last group hug, have they come to their senses and sworn off, or is it something more ominous?


  15. I would definitely read this one. Neat first line.


  16. whiteladyinthehood

    It is an interesting first line that pulls you in and leaves you wanting more…(I have never tried hummus or garbanzo beans – I take it I’m not missing anything good)


  17. tease.. ya know writing is what gets stuff out of my headf once I have written it.. I no longer remember it so much.. I mean well I remember it but if it was something that bothered me .. a lot. like um lemme think a group hu\g or something with beans… writing it would help .. ya knw what i mean? WRITE IT! .. ok see I was impatient and now i am fine..
    I may have to try this one this week.. and be vague and nonforthcoming… but I wrote dowm all the names to my book ideas and forgot where I put them.,.. HEY you need a ghost writer and you are in luck I happen to provide that service and will give you a super discount – free.. just go ahead ,.,tell me the whole story 😉


  18. Too funny. Love the title, too!


  19. Perfect combination – group hugs with garlic breath!


  20. This has all the makings of a killer cult classic, an Attack of the Killer Tomatoes for the new generation. Thanks for the laugh. Be sure to come on back tomorrow for the weekly challenge,


    • Attack of the Killer Tomatoes is actually from the memoirs of a fellow survivor. Some of the details were changed, but still…
      Can’t wait to see what you come up with next week!


  21. Oh, seriously! After it is written, it could be animated, released and become viral both ways! I’m afraid they have yet to find a cure for either of those viruses, so the responsibility for all of that infection would rest squarely upon your shoulders, and upon all of ours who encouraged you. We could start a support group, sell t-shirts. So many possibilies. Just write it!
    Want a bite of this apple? It’s so shiny, sweet, and juicy! Hehehe!


  22. I must admit that my favorite part is your picture caption!


  23. I used to believe
    that there was no bad hummus.
    Then you proved me wrong.


  24. Ummm….yeah. I liked TMWGITU’s poem…she should guest post…just a suggestion….okay, I’m off to drink a plethora of wine by a fire with the girlies. AND, no there will be no group hugs nor garbanzo beans. Just in case you were wondering… 🙂


  25. Definitely a fun piece that makes me want to read more.
    New to Trifecta, and your site. New follower as well.


  26. This is ripe for a Quinton Tarantino movie.


  27. You are so freakin’ funny. I don’t even need the garbanzo story, the title of this post is enough. And the opening paragraph. So great to usher in a new week with laughter and visions of slippery bean paste. 🙂


  28. I’m pretty sure “nonthcoming novel” is the best thing I’ve read all day.


  29. LOL!! And I’ve always found Hummus to be the most affectionate of the dips! 😀


  30. I’d meant to ask about the Garbanzo Incident yesterday, but was so flustered by my Hanson gaffe (my Mmm-Flop, if you will) that I just dashed out.


  31. I never did care much for humus now I will fear it as well. Although the photo you found looks friendly enough.


  32. Oh, it looks so delicious! I’m starving now.


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