Beatnik Poetry Slam: Revolution

Today’s Music: Cassandra Wilson – You Move Me
Note On Today’s Music: This might not be to everyones taste (heavy jazz), but man, does she know how to set a mood! Hope you like it.

Dig it, Daddio.

Dig it, Daddio.

The lights dim as our beatnik poet shuffles across the stage, lime green spotlight highlighting his clove cigarette and Ramones t-shirt (with Jessica Simpsons face decaled over the band members and a tag line “Irony: It’s what’s for dinner” on the bottom).

In the corner, noted South American drummer Cervez Cerveza holds court over a wide array of noisemakers, stainless steel brushes held at the ready.

The first slam “cigarette drag” of the new year. All about *cough* the resolution *wheeze*. And the Revol*hack*ution. *wheezehackcough*.
So lets ge*hackwheezecough*t hip to the scene, cool cats! *wheezecoughcoughcoughhack*

*The yellow spot pierces the haze of patchouli to light up our beatnik. Soft greens soften the hulking image of Cervaz*


We live together for years
Same old, same old…
tshk tshk
tshhhhhh bang
fwa boom
But trouble lurks beneath.
*maraca rattle*

It starts in the eyes
A tightening, a darkening, a stare
Something is not right.

Another night
We undress for bed
Clothes in the laundry bag gently placed.
The floor clear.
The revolution has begun.
*shaking rain stick*

131 responses to “Beatnik Poetry Slam: Revolution

  1. Was I suppose to laugh? I hope so, because I SO did…I mean out loud, really out loud.
    Cool Daddy, real cool…like Pluto cool…and so was the music.


  2. I’m not much of a jazz fan, but I do like Gilligan. Does that score me any points?


  3. Awesome. And I have been watching Maynard G. Krebbs on the Doobie… sorry… Dobie Gillis show on the ME channel early in the morning. That is a funny character.


  4. *fingersnaps*


  5. Interwoven with ironic sound, you’ve pierced an inner ear drum with your cloister longing. The hero’s quest calls, always in the beginning is there blindness always at the end is the beginning. Don’t forget your pocket hanky.


  6. Wow….that song was fantastic….I could smell the cigarettes and barely see the stage through the bad lighting and haze of exhaled smoke!! Brilliant. What a talented guy you are!


  7. *snap snap snap snap snap* Cool, daddio.


  8. The drummers name gave me an urge for a beer. After acquiring said beverage I listened to Cassandra while reading the post. BADUN…tiiiiiinnnnngggg.


    • Cervez Cerveza is knownup and down the highway from the city speakeasies to the honky tonks on the coast, John.
      And they all say the same thing: “Another round please!”

      By the way, You might get written in as the next drummer after that hot riff..


  9. Were you hopped up on tea and Bennies when you wrote that? Man, that was, like, delivered by the halos.


  10. Ode To El Guapo

    My man
    Cool cat Guapo
    -finger snaps from Addie-
    The tourists
    In the snow
    On the Reno strip
    Bright Bermuda shorts
    Bright Bright
    Bermuda shorts
    -drags on clove cigarette-
    Dancing naked on a bar
    At Harrah’s
    The Guap


  11. Groovy – diggin the beat n ..stuff. Ok I will admit I thought Cassandra Wilson was one of the Wilson Sisters.. what? Can;t take a big hit off those cloves though man – they will get ya everytime. this isn;t a art imitates life thing is it? I mean that is just so bizarre… either way. If it is well..just kooky and if not what inspired it ? or does a suave beatnik never tell..
    Hey – say hi to TMWGITU for me please 😉


    • The Wilson Sisters are just un-square enough to appreciate Cassandra. Which puts you on the beatin’ edge for putting them together!

      LizzieC’s espressos are on the house!

      (TMWGITU says hi!)
      (And stop hittin on my wife!) 😉


      • HI TMWGITU!!!!!! YAY!! She said hi – wait she always says hi but still …sigh..

        now what were you saying?
        whoa beatin edge – does that mean ..I am ahead of the game? could it really be? Well put the Bailey’s on the house too darnit..I mean if the house has any…and I’m not hitting on her so much as nudging.. I think there isn’t a difference but its not so blatantly obvious..or something… ok.. maybe we will see how that goes 🙂


  12. Obviously, you are the man for all ages. Here’s a tutorial for those interested.


  13. Hi,
    Excellent or I should say very cool. 🙂


  14. Like, Coolsville, Daddio.


  15. Great. Now whenever I shut my eyes as an attempt to watch movies on my eyelids, I’m gonna see Gilligan. Thanks, LaddyO.


  16. I just put on my big dark glasses, my black turtleneck sweater, and I’m starting to grow a beard….dig it….


  17. Well. I’m wicked old.
    I actually used to watch Dobie Gillis, Daddio. And I used to wear black turtlenecks with my black jeans.
    And I loved Boris and Natasha……


  18. Love steel brushes on drums. I’ll bring my bongo drum and be right there, man.


  19. free penny press

    Beatnik poetry & jazz places were (and still are I might add) where the “happy” people gathered.. I think I lived in another life because I love this stuff..


  20. Hilarious! Love the song, too!


  21. A gripping life

    I can dig this scene, although I was probably more of a Mod. But yeah, cool daddio. Did I really just write that? I like that kind of jazzy sound. Nice post.


  22. Hmm … I’m trying to figure out if I’m not stoned enough, or too stoned. No, I’m certain – I’m far more think than you stoned I am. That was SOO daddy-o, groovy!
    By the by, can you do me a favour, and tell he who the heck I am?


    • You’re the man, John.
      The heppest cat ever to rock the goat into funky freestyle freedom.
      (At least, that’s what it says on the nametag in your shirt…)


  23. I’m going to light a stick of incense, put on my black beret and shades, and read that again.


  24. Deliberately Delicious

    The mundane sock drama is raised to cool cat perfection. It’s amazing how cool “Revolution” sounds with the steel brushes and rainsticks…


  25. So this is totally what played in my head the whole time:


  26. Guap, this was specfrickintacular! The whole beat scene, the musician (Cervez, you dog!), the onomatopoeia, the whole frenzy. And to top it off, a picture of Bob Denver as Maynard G. Krebs. WHAT were you smoking? ha ha ha ha ha ha. I really needed this poem tonight. Thanks for your encouraging words at my blog, too. Amy

    Peace and War and Pieces of Human Beings on the Ground


  27. What a great song to start the New Year!!!! YEY 😀
    Viva Revolution!


  28. Hahaha, that was … great. Really. Especially with those sounds :).
    Well done Guapo! *ting* *applause* *cough* 😉


  29. whiteladyinthehood

    You’re the coolest cat…..


  30. Charity – and the revolution – begins at home? ❤


  31. I’m diggin your tunes. I’ve been moved, Guapo.


  32. Cool, Guap. Very cool…..


  33. You can’t hear me snapping my fingers, dig? But I am–you’re the most, Guap-Daddy, absolutely cosmic, cat!

    Maynard G Krebs!

    The Cassandra Wilson piece was beautiful. I hadn’t heard of it (nor, I think, of her) before. What exactly makes it “heavy” jazz? Is that a genre? If so, I assume it’s an alternate to “lite” jazz, which I’ve heard of.


    • Ok,hears the (as) short (as I can make it) answer, Smak –
      The heavier the jazz, the more likely there will be note combinations that make absolutely no sense, and may in fact jar you out of the piece before finding some new exciting way to bring it back. Think Miles Davis at his most inscrutable brilliant point, or John Coltrane doing things you never thought of on Favorite Things.
      The Cassandra Wilson tune is a little more”classical jazz” than that, but still (I thought) a bit on the edge.
      “Lite” is Kenny G elevator muzak.

      An I think it’s we who are the most!


  34. I have no idea what I just read but it’s great to have a fsshhhhhhhhhhhTOK sound in my head while I contemplate.


  35. Awesome! I tried to hear those sounds in my head the best I could. Loved this – did you wear a turtle neck while this was created?


  36. So this is what Beatnik Poetry Slam looks like? 🙂
    Maybe I should add one soon, I have already done
    the rapping poem so this could be fun too 🙂 lol

    What a wicked and
    wonderful posting El Guapo 🙂



  37. You have now surpassed my previous favorite Beatnik, Maynard G. Krebs to become my favorite beatnik El Guapo Guapola. Brilliant! (And is it just me or does Allan Ginsberg sound like Stephen Hawking?)


  38. The only thing I know about this kind of music comes from “Funny Face” with Audrey Hepburn where she is seriously into the scene. In the Parisian cafe, everyone finger snaps their approval. Even though this is not my scene, I can appreciate how much everyone likes it.


  39. Sorry, should have read music/poetry


  40. I miss smoking less every day. Thank you for this day’s affirmation. And I love that Cassandra chick. Heavy is good, baby. Lay it on.


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