Daily Archives: 3 July, 2012

A Literary Limerick – Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Today’s Music: John Fogerty – Fortunate Son
Note On Today’s Music: Great tune, great performance. The end of the video is just an awful lot of clapping though (about a minute).

We’re nearing the end!!! (Yeah yeah,keep your cheers down. Sheesh.)
July 31st is Harry Potter’s birthday, so I thought that would make a fitting day to finish this Limer-ep-ick

For those who haven’t been keeping up, I applaud your restraint and good judgement. For those of you who have been following this from the beginning, this limerick marks the retelling of the sixth book of the Harry Potter series.

Oh, the woe! The angst! The humanity!
Harry, nearing the end of his educational career, is thrust into a more responsible role as a fighter against he who has no nose.
If you’ve read the books, this will make no sense to you at all.
If you haven’t read the books, this will make no sense to you at all.

If you haven’t read the limericks, go to the Limerick tab above the banner. At your own risk.

And now…

Book Six

Sirius had gone through the veil.
In Dark Arts, Snape threatened Harry with “Fail”
But Harry did more
Hangin’ with Dumbledore.

If only he’d built the balcony a rail…

Only two more to go!