Friday Foolishness – Said and Done Edition

Today’s Music: Alfredo Armenteros (Chocolate) -Controlate
Note on Today’s Music: Apropos of nothing, some times you just need a little Cuban jazz to perk yourself up.

Instead of the usual highlighting of great blogs in this space, I’m going to keep it for me for a short serious moment before the foolishness: You. All. Rock.
The comments you left after my last post left me with smiles, warm fuzzies, and reinforcement in the belief that the people I’ve met online are the coolest people in the world.

And for that, and just being around, thank you! from the bottom of my heart.

But the show goes on, and these polls are such a delight for me that pushing on with them is therapy.
Last week’s poll asked What the next form of transportation should be. As always, y’all do not disappoint! Here’s what you said (My answers move along in italics.)
1981 DeLorean DMC-12. Naturally (Kanerva)
(Sure, until some crazy old scientist decides to turn it into a time machine. Seriously, who turns a Delorean into a time machine?!?)
a hearse…c’mon…it fits the theme (WG)
(Yeah,but that’s kind of a one way trip…)
Telekinesis. Afraid those w cranial concavity would call discrimination-Red
(I doubt they’d be able to understand it well enough to know they’re being discriminated against…)
The Transporter from Star Trek (SnB)
(It’s all fun and games until you’re destroyed by a plot device.)
A soul train, where we leave our bodies behind – Benzeknees
(Bring in ‘da Noise, Bring in ‘da Funk (Google it))
Sprout wings and fly!! Michelle at Motley News
(I believe Red Bull will be contacting you shortly.)
Warp Drive! Seriously – I read a thing on Yahoo about it. – Hotspur
(If it’s on the internet it must be true!)
Your back….you should really carry me around…Becca
(I’d love to, but the monkey on my back is heavy enought)
Wormholes but not the kind of holes worms go through – sandylikeabeach
(How about Pot holes? hehehe)
Fold arms and blink eyes (like Genie) (Stacy Lyn)
(I love travelling into a bottle!)
I vote for a bicycle with an easy chair for a seat. (Those tiny seats are awful!) Asplenia
(I’d rather just have the easy chair and stay in place…)
mental transport! Just thinking should be enough! NBI
(That eliminates 95% of the population.)
Otherwise something free and dry and comfy. NBI
(Travel by bed. I like it!)
Magic Carpets Stay Abnormal
(Ok, but you’ll need a flying broomstick to clean it…)
Magic Carpet. What can I say? I’m a romantic. ~flame
(So I’m guessing your carpet is “shag”.)
Pneumatic tube. Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
Elephants! We need this in the Western world! – Emily@ the Waiting
(I don’t know how to get on one, but they sure are easy to get off!)
Portals seem pretty classy – 25tofly
(The cake is a lie. (Google it.))
Piggybacking on dwarves. Joe Hoover
(Wouldn’t your feet drag along the ground?)
Portkey like in Harry Potter. I’m not using a toilet though. KJ
(Nono, you should use the toilet before you travel…)
Mental … just think about it and you’re transported! (Frank)
(Is a York Peppermint Patty the trigger?)
urban ziplines
(At last! A form of mass transit I’ll get a seat on!)

Congratulations to Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
for this weeks winning answer! And from the available choices, the most popular was Jetpack. We really should have those by now. Hell. Yes. And congratulations to everyone who picked that too.

So here we are at this week. For me, rough week. Not impossible, just difficult. Since my mother did go through a long period of decline, her passing was not unexpected, which made it a little easier to process. And the relief that she is no longer suffering really does make it easier to take.
Fortunately, I also have a bent sense of humor. Which means that after she’s been interred, I’m left thinking about today’s question: When the time comes, what do I want done with my body?
Yeah, sometimes I think my sense of humor is the only thing that keeps me from going insane. Or keeps me insane. One of the two…
So here’s the poll. If you write an “other”, leave a way to identify you, and I’ll link back in next week’s post. Answer early, answer often. But answer by 2359 EST, 4 Oct. Because that’s when this one closes.

And in parting for the week, a clip including two things my mother loved: Muppets and Star Wars.
Hope you all enjoy it too.

And until next time, have a great week!

102 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Said and Done Edition

  1. Lovely post, as usual. Loved the muppets with Star Wars. Have a good weekend and take care. xo


  2. Dang … and I almost entered pneumatic tube!!! …. and how did you know I love York Peppermint! BTW, they go great after Cincinnati Chili … Skyline Time! RIght Ginger?

    More importantly, peace to you!


  3. … with a danish on each ear … 🙂 Never seen muppets & star wars together – brilliant! thanks for this share, your family has great taste 🙂
    Soul train was my favourite of the although they were all pretty good.
    Hope you have a relaxing weekend.


    • Thanks Kanerva.
      Loved your answer too!


      • Extremely impressed that the Tardis made it into the poll. Slightly disappointed that the Tardis didn’t rank so well ( I should have snuck back and voted a couple of extra times!). I’m a Doctor fan from way back when 🙂


        • We’re huge Dr Who fans in our house, Kanerva.Mostly new Dr. Who.
          My girl hasn’t seen a whole lot of the old.


          • Great to hear, new Dr. Who I haven’t seen so many, I think it’s time to check the local video shop and see if they have box sets for rent!

            Daleks (or are they Darleks?) used to terrify me. I would still watch every week knowing they would turn up!


  4. I have to come back and watch Kermit, but in the meantime… love your spirit and humor, putting you right back here in the midst of all your blog fans & friends after saying goodbye to your mom. Hope it really is healing for you! Will return to think about my own dead body. In the meantime… have a wonderful Friday, Guap! xxLaura


  5. Regarding your feet dragging along the ground during dwarf piggy backing d, I envisage a harness and stirrups combo. I’ve already done a mock up.


  6. I’d like my body to be featured at Disney World’s Haunted Mansion — no reason I can’t continue giving people a thrill, right? Grippy : )


  7. I loved the Muppets/Star Wars video! And I’d never seen it before, so thanks for that! Big hugs to you Guapo, and just so you know …I’m not usually one for giving out big hugs and shit. 😉


  8. Your mother had great taste. (((Hugs to you Guapo)))


  9. This is the perfect time to be thinking about such things. All I know is I want a wild party after my body has been dealt with. I want drinking, carousing, dancing, wild abandon to prevail all in my honor. And any children conceived on that night should be named in my honor because that would be epic.


  10. I enjoyed the muppet show pretty silly. I’m greatful for Humor. I think some of the most difficult times in my life humor has carried me. I Voted jet pack last week glad it hit number one. :+) Now where’s my free Jet Pack!


  11. I instantly thought of comedian Nick Swardson who detailed this amazing funeral he wanted where his casket would lower onto a dance floor with a big giant disco ball. I can’t find a reliable vid though (either my connection is weird or none of the videos will load because of errors) but look for “Nick Swardson funeral and stabbed” on youtube. Heh. Nice to hear your “voice” on the net out here. Hang in there, still thinking of you & your family.


  12. I can see a huge benefit to all the offered all the teleporting ideas. When the kids ask “Are we there yet?” the answer will always be “Yes!”


  13. I tried to comment before, but it kept messing up. Deepest sympathies to you. I think we have the same sense of humor.


  14. You haven’t lost your sense of humour indeed. I’m glad you felt a bit better after our comments, hopefully you’ll be alright!


  15. Sorry about your mom. No matter how old a parent is, it still hurts to think that they are no longer here with us. I have been fortunate thus far, but I detest the day that one of them leaves me. Although we have not met face to face, I would bet that if your mother had one crowning achievement on this earth, it was bringing you into this world. While not getting biblical here, I will say that although she is gone, no doubt, part of her still exists here with you, whether it be in the life lessons she taught you, or by the love that she has shown you throughout your life. Take care old buddy, and keep writing those posts that keep us going each week.


  16. I won! I won! I’d like to thank Futurama for subconsciously planting the idea, which I just realized right now is in the opening credits.Also it kind of happened in Willy Wonka with the chocolate tube.


  17. Pneumatic zip tubes and zip lines are hugely-needed innovations. Also, I think the idea of your hollowed-out carcass being used as a playground for underprivileged, inner-city kids is something we can all get behind.


  18. But can we piggy back on dwarves to get to the pneumatic tubes? I think Carrie should also get added points for being the best speller of the week as well. (I just hope those pneumatic tubes don’t give people pneumonia!)

    Ah! I’m so glad they made a video combining the two things your mother loved! So perfect. 😀


  19. I have the first season of the Muppet Show on dvd and I need to watch that this weekend! Thank your for the smile. My thoughts are with you. Even though you don’t want your parents to suffer, you still miss ’em. xo


  20. It dawned on me how time consuming these posts must be for you to put together. I’m impressed you were able to pull one off this week and not even miss a beat of your cool mojo. 🙂


  21. The TV show was wrong. Moms know best, and the proof is in the clip. Hugs, Guap.


  22. Pneumatic tube! That’s perfect. I’m glad that one won. Loved seeing Kermit and Mark Hamill. Great way to end the week. Hope you’re hanging in there okay, Guap.


  23. Aww Guap. Glad everyone makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Blogging is great huh? Life is just dandy!


  24. LOL Love how you fit the monkey reference in 😉 Just don’t spank it.


  25. I put a non-funny answer in for what to do with my body because I have actually given this a lot of thought. A better answer would be to take a drop of my DNA & implant it in each of my kids’ phones, so I would randomly pop up on their screen from time to time! 🙂


  26. Oh E_G — I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Mum. No matter how it happens (ie unexpected or not) it’s shit and I am sending hugs from the other side of the planet to you and yours x


  27. I liked the top and bottom song, but the middle part was jarring and hard to follow. Ha! I was pretending to be a judge.
    Great post, Guap, from a great man.


  28. Thank you Hotspur!
    Now I have to go see ifthe Blogger Idol judges have done anything stupid to the heir apparent of this year’s competition.


  29. do you know I was the very first person here today? Numero Uno. Probably not huh cause I didn;t comment then but I liked it. Still havent cone up with anything good for my body – well yes I have but its not my normal humble kind of thing 🙂 Love the Muppets and Star Wars…


  30. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, Guapo. I was so wrapped up in my own darkness that I didn’t see it last week.
    Your humor and spirit is something that I admire about you very much! And, selfishly, I am pulling from that to pick my own ass up and out. 🙂
    The Muppets/Star Wars thing was just what I needed. Sending love and laughs your way!
    Now I’m off to start working on the blueprints for the magic carpet. Where’s my magic wand? Oh yes! Over by the unicorn!


  31. Nice to read Friday Foolishness me old mucker – even if it is a Saturday. Hope you are doing OK.


  32. whiteladyinthehood

    I think myself and the rest of blogtown would agree, you just rock, Guapo.


  33. Loved this!!! Awesome!!!


  34. Magnificent, as usual! My poor old body will probably be dried up as an old pea rolled under the sink by the time I leave it, so i guess the best thing would be to shove it under the carpet and pretend I just moved.


  35. Great posting El Guapo 🙂

    Sorry to hear of your mum’s passing,
    it is never an easy time when someone
    we love leaves us, but she is no longer
    suffering my great friend…

    Be well El Guapo…



  36. Have I ever mentioned that your posts always make my day? Even when you are going through tough times, you still find a way to make the rest of us smile. Thank you. Your mom must have been, and probably still is, very proud.


  37. Sorry to hear that. Missing things this past couple of weeks. Condolences to you and yours.


  38. I’ve always thought the pneumatic tube would be a great ride. Especially those kind that travel up to the ceiling and cross through the guts of buildings.


  39. There wasn’t room to put this in this week’s poll, and it’s kind of corny, but…
    Somehow it just seems right to be laid to rest and return to earth, making room for new generations, new ideas, and the same old mistakes. Life…ya gotta love it.


  40. Just stick me in a corner, add a lamp shade
    and enjoy the lighter side of wickedness, well
    it’s better than being added to the egg timer,
    I mean who wants to carry on working after
    they have found a nice cloud to sit on? 🙂

    Have fun today El Guapo and watch out for
    those lady Zombies, they always like to play
    rough with daring Bungee jumpers, especially
    when they can sniff out a good brain 🙂



  41. I’m sorry to hear about your mother. Please receive my condolences.


  42. I’m so sorry to hear that. Condolences to you. When the time comes, nothing does matter, but to save our soul. Where does my soul go after the body die will be much more important to me than how to be treated to the “shell”.


  43. Whew! That was a long line of comments to go through to get all the way down here! Look at all those people who care about you…you lucky guy! Haven’t seen you around too much lately…hope all is well. I miss seeing your positive comments. Hope to see you around again soon! KJ


    • Very lucky, kayjai.
      Just been bouncing around the sphere.
      Tomorrow will see the posting of yet another Foolishness. Almost have the whole post written! (I think that’s a record for me..)


  44. Handsome- I went with the bad Mets joke on your poll question, cause I cannot help myself. All manner of apology would not make up for that crap, so I won’t even try. The music is bomb, as are you my friend. Good to see you moving the groove as per your usual bad self. You’re all that and much more, amigo. Much and much. And much. Blessings.


  45. Oh yeah, and you’ve been nominated. Way too addictive a thing, as you are.


  46. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Gustatory Edition | Guapola

  47. This is probably the dumbest question yet
    but how do you know who has written what
    in the ‘Other’ part of your poll? 😦

    Or do we just add what
    we think in our comments? 🙂



    • Not a dumb question at all, Androgoth
      Polldaddy (the WP poll service) doesn’t let everyone see the “other” answers. That’s why I do the list at the top, which is everyones write-ins from the previous poll, along with my replies.
      I’ll only add the name if the person left theirs in the write in. (Or in a comment about it.)

      Didn’t know at first that’s how it would work, but I kind of like the way it worked out – half my friday post is written for me!


      • Okay now that I don’t feel an absolute
        dummy for asking I will tell you what I
        added in there…

        Hypnotise You…
        Sooooooo did I win? 🙂

        Okay not so good but I will think
        of some more now that I know how
        things work, I was going to ask you
        before but I felt a bit of a loon 😦 lol



        • That is an excellent question.
          Alas, you’ll have to wait for Friday to find out.

          Something to look forward to! 😉
          (You can also write your name in your answer so I know they’re from you)


          • Yes okay El Guapo, to be honest I am more used to adding my wickedness to comments already made on other Spaces (not everyone likes them I might add but I am never insulting to anyone, well not much 🙂 lol) but I will try and think of something worthwhile for your latest Friday post 🙂



            • On all the sites we both frequent, I have never seen you be anything but a gentleman of the highest order.
              (Ok, there was tthat one time the succubi got loose, but still…)
              Feel free to leave your comment wherever you prefer, and have a great weekend!


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