Justin Guarini Has Nuthin On Me!

Today’s Music: Billy Idol -Rebel Yell

I’ve competed in Trifecta. I’ve jumped off bridges. I’ve even danced naked in bars!
But I’ve never undertaken a real challenge.
Until now.

Yes, I’ve thrown my hat in the ring for Blogger Idol!

“But why, Guap? Why would you do that?” come the cries from the furthest corners of the blogosphere.
Two reasons:
1 – It sounds like it could be a lot of fun!
2 – Ginger Snaap twitter-shamed me into it.

Now I know many of you voted ofr Edward Hotspur, and I understand. I’ll probably vote for him too.
But there are 12 slots available for the competition.
So go in and vote one for the Guapper. I don’t know where I’ll be then. But I’ll know about it, and I’ll be happy.

Oh wait – I’ll be checking their comments. but yeah, I’ll be happy!
(Thanks for the full quote, Lisa.)

And while you’re voting, stick around and enter yourself too. There are great prizes, ranging from a Samsung Galaxy to kiddie Boogie Wipes!
You can also find their twitter and facebook links there too.

It could be fun. Y’all already have my vote as the coolest bloggers anyway!

71 responses to “Justin Guarini Has Nuthin On Me!

  1. You have my vote (under protest for your cruel dig at Justin G; whom I think you rightfully see as a rival for your claim to the magnificentest hair).

    I have performed Rebel Yell in front of a vast audience of 200 people. I’ve also consumed Rebel Yell (the whiskey) with smaller groups.


  2. Ok Awesome!!! SO totally in the GuapIdol Cheering section ! My Mom has this monstosity of a horn she uses for sporting events – I am going to borrow it and make a lot of noise for ya! Go Guap woohooo… I will even set up an alarm so I vote every week (for sure instead of relying on the old noggin – see that? dedication right there man )- to your success – you can so totally DO this!! YES.. .. GOOD LUCK!!! 🙂


  3. Oh no – Edward’s blog popped up before yours did & I promised to vote for him (although he didn’t provide a link like you did). I could vote for you both this week maybe?


    • I don’t think they’d mind, Benze.
      thanks so much, and in the end, this should all just be fun – otherwise there’s no point.
      (But I think I can take Hotspur.)


  4. I will go and check it out and of course Vote! I will sing Rebel yell as I am voting because that’s the multitasker that I am.
    Dancing nakid in a bar did you get away with that or were you taken away? Just wondering.
    Good Luck on the Blogger Idol :+)


  5. Voted for you! Mostly because you’re humoring my obsession with Gangnam Style 😉


  6. free penny press

    You got my vote!!!


  7. You can definitely have my vote. if I can work out how to give it to you!


  8. Mwa ha ha haaaaaaa!
    I can’t believe people actually listen to me!

    Now, if both you and Mr. Hotpipes get in, I will be voting for both of you! How could I possibly choose between you two? Unless one of you offers me a bribe for my vote- I’m totally cool with that.


  9. El Guapo,
    Le Clown endorsed you.
    Le Clown


  10. First of all, I got stuck a little on the “danced naked in bars” part, but I’m sure that’s for another post.

    Second of all, good luck


  11. whiteladyinthehood

    You have my vote, too – Guapo!


  12. Already sang out for yon on their site and you totally have my vote as many times as I am allowed to give it! Hell, I find other peeps to rock the vote for Guap, too. The Betties will be on board for sure! El Guapo for President! Oh, I mean Blogger Idol!!!
    Go get ’em, Guap!


  13. Glad you got that the right way around El Guapo
    otherwise you would have been dangling upside
    down in the niff…

    Of course you would still have been popular I shouldn’t
    wonder but hey good luck with this one, I hope that you
    win the Blogger Idol of 2012



  14. Our little group should take over the world, or something.


  15. First rule of Blogger Idol is that we don’t freaking TALK about Blogger Idol!!!! Wait, wrong organization…


  16. A gripping life

    The Guapper!!! How perfect is that? Of course you have my vote, no question.


  17. I’m not sure if our votes count for anything, but will try… And good luck!!


  18. Sounds like a blast especially those boogie wipes! Good luck! Off to vote…


  19. Trying to get back in the swing, but you got my vote!


  20. Wow, this is the first time I’ll be voting for someone without having to get paid to do so. I kinda like the feeling…it’s kitschy.
    Did I just say kitschy? Best of luck, Tonto.


  21. Voted for you! Only cause you said I was cool. Flattery will get you everywhere.


  22. Hello . . . can . . . anybody . . . hear . . . me . . . Help!! – blogger trapped in furthest corner of blogosphere

    All I can say is I will definitely win one or vote one for the Guapper and tell Ginger thank you for resorting to Twitter shame! I knew Ginger was cool!


  23. Off topic … but for my party on Saturday, you are in charge of the music entertainment.


  24. You got my vote!


  25. I don’t think I informed you the last time I nominated you for One Lovely Blog. So I’m just letting you know now, so that you can broker your time between Idol auditions and this. Okay handsome?


  26. Glad I wasn’t the only one jumping on the bandwagon! Good luck!


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