Friday Foolishness – Pastry Edition

Today’s Music: Sex Pistols – God Save The Queen

Well, the seasons have started to change. New York City is still warm, but the humidity is way down.
But things are still hot in the sphere. there was some great stuff this week.
Carrie said very bad things about Raiders of the Lost Ark.
This isn’t last week, but tomorrow, Frank from A Frank Angle is putting up his One Thousandth post! And he’s throwing a party. If you have a few minutes, stop by and enjoy a Shiner Bock. Before Alex drinks them all.
And finally, Cayman Thorn bestowed upon me a One Lovely Blog Award. I don’t know about that, but good lord, if you haven’t already, CHECK HIM OUT! Class act, with a wicked sense of humor, and I love getting a new post email from him!

Wow, those are all great blogs!” you’re saying. “But what about last week?”
Last week we talked about the state of education, and What we should teach instead.
And boy, do you guys know how to corrupt train young minds!
Here’s what you said. (As always, my answers make the grade in italics.)

Something causing students not to ask “Why do I have to learn this?” (Frank)
(I think a muzzle would be more useful than a class.)
useful things. Like, useful. Like, no nonsense. Please! NBI
(Perhaps a class on specificity?)
The difference between “lose” and “loose” – Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
(Can’t teach that. It’s a major source of revenue for the Grammar Police.)
teach kids to pull up their damn pants (SnB)
(Or a class on how to buy clothes that fit.)
The air speed velocity of an unladen swallow and how to tell the diff between the African and European Varieties.. Lizzie C
(I have an excellent video for that class.)
Reading, Riting & Rithmetic by Benzeknees.
(And spelling…)
Sexual intercourse and drugmaking 101 – GingerSnaap
(Is the teacher from Breaking Bad available?)
How to interact with real people. In person. Outside. ~flame
(Would this be an online course?)
summer vacation Lindav
(Oh, kids study for that all semester long.)
how to grow money on trees
tolerance towards cows… zannyro
(That’s udderly ridiculous.)
the Flying Spaghetti Monster along with evolution and creationism. – calahan
(Throw in the Invisible Pink Unicorn too! (Google it))
how to prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse!! (words&otherthings)
(As a matter of fact, the Center for Disease Control is one step ahead of you. )
And that YOLO is not something to base decisions off of. (words&otherthings)
(What do you have against Yoohoo- oh, sorry. Read that wrong.)
How to defend themselves from a Zombie Apocalypse-Kbar3
(There’s an app for that.)
How to find a job Stay Abnormal
(These days, that’s more of an infomercial than a class…)
Monkeys to dance. Dancing monkeys are the coolest.
(If they can type Hamlet, surely they can dance.)
Haikus and Limericks for the deeply disturbed. Grippy
(Sadly I think that’s something you’re just born with. Sigh…)
preachers keep on preachin, lovers keep on lovin, till I get to higher ground. –BT
(It’s extra credit if they get the bass line right.)
The proper way to mix momma a martini. KJ
(We teach that in Pre-K)
Gadget History: turntables, wall phones, cassettes, remoteless TVs (Kanerva)
(Tried that. Had to update the syllabus every two weeks for the newly obsolete….)

Congratulations to the anonymous devil with this week’s winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was To not name their kids anything even remotely like “Honey Boo Boo” or “Snooki”.
Sad that something like that actually needs to be taught…

Which brings us to this week. So last night on my way home, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts. Because I love Donuts.
Don’t judge.
Anyway, there on a sad looking tray were vanilla frosted donuts with green icing stripes on top. Yes. An NY Jets themed donut.
What a waste of pastry. (Get over it. We already know they’re going to lose.)
And it made me wonder – what would be a good theme for a donut? And that’s this weeks poll.
So dunk your answers in once. Or twice. Or more. but dunk them by 2359 EST on 20 September, because that’s when this one closes.

And in parting, I leave you with this video.
I saw this on The Waiting blog, and it was too…odd not to post here. Whtaever it is, it involves checking your watch while pretending to ride a horse, apparently.
Ginger, play it to the end for more from the man in yellow!

Have a great week, everyone, and see you out there, Gangnam Style!

87 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Pastry Edition

  1. I can’t believe I missed this one. Sigh. How about if we teach common sense… history … civics … grammar. Ok, it’s just as well I missed it.


  2. Duuuude- I wonder who is posing as me, because that wasn’t my answer.

    Silly people, tricks are for kids.


  3. Ummm….thanks. Now I’ll be dancing down the halls of work singing that song. Should prove to be an interesting day!


  4. Can’t believe this is the first time I watched the Gangnam video. Wonder if Gangnam will show up at the party tomorrow? BTW – I have the one (posted today) of Mitt Romney doing the dance. 🙂

    Thanks for the party plug … and hope your flock visits … after all, you’re the DJ! BTW – love the education answers!


  5. Glad I could learn the latest dance craze. Navar had a good laugh as I danced my way into the living room. I’ll be at Franks party tomorrow maybe I will bust out my new moves. Glad you will be the DJ (good choice Frank.)


  6. You probably already know what I voted for… Besides, if you name your kid Honey Boo right out of the gate, what will you ever find for a nickname?

    Note to Self: Listen to more British rock songs from the seventies!


  7. I love Krispy Kreme glazed donuts. Fortunately, there is not a Krispy Kreme donut place for many miles or I would be quite large.

    Perhaps, it was not a Jets themed donut on that tray but a leftover St. Paddy’s Day donut. Food for thought. And perfect food for morning thoughts.


  8. Great mashupGuapola!I will check the ones I missed.
    Go donuts!


  9. whiteladyinthehood

    Woohoo – it’s Friday! Some of my little ones asked me: “How old are you, Miss Whitelady?”
    I said, “I will let you guess and I will give a special treat to anyone who keeps the number UNDER forty!”
    Smartest seven year old raised his hand and said, “87?”
    hhmmm…I think we need to work on math skills and getting my gray covered.


    • EGAD! I wouldn’t have been able to continue the session, whitelady. Either my head would have been in my hands, or I’d have been laughing too hard!

      Definitely stress the math skills to them. And etiquette too.


  10. Why was that man in the elevator humping his head? And I’m totally bringing that dance move to all of the clubs in Atlantic City.


  11. In continuation with my obsession with all things Korea, I submit this donut for your approval: the kimchi donut. It’s real. Oh yes. When we lived in Korea, Dunkin came out with a series of “donuts of the world.” There were lentil-filled donuts from (I think) Morocco, feta-filled donuts of Greece, and kimchi-stuffed donuts of Korea. And no, I never tried them. I love kimchi and I love donuts, but separately.


    • While I’m an adventurous eater, I think a few of those really would have been hard to bring myself to try, Waiting.
      The kimchi just sounds bizarre.
      but I’d probably try that one…


  12. I used to slam dance to God save the Queen in college. Lots of bruises. Fun though. Now if I did that the result would be a hip replacement.


  13. First of all I think the Sex Pistols should change their names to the Sex Shot guns. I have never listened to them or seen them. So I played the video and had to smile at the fresh faced boy singer who is trying to look crazy and menacing. Give me a break, I’m way scarier than he is and I’m a grandma!

    Yay now I have a new favorite Gangnam Style Band! I absolutely loved this video on every level and then sum (dim sum?)!!

    And I’m sorry, Guap, but I have to judge you about the donuts . . .You Rock!


  14. free penny press

    Since I am a die-hard Dallas Cowboy (I do believe they just beat a certain NY team last week) fan so a “Star” donut for sure!!!
    happy weekend to you!!! 🙂


  15. A TARDIS donut might be the greatest idea ever, Guap. But a Jets-themed donut is indeed sad. You just know that won’t end well.


  16. Thanks for the nod to Her Horniness, The IPU! So glad I could be a part of things.


  17. Great finds, as usual. I enjoyed the filthy lies about Henry “Indiana” Jones.
    Another great musical selection. The Sex Pistols are intriguing in that they were sort of a manufactured group (not unlike an uglier New Kids), but their influence on popular music (in that they helped popularize the punk movement which, four decades later (that sounded crazy to me too, but I counted) is now pretty mainstream.

    I’ve been hearing about that Gaddamn Gandam all day, but didn’t know what it was. I still don’t, really.

    I’m not a huge fan of doughnuts, which is a damn good thing. I’m a big guy (that’s what they call us in America; in Europe I’d be called a big fat tub of guts),(6’4/230) and have to be careful about what I eat, and to make sure that I get some regular exercise. I kid you not–it would take minimal effort or time for me to balloon to 300 pounds. I have kids; I can’t have that.

    Every great now and then, I do get the doughnut jones, and I’ll sometimes indulge it. When I do it’s glazed or chocolate. I can deal with maple bars, but nothing with filling. Ick.


    • I think the influence of the Sex Pistols outweighs their origins, Smak. I have yet to hear a single band cite NKOTB or N Sync as an influence to be copied.
      Gangam is all about checking your watch while on horseback, I think.


  18. How about a Slime and Ferret Humpa-Humpa Doughnut, of course it can only be eaten on Wednesdays and shamefully between 07:00 and 09:00 but what a feast, just watch out for that freakin’ Ferret 😦

    Have a great weekend El Guapo 🙂



    • Going to have to rework my schedule so I’m asleep from 7 – 9 on wednesedays, Androgoth.
      Or maybe I could just leave it for the ferret?


      • A good idea, but what a treat you are missing
        as they are always served by a buxom wench
        with the hots for any man that can eat two in a
        row… I doubt if the Ferret would want it unless
        it was a cannibal 🙂

        Be Wicked El Guapo…



  19. Humidity in my room drop from 70 to 50 in a day. Dry and cool weather is coming to my way too…


  20. Okay, Guapo – it’s game on! Return fire is here:


  21. Thanks for the link to Cayman Thorn’s blog. Love it!


  22. Handsome- Thanks big time on the mention. I don’t know if they have a Coolest Blog award, but if so, you’re winning it, hands down. And the Sex Pistols? Now I’m gonna go playlist searching.


  23. Hmmm, kind of got carried away. To many possible donuts. The Simpsons was mine to


  24. Just calling in, there is
    a Ferret on the loose 🙂 lol



    • My snake and mongoose are more than a match for that ferret, Androgoth.
      Unless they start in on each other again…

      Hope you are having a great day!


      • Yes but this Ferret is of the Gnasher Clan
        so not as easy to catch, oh yes and watch
        out for the fangs, they are sharper than a
        Rhino’s fart 🙂 lol

        Have fun tonight El Guapo 🙂



  25. Jets donuts? Or leftover St Pat’s Day frosting being used?


  26. My daughter sent me that video last week. I watched the whole thing in confusion, horror and bewilderment. She thought it was funny. I don’t get it and I will NOT watch it again, not even for you, Guap, sorry. I have no wonderful answer for the donut question. I like them plain. Cake or preferably glazed. Sorry to disappoint.


  27. They were playing Gangnam style in the mall today..In the Danish countryside:)


  28. Oh, here you are! Weird, I didn’t receive an email notice of this one. Man. oh well, still got here in time to see that extra disturbing video (starting with the massive crotch shot of a guy in pink shorts… eeesh, I will never look at that pink bubble gum ice cream the same again…) Now, for the survey…


  29. I voted for the Doctor Who donut. Who wouldn’t want a donut that was bigger on the inside?


  30. We have a donut shop here that stays open all night and puts fried bacon on top of maple bars. YUM. Eat you heart out.


    • I’ve been to Voodoo donuts and had a spectacular donut with bacon strips on top.
      That has to count for something, Barb. I mean besides the elevated blood pressure…


  31. Sex Pistols and donuts. I think I’m in love. But why go with one donut when there is a baker’s dozen waiting to be had? So make mine an assortment please.

    PS- yes, the Clown sent me. He said you were good people. But shhhhh, don’t tell him I told you.


  32. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – From Here To There Edition | Guapola

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