Friday Foolishness – Beauty Sleep Edition

Today’s Music: Dire Straits – Solid Rock
Note on Today’s Music: Because if the world is gonna end, this is the song I want to go out on.

The gears keep turning (until the whole machine seizes. Right Mayans?!?). But until that happens, we’ve come around to another Friday. In lieu of the usual opening “look at how cool (and foolish) these people are!”, here are a couple of posts I saw during the week in response to the tragedy in CT.
A Gripping Life posted a great mental health primer. Momshieb wrote from her perspective as a teacher, and The Washington Post put up something about Mental Illness vs Mental Condition that is really important before people start running for pitchforks.
Because we’re angry.

Thanks to them and all of you for a very thoughtful week in the ‘sphere.
But far be it from me to keep from dragging the whole thing down to a fickle fight in the mud. Because the foolishness goes on! In fact, it was going on last week too, when we asked if you’d done your holiday shopping yet. Well procrastinators (and even worse, early birds!) now it’s time to see what you said! (As always, my comments are a bargain in italics!)

Yes! Your yellow lederhosen is in the mail! SnaapTHAT!
(There are laws against mailing hazardous materials…)
Well, erm I still need to shop for some handcuffs, edible paint and… Andro
(I thought for sure you’d have some emergency spares on hand…)
No gifts this year… I am celebrating “Grinchmas”~ Bipolarmuse
(You realize the Grinch adopted all the Whos at the end…)
Yes I have my Gothmankini but it’s so bleeding cold 😦 Androgoth
(You’ll fit right in. Blue and frozen (and mostly naked) is the new black and studded! (and mostly naked.))
I have personal zombies that shop for me now ~
(Tried that. Kept losing them in line at the food court.)
I’ll drink to that!!! (BK will always drink to anything)
(A round of drinks for a round of shopping. Very meta…)
I believe I’ll wait on the planet Apocalypter, wait for the BigBang 🙂 buddhakat
(Wow, that drink hit you fast!)
Mostly done, but Christmas is a drag when I just buy what I want anyway. Quirky
(Sorry, got distracted. Take it again from Christmas in drag please…)
I was waiting to see if the end of the world comes first. If SO,no need.
(I’ve seen Target on xmas eve. Definitely a sign of the Apocalypse.)
I already have a holiday…don’t need another one, thanks. WG
(But aren’t the holidays about getting and giving all sorts of crap we don’t need?)
As soon as I hydrate with a few more holiday martinis…
(Make sure you eat! Oh, wait, olives. nevermind.)
All my gifts are made from spit and duct tape. So yes. –Emily @ The Waiting
(How many people do you have to gag with duct tape to get enough spit?)
Yes, I always finish before Thanksgiving so that I can relax. (Stacy)
(There’s no relaxing during the holiday season!!!)
Why shop early when panicked procrastination shopping feels so good? –BettyRants
(The adrenaline rush makes it easier to grab that last Elmo.)
I’m gonna call in sick on the 25th and clean up on the 26th.
(That’s a grea- waitaminute. Is this Santa?)
Do you mean is my Amazon wishlist up to date? Of course. Red.
(If END THIS MADNESS!!! isn’t on the list, then no, it isn’t up to date…)
I didn’t realize we were supposed to be shopping for a holiday…. 😉 Michelle
(In that case, I’ll have to guess that you’re cable tv/radio/newspaper has been spotty FOR THE LAST THREE MONTHS!!!)
I creep behind Santa’s sleigh & pick up anything that drops off – Benzeknees
(So who do you give all those drunken elves too?)
Yep. It only cost about $150 grand & I’m sitting in it now! (words&otherthings)
(Please tell me it’s a personal submarine!!!)
Dec. 26th baby, that’s the day for the best deals! GiggsMcGill
(I would think the fresh babies would be available September 25th…)
I’m a pagan, so my gift is film of me dancing naked in the moonlite! JohnE.
(Wow, usually I have to spend $9.99/month online to see something like that…)
No, waiting for the BRRAAAIIIINNNNSSSS!!!! Boutique to have a sale! lv
(You know you have to lick them to make sure they’re ripe, right?)
Does it count I refuse to buy for anyone I did not give birth to? Red
(I’m afraid to ask how long your shopping list is…)
No beer. Amaretto. Halloween? I was don for back to school. ~ Red
(If there’s no beer, I think you have more shopping to do…)
waiting until January when they mark the stuff down to almost nothing…(SnB)
(And when the prices more accurately reflect the item’s value!)
Shit. I have to shop? Elyse 54.5
(If you don’t shop, the terrorists win. Wait…sorry, wrong propaganda sheet…)
Not doing it this year, I picked up a fight with everybody. Saves money and time
(And they say the holiday spirit is dead!)
The world ends the 21st. I didn’t bother. – Stuphblog
(I’m planning on leaving the water running on the 20th. Hehehe.)
Yep. Online with a drink in hand. Suckers! KBar3
Nope, people shop for me, I don’t shop for them. x, Becca
(Yes, I’ve seen you listed on Amazon.)
Just waiting for the delivery guy in the yellow truck and lederhosen. (Frank)
(Sorry, what was your address again?)
I am the Queen of Internet Shopping – Addie
(But do you do the fandango? (Anyone? Anyone?)
I am waiting for Hubby to do that…wait. Crap. Thanks for reminding me! KJ
(Just like Santa Claus!)

Congratulations to KBar3 for this week’s winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was Holiday shmoliday. Get me a beer. So congratulations to everyone who thinks like me! (And get help. I’m begging you.)

That was the last time I partied with an elephant.
But I've never slept so well since.

That was the last time I partied with an elephant.
But I’ve never slept so well since.

This week, the world is going to end! Wait – what do you mean it did already? WAIT!!! I’ve got to get into my pajamas!!!
So while I go change, you guys get this week’s question – about naps!

And until next time, enjoy these.
First off, a wondrous bending of the laws of physics!

And animals singing jingle bells!!!!

Have a great week everyone!

73 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Beauty Sleep Edition

  1. Kbar!! That is truly the BEST way to shop…wonder if she bought me anything?

    And Frank, I like where your head is at!!


  2. Naps are the gift the Universe gives us to compensate for the 9-5 grind.


  3. Jingle Bells with animals is always a hit. Gotta love the extreme sport. When will you be doing this? Hey …. and a reminder of my holiday party starting at 8 pm, 23 Dec.


  4. Thank you for posting the link to Momshieb….it was so moving….


  5. Foolishness is so foolish! I love it….


  6. I was skeptical of the extreme trampoline jumping ….until I watched it. Cool!!! I was skeptical of the animals singing Jingle Bells…until I watched it. Cool!!! I was skeptical of the world coming to an end …I was right about that one (so far!). One out of three, not too bad. 😀

    Merry Xmas Guapo!!


  7. Loved the video foolishness! Those animals are so silly but I laughed out loud, starting with the ferret! Have a great time at your various holiday drinking and group napping events. 🙂


    • Thanks Laura! Yeah, singing animals is about as silly as it gets.
      As far as group napping events, I went to one once. Boring. Slept right through it.

      *fades back into shadows*


  8. I must be a child because the animals singing Jingle Bells totally entertained me.
    Thanks for the shout out, my friend. I’m glad that everyone seemed to think it had worth. An event like that requires that we each look at the deeper issues. Hopefully things will start to change. That’s my wish.
    Guapo, I want you to have an AMAZING Christmas. I hope this new Year brings lots of positive change and happiness for all of us. 🙂


    • Any excuse to let out the inner laughing child should be grabbed at, Lisa!
      Thanks so much, and nothing but the best to you and yours for the rest of the season and every day after.


  9. whiteladyinthehood

    You’re the coolest person to visit on Friday, Guapo! When I saw the trampoline video, I thought hhmmm…when is he going to try this? 🙂 The J.Bells video was too funny – all my dogs have stockings with treats in them..hehe..
    I was helping a 5 yr old redneck child write a letter to Santa. We went through the honesty is the best policy bit and came up with he was ‘kinda good’ this year. I asked him what he wanted…he said, “Tell Santa I need some Legos, a Pogo stick, a chainsaw and a pick axe…and don’t forget I’ll need 2 cans of gasoline…” (yeah, I was lmao) Happy Holidays, Guapo!


  10. IT IS A PERSONAL SUBMARINE!!!! Happy Holidays to you and yours!


  11. I can’t wear lederhosen… it gets hot here, and that is a bad place for a heat rash… just so you know…


  12. KBar is my hero! I have only done some of my shopping online with a drink in my hand, but I can do better, really I can! I’ll practice, until O am as good at it as she! Thanks for giving me something for which to strive, KBar!
    Thanks for showing us the way, Guap!
    You guys are the best!


  13. Animals singing jingle bells?! The end really IS near…


  14. It’s time for beer and a nap. Wait a minute, I’m still drinking my morning coffee. Well, maybe I’ll make an exception since it’s the end of the world, etc. Or, maybe some Mayan chocolate to go along with. Merry Christmas to you and your family!


  15. Making Movies is one of the best albums ever! Well played and I love a good elephant napping picture. I’m not clever enough to do your polls. They make me self-conscious.


  16. Hydration with holiday martinis…hmm…that’s one for the medical textbooks…


  17. Dire Straits. ‘Nuff said. And to you and yours, the very Merriest of Christmases (or Hanukahs, or Kwanzaas, or Solstices, or whatever makes you party). Have a GREAT weekend! (Stupid Mayans, now I gotta go update all my age settings tomorrow. Wait …. is this thing still on? SHI…………) 😉


  18. free penny press

    My naps are a requirement…
    Happiest of Holidays to you and the sweetie you write love notes too!!
    Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  19. I sleep really well after a good solid kick in the head too. Sometimes for years…


  20. Omg, the trampoline tricks? Wicked! Especially the last one with the pole!


  21. Sorry I’m late. I’m trying to be a procrastinator eventually.


  22. As always with your Friday Foolishness
    there is an abundance of wicked laughs 🙂

    Keep up the great work El Guapo 🙂



  23. Ha! Gotcha!! You didn’t catch what I meant with my reply. The question was along the lines of “have you done your holiday shopping yet?” My response followed by yours: “I didn’t realize we were supposed to be shopping for a holiday…. 😉 Michelle
    (In that case, I’ll have to guess that you’re cable tv/radio/newspaper has been spotty FOR THE LAST THREE MONTHS!!!)”

    You asked about “holiday shopping”… like car shopping. Out looking for a holiday to buy. And no, didn’t realize we were supposed to shop for a holiday.


  24. Hi,
    Loved the animals singing Jingle Bells, brilliant, and it did bring on the smiles. 😀


  25. Naps make me cranky. Usually someone wakes me up before I am ready to be awake. So, pretty much anything is better than a nap to me. Except kicks in the head. I could do without those.


    • Naps making you cranky might be the saddest thing I’ve ever heard, wim2s!
      Hopefully, you’ll be able to get a few in without anyone waking you before you’re ready…


  26. Just tried the trampolining onthe bed – not the best and there is a dent in the ceiling – amazing stuff!


  27. I am so glad my stocking is filled with naps. I am going to take most of them the first day I am off. But I am going to hoard one for when I really really really and jonesing for some sleep.
    Happy Christmas and new year to both of you.


  28. Hubby & I have turned napping into an Olympic event, depending on the day who takes gold & who takes silver.


  29. … zzzzzzzzzz… huh?!?!? what!?!?!? OH EG, I was just catchin’ a few zzzzz’s, ya know… after all that drinkin’, it was all there was left to do!!
    Hoping you and TMWGITU have the bestest ever holiday, and then have some left over to start your new year out right!

    I have to say, every time he headed downward (to the trampoline) I thought I was gonna pee in my pants!! I could NEVER do that (jump the trampoline, that is)!!!




  30. I must know. was that really you with the adorable elephant?


  31. Late to the party as always, but I’m happy to confirm your suspicions–the world did not indeed end. But then, how much credence should we put in a people whose civilization collapsed entirely without any meddling from white people?

    That trampoline wall is way cool. If they made that an Olympic sport, I would watch the Olympics.

    The adorable factor in the Jingle Bell critters completely destroys my pretense of jaded cynicism.


    • The world may still be spinning Smak, but I’m pretty sure our “civilization” is just limping along.

      Wh’d have thought singing cats could cure a curmudgeon like you?


  32. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Purposeful Edition | Guapola

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