Trifextra – Three Thirds Of Cheesey (In Thirty Three Words)

Today’s Music: Billy Idol – Cradle of Love Live
Note on Today’s Music: Check the lyrics at 1:58. Yeah, describes the post perfectly.

Today marks the first day of Autumn, my least favorite season. Not that there aren’t things to do in the fall. but the cooling of the weather and the turning of the leaves always makes me a bit melancholy.

So to perk myself up, why not totally misinterpret another Trifecta challenge?

Actually, it’s a great challenge, and I hope you all check it out and enter your own responses. But shoot for the top – I’ve pretty sure mine already wins the race to the bottom.
(And by the way,thanks to the magic of twitter, this is HER fault. Follow that link for a great example of how these shouldbe done!)

Here’s the challenge:
Describe something that is three different things at the same time. – Trifextra

The possibilities are endless!

Here’s my entry. Apologies in advance.

I empty the package, split it in thirds.
Children use a third for interpretive wall art.
One third crushed, mixed with water. It makes a perfect spackle.
I eat one third.
Mmmm. Cheetos…

And I hope you have a great weekend!

99 responses to “Trifextra – Three Thirds Of Cheesey (In Thirty Three Words)

  1. And I hope you have a great weekend too!


  2. That’s very sweet of you! Take your time, you will need it 🙂


  3. …and what a beautiful spackle that would be.

    Nice job on picking something totally original and making it work.
    Have a great Cheetos eating weekend!


  4. I love autumn for exactly why you don’t. I live in Texas where August is not called August. It is called the pits of hell. Our leaves don’t change until the winter but the colors are so beautiful. Cheetos…very cheesy.


  5. Dear lord, how cold is it all of sudden… A few days ago, at 9 am, 9°C!! It was even summer back then. Officially at least. Every day in winter is cold, but not every day in summer is warm. Fair trade should so something about that too!


  6. They can also sub for carrots. I mean they are orange and crunchy. Hmm now if only there were a third thing.


  7. I shall have to tell the Cap’n that he can make his own spackle instead of spending all of his money on the stuff from Home Depot.


  8. That’s funny; I love the fall for all of the reasons you don’t like it. lol It must be because I live in Texas and anytime the temperature dips below 90 is just so darn exciting. Plus, for whatever reason, rather than feeling melancholy, fall always makes me feel a sense of renewal. Like everything is getting ready to start over. I don’t know. I’m weird.


  9. Hahahaha! Brilliant! I have to admit, I wasn’t sure you’d be able to do it. I should have known. 🙂


  10. Two very novel uses for this tasty morsel (the third use being somewhat traditional). Linda’s Mr. Pumkineater could use the spackle since the color of his house matches! Nice one.


  11. Tee hee, I love it! Who doesn’t love Cheetos? And orange spackle? 🙂
    I feel the same way about autumn, although the scenery is quite spectacular. But that’s about the only good thing this season. Thanks for letting us twist your arm. Now the retweet is in order.


    • Yeah, if you get to see them, the fall colors are spectacular, Sandra.
      And thanks for the nudge – imagine if this was allowed to fester in my brain without being shared!


  12. I’m with you on the fall thing. It’s like the start of waiting for summer.


  13. Guap, this is so funny. Someone else posted on Trifecta – won this week’s challenge – about a woman who was eating tortilla chips and how they were falling down her cleavage, ha ha ha. Doritos make me smile. Three in one, indeed! A hoot. Thanks, Amy

    Singer, Poet, Activist


  14. This made me laugh, because several years ago, when my oldest was a toddler, I broke down and let him have some cheetos (horrible mother thing to do, I know). Little did I know I’d find orange handprints on the wall afterwards. 🙂

    But I love autumn. The smell. The feel. It’s just the winter I could do without…


  15. You spackle your walls with Cheetos?! It’s like you’re Willy Wonka.


  16. Sorry, I love fall. I love more temperate weather & the beautiful colors of fall. I just don’t like the yellow jackets that come with it! But then I am a winter baby, so I like the prettiness of freshly fallen snow too! Mental right?


  17. Oh, so well done, Sir! Art, home improvement aid, and food all in one. Perfection! Love the musical accompaniment, too!
    This Betty does love her Cheetos. Now I’m kicking myself for not stopping at the store to pick some up after rehearsal.
    Thanks for playing.
    I’m on the re-tweet now. And you have given me an idea for my own entry. We’ll see if I can make it work.


  18. Cheetos are 1) the most perfect food in the whole world
    2) something to put on an alter and worship before eating
    3) the inspiration for superb literary works and brilliance in
    both art and music


  19. Like a lot of others here, Fall is actually my favorite season. It’s when kids go back to school, it has the best and most colorful scenery, it has all the holiday season except the last ten days, it has early twilight… I like it. It seems more romantic, too.

    But we agree on the Cheetos.


  20. I have to say. I do not like cheetos. My 16 year old however could eat a whole bag in 10 minutes.


  21. Mmmmm. Cheetos…. Haven’t had ’em in years, but now I want some. Trade you some cake for some cheetos, deal?

    Billy Idol singing “It’s cheesy…” Priceless. (Love the live version!)


    • Deal, RoS!
      Saw Billy live a few days before this was recorded. When he did this song with those lyrics, he had a big grin on his face. Looked like he was having a blast.


  22. It sounds like this would be breaking the rules….but I’d have to lick the package….


  23. The once was a food called Cheetos … ok … I’m not going there. Well done!

    Off topic – here’s the burger menu when you come to Cincinnati.


  24. Ewwww. Not the quick fried kind. Yuck. The baked ones? Oh, I could eat a stanza of them.


  25. Oh yeah, that interpretive wall art! Thank god mine are past the creative-with-cheezels stage.


  26. I LOVED THIS. Cheetos: art, spackle, food. Not necessarily in that order.


  27. I am a life long devotee of Cheetos. From the time I was a kid to the time when I had my own. Not only are they crunchy goodness, but their bright orange residue always leads you to the culprit who finished the bag….


  28. whiteladyinthehood

    mmmm…Cheetos….(I accidentally bought some of the ‘flaming hot’ ones the other day – Whew! Not sure what Chester Cheetah thought he was doing with that..those suckers were too hot!!)
    I can see why you don’t care much for Fall, you are such a summer adventure guy! I love Fall, because like everyone else from the south, it signals the oppressive heat/humidity is finally over. Last night, it was in the low 60’s here and I had a bon-fire in the pit out back, a steak on the grill, the football game on the radio…cold beer in hand! It was awesome! (I’m going to take you fishing one day – it’s a perfect Fall adventure).


    • Honestly,from the comments I’ve gotten, I may have to rethink my stance on fall, whitelady.
      And if I find myself in your part of the world, I would love to take you up on that!


  29. Same as Rebecca 2000’s comment. In Phoenix it is hotter than HELL in AUGUST!!! Great blog as usual…


  30. I need to get here a lot earlier El Guapo 🙂
    Have a great start to your week and if it is
    any consolation, it is absolutely belting it
    down here in the UK, well it is in my town 😦



  31. Cheetos spackle? I love it!


  32. I love autumn. It’s my favorite season. The warming of the days makes me melancholy..Summer sucks, Spring is blah.
    Three things at once?
    Past/Present/Future –


    • Nah, spring is my favorite, Rutabaga – the sloughing of of winter, the opening of windows. I love it.


      • I welcome the cold – I reject your reality and substitute my own (yes, I ripped that right off of Adam Savage)…
        I guess b/c I live in the desert and I am not a hot weather freak. I have my father’s Canadian blood coursing thru my veins.
        And yes, I know I’m living in the wrong part of the world…

        Good thing we have four seasons to disagree about, eh?


      • So you say Spring is your favorite season? What about all the messy slush? The appearance of more potholes than road? All the sand on the edges of the road? The dirtiness of it all? Puddles everywhere & being splashed by passing cars? Are you ready to re-consider? I like being able to open the windows for the beginning of the season too, but it doesn’t make up for all the other ick!


        • But the slush melts and washes away the sand and dirt, Benze. The piles of snow go away, and the shoots of grass and buds of leaves appear.
          One day it’s freezing out, the next, there’s full on sunshine, the chirping of an early bird, and just enough warm to unzip your coat a bit.

          The next day there’s a bit more, then a bit more, and then suddenly people are out on the street, it’s warm enough to go for a walk with a lighter jacket, and the smells of flowers are back in the air.


          • Things are obviously so different there in New York Guap! Here the slush melts during the day, then freezes overnight so you are trying to walk & drive on a skating rink, then the process starts all over again the next day. The melting slush does not wash away the dirt & sand, we have special machines to wash every road which becomes another traffic hazard. The puddles hide the potholes which are just trying to ruin the suspension of your car. Then when you think you’re finally getting to the end of winter, we have a blizzard & start all over again!


  33. Last Winter One of the books I had checked out from the library had three chetto finger prints on one of the pages ewww..
    I enjoyed your trifextra as well as reading all the comments on the season change.


  34. oh, autumn is my very favorite season… maybe because it’s pretty drawn out here in NM, and our winters are never as hellish as back East. But still… so many great things happen here in the Fall. I save my melancholy for January, the Monday of the year. Ick ick ick. That’s around when I started reading last year, and you were counting down to Spring. 🙂


  35. Fuck the apology. I want a dozen roses…….oh……and whatever Cheetos are left.


  36. I was also gonna say no apology necessary for the poem, as it was funny, but then I discovered that my hands were coated with Day-Glo orange crud, and I remember why I don’t eat Cheetos.

    Until this moment, I never really thought about it, but an adult man singing about “rocking the cradle of love” is pretty creepy if you think about it. I guess that’s one way to ensure it’ll be a “White Wedding.” (That gag included to divert some shame away from the Cheetos thing).

    When I was younger, autumn used to be my favorite season, particularly when I lived somewhere that had seasons. I think what appealed to me about it was the thing which is off-putting to you, the ending of things. Where I live, autumn is often our summer (we have basically two seasons, a shortish summer and a very long not-summer). So if I have a favorite season now (again, in places where such distinctions matter), I guess it would be spring.

    You strike me as a summer guy. Am I right?


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