Friday Foolishness – Day Old Edition

Today’s Music: Tain Watts – The Return of the Jitney Man
Note on Today’s Music: Jeff “Tain” Watts is one of the best drummers I’ve ever been privileged to see. I hope you enjoy it.

Today’s post almost didn’t get written. Fortunately the ghosts of all the turkey I ate came to help. And they weren’t bothered by mashed potatoes on the keyboard. Why did the turkeys decide to help? Because they saw some of the same great stuff on the blogosphere I did!
Speedo wrote a fantastic post about womanning up.. Linda Vernon’s husband gave of himself to preserve thanksgiving tradition, and Curly Carly did unspeakable things in writing her Star Wars synopsis.

And I got awards! Edward Hotspur bestowed the One Lovely Blog award on me, and Roly honored me with the Blog of the Year award. It comes with gold stars!!!
To them , thank you, and more importantly, to them and and everyone else thanks for the great posts this week!

Last week, there was (as there is every week) a poll! Looking for ways to fight the boredom. Looking for something to do. Looking for the next adventure!
I should have known that reading your suggestions would be an adventure in itself. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are strapping in in italics.)
Make a boat out of duct tape and go sailing. ~flame
(Sounds like a sticky situation! BWAHAHAH- …I’ll show myself out…)
Skinny dipping with Pyranhas
(Sounds like that would be a pyrrhic victory)
Watch the pot boil as you eat soup continuously (cause it’s cold)-Jillian
(Hmm…eating my own cooking. Sounds dangerous…)
Trying to extract Trumps foot from mouth … Kanerva
(Would that be easier than removing his head from another orifice?)
Run from yourself as fast as you can, with scissors, while naked. (Lorre)
(YES! Something new to do while naked!)
Your adventures in parenthood – Hotspur
(Well, I did raise Sea Monkeys once…)
Taking a trip to Colorado to ski with this Wild Rider!
(Roxy skis too?!?)
Eat lots, get sponsor, sleep until Dec, go ice swim’g w new fat layer, nude Red
(Glad to see I’m not the only one that writes comment on these polls nude!)
Covering your car in Christmas lights and driving to Ecuador for a cupcake..zann
Repel down the Empire State Bldg. Benzeknees
(As soon as my gorilla suit gets back from the cleaners. (The Lipsky bar-mitzvah was messy…))
Climb to the very top of the jungle gym. LindaV
(I can’t. The six year old up there is terrifying!)
Financial cliff diving — Elyse at 54.5
(I wouldn’t be good enough to compete wth the governmental pros.)
It doesn’t matter, I’ll close my eyes through the description. Elyse at 54.5
(You can follow along by the screaming…)
With Bill and Ted since they have EXCELLENT adventures. Michelle
Competitive Black Fridaying – Emily at The Waiting
(Isn’t “competitive” redundant there?)
a trip to Northern Labrador to duke it out with polar bears
(Sounds easier than fighting a Coney Island polar bear for a parking spot!)
Pee Wee’s (that first choice sounds familiar). B_T
(But it should be a huge adventure. Not just big…)
See how many lizard licks it takes to the center of a Tootsie Pop- Becca 25tofly
(I don’t know about the Tootsie Pop, but the owl says it’s one…two…*crunch*. Three. Three to the center of the lizard.)
Finding a clean pair of undies. x,Becca (Lady or Not)
(I adventure commando. Less stuff to clean poop off of…)
Ride a roller coaster in a handstand position. (Frank)
(But then won’t I get vomit in my nose?)
Sledding on a trashcan lid while guzzling copious quantities of beer. KJ
(You’ve just described my morning commute.)
hunting alligator on the bayou, of course!! (Stacy)
(Better than hunting them in my living room!)

Congratulations to Zannyro for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was riding down the Himalayas on the worlds largest slinky. Backwards. Because you people know how to party!

Today, many who hosted thanksgiving will wake up to the elephant in the fridge: Leftovers.
(Though if you actually do have an elephant in the fridge, I hope you gave him a sweater!)
Which begs the question, what are you going to do with them?
That’s this weeks poll. Answer as often you like, but answer by 2359 EST on 29 November, because that’s when this one end. And if you leave your name in an “other” answer, I’ll link back to you next week.

Since the holiday season is without a doubt upon us, here’s a video from Australian Wil Anderson explaining the holidays in the rest of the year.

And from Weenie Girl, this isn’t funny, but it’s a pretty cool idea…

Have a great weekend, everyone, and I’ll see you during the week!

43 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Day Old Edition

  1. You got some splaining to do…


  2. whiteladyinthehood

    Hooray for Friday and the long weekend! (I’m avoiding Black Friday for turkey sandwiches and football…) Hope you are still enjoying the holiday break – great post. Loved the idea of the GoldieBlox.


  3. Thanks for the KUDOS!!! And congrats on your award bestowal!! Happy Friday – and I am having some of my leftovers with coffee this morning…PIE. Lots of pie. Have fun driving to Ecuador!!!


  4. Oh, how I look forward to your Friday posts!!


  5. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Guapo. Is there any pie left? We’ve run out here and I seriously want some.


  6. The keyboard looks like a nice cushion for the big kitty! ^^


  7. I like that cat picture! I don’t understand how you keep thinking of good poll questions each week. You truly have a gift.


  8. OMG, Guap! Thanks for including the GoldieBlox video. That idea totally rocks! I am going to post about it on my teacher blog. Love it!


  9. Just got back in town, just wanted to say a belated Happy Thanksgiving. Back later for the poll and videos.


  10. I LOVE the Goldie Blox idea! How fantastic! And the Wil Anderson video: hilarious! 🙂 Thanks for the funny links all the time ^.^


  11. I eat pumpkin pie every single morning with coffee until it vanishes. It’s my special “never be able to zip your jeans up again diet”.

    Lately, we only do antipasta and dessert so there are no other leftovers. We’ve spent the last few Thanksgvings at restaurants. It’s a long story, and I can’t write it on my blog, lest my MIL read it and kill me. (My MIL and SIL both occasionally read my blog.)


  12. Aagh! And a Happy (Belated) Thanksgiving to you and Fred!


  13. Haha! “You can see someone knock down a bottle of gin and say “I’ll never drink again!” and you don’t think they’re lying? Also, I just sent the GoldieBlox link to some friends, that is way cool! You always pick good quality stuff to share. Happy Thanksgiving!!


  14. Oops, punctuation snafu above! Sorry. Wish we could edit comments like FB.


  15. I imagine many can relate to Will Anderson! Meanwhile, three cheers for Zannyro win and many other awesome answers.


  16. Deliberately Delicious

    Phew! I’m not ridiculously late for this week’s Friday Foolishness! Love the Will Anderson video. Enjoy your leftovers, El Guapo!


  17. I am late to the party as usual, and votes BRAIIIIIIINNNNNNSSSS as usual too.


  18. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and ate lots of turkey so that on Christmas day you can do it again…or not. Stay well! Congrats on the awards and see ya around!


  19. Babble oooo eye aaaaa! Now you’re talking my language!! Oh there’s nothing quite like starting out my Monday morning reading Friday Foolishness and listening to the Jitney Man! I feel cool, I feel young, I’m a hep cat if ever there was one!! And I see I got a shout out too! Oh this is going to be a very good week indeed Twinkletoes! I may save all Friday Foolishness for Monday morning. It makes my coffee go down real cool daddy-o! 😀
    “One of the above” Hahah! And I’m sorry but I’m stealing . . . I’ll show myself out . . . . LOL!!!!


  20. I do Sally’s suggestion every weekend here in Looosiana.


  21. Happy post-Thanksgiving, Guap. This is the “4 Days Late” edition! Although I don’t expect what I have to say will be very popular, I’m with the Turkeys in the picture, I would MUCH rather eat tofu than turkey. Tofu can be prepared in a lot of delicious ways, and can absorb the flavors of what you cook it with. But as I’ve recently discovered, you like to cook, and probably already know that.


    • Like HE, you are fashionably late, Smak.
      I don’t know that Id prefer tofu to turkey, but you’re right, tofu is an incredibly versatile agreement. Great things can be done with it.

      And in my case, a few epic failures.


  22. Seriously late to the party here… Wil Anderson rocks, as do Engineers 🙂 really good to see that the GoldieBlox are a reality!


  23. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Brand New Day Edition | Guapola

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