Friday Foolishness – Angry Cat Edition

Today’s Music: Joe Henry – Time Is A Lion

WE MADE IT!!! Another Friday and we’re all gathered again, having made it to the weekend. At last. I don’t know how you did it, but you know how I got here? PRACTICE! HAHAHA! No seriously, I did it by keeping my sanity by reading some great stuff this week. Here’s some of what I saw…
Deanabo put a great piece of very short fiction that I loved. Brian questioned the relationship of cleanings and restrooms, and Red was interviewed(by LizzieC!) for her new book.
Oh, and Twindaddy made my day with a Shine On award!

Thanks to him, and them, and everyone else for a great week of reading!
Of course, many other people were reading about things like Anne Hathaway’s “Nipplegate”, or Jennifer Lawrence’s trip. I don’t think anyone wanted to see that – there were no votes for that in last weeks poll. But you did have plenty of other answers. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments dawdle self-importantly in italics.)

watching REAL porn ! Miss R
(It’s all fake, like wrestling. But not as sticky.)
wishing they could tell jokes at nobody else’s expense (polysyllabic)
(I heard about the monologue. Are you sure he was telling jokes?)
Anything other than watch! Actually went out to see Django Unchained. Brill! MBT
(Twice the jokes! Twice the bloodshed! Well, one and a quarter the bloodshed…)
Watch me some Walking Dead x, Becca
(It’s the ones you aren’t watching that will get you.)
Resolve to see at least one Oscar contender before next year. Delicious!.
(Nono, the resolutions poll was a few weeks ago…)
Watching the real Walking Dead of course. Stupid movie zombies. John Phillips
(Oh, so you spent it at the office?)
Laughing at their cheesy comments… Wolf
(They’re the best entertainment has to offer. Crying might be more appropriate…)
Howling as usual 🙂 Wolf
(You admit You’re rooting for Twilight?!?)
Trimming my claws and sharpening my fangs… Wolf
(Teen Wolf reboot!!!)
In Groovy Chicago… Wolf
(It’s not groovy if you use jazz hands.)
Hunting for a change… Wolf
(It’s in the sofa cushions.)
With Oscar’s Wife… Wolf
(I thought Emmy was faithful…)
Is Oscar Night related to Mayer Day? Michelle
(I thought we’d all agreed to ignore John Mayer until he went away.)
Thanking the Academy for my awards/crying. –Lily In Canada
(Crying. Because pretending to be happy to be sitting through the Oscars is too much acting.)
watch 5 minutes of the Oscars then switch to youtube kitty videos instead linda vernon
watching Killer Tomatoes. Gotta see how that ends! Alex A
(I warn you – the ending is…saucy!)
Every night is Oscar night for me – Oscar Pistorius
(Oh, Oscar! You kill me! (Too soon?))
Having the sex. – Hotspur
(Are you sure it wasn’t just a sex?)
appreciating the fact it only takes me 20 minutes to get ready – shower to door – polysyllabic profundities. 🙂
(That’s just because the paparazzi in the living room already know your routine.)
The Oscars are on?
(From the reviews,”on” isn’t how most described them…)
Cry because I didn’t see any of the movies….Whaa!! The Bumble Files
(Beats crying because you watched the Oscars!)
What night is it? Oh. Getting drunk, like every night. (UndercoverL)
(Wow, you’ve really embraced the Hollywood lifestyle!)
Birdemic, Plan 9, and Toxic Avenger – but not 3 Kings. That movie sucked! B_T
(Exploding cow finds your lack of enthusiasm…disturbing.)
convinced that the audience’s laughter is at my expense. – calahan
(You and Seth McFarland…)
Watching the Scotties Tournament of Hearts of course (curling) Benzeknees
(I love it when the jokes write themselves!)
There’s nothing good on TV. It’s Business, It’s Business Time! Quirky
(But the Oscars were o- Oh, yeah, I see your point…)
Looking forward to having actually seen one next year Elyse 54.5
(Like the ad says, “If you see only one movie this year…you should get out more.”)
Practicing my acceptance speech and doing that Angelina Jolie leg thing – Becca
(Be a trendsetter – flash some armpit!)
Standing in my garbage can yelling insults at my neighbors. –Brian from U by C
(Aw, it’s the Oscars. Surely you can take a night off from that.)
Not being nominated myself, I am boycotting them (again) this year.
(You were robbed!)
Wait, they televise that? Red.
(Next year, they’ll be going with the classic, Test Pattern. It gets better ratings.)
working! As usual. (nicolemarie)
(Nono, you’re supposed to be working the red carpet.)
Rutabaga – avoid it like every awards show I’ve never seen
(But then how do you know who to mock?)
Writing my acceptance speech. KBar3
(Make sure you thank that guy. You know, from the bus. That said that thing.)
…waiting for people to trip up the stairs. It’s anyone’s game. Grippy
(They prove they’re real people by pretending they meant to do that!)
Try to buy tickets for the “Gone With The Wind, Prequel” zannyro
(Rhett and Scarlett as children on their small farm “Tarapoo”?)
Dressed up in a vintage frock from my vast collection *coughLIARcough* (Addie)
(When asked who she was wearing, Addie told Joan “The last person who asked me that”, while raising an eyebrow suggestively…)
In bed, fancy putting it on at 2am!
(Instead of boring everyone to sleep,they’d let the audience get a head start.)

Congratulations to lindavernon for this weeks answer, for what is the modern age without cat videos? And from the offered choices, the most popular (by a lot!) was Wonder (again) how Joan Rivers is qualified to critique fashion., so congratulations to all you people who (like me), spend too much time thinking about Joan Rivers.

Sounded fine to me.  Waitaminute - why do you ask?

Sounded fine to me.
Waitaminute – why do you ask?

But time moves on, and I see by the clock on the wall that it’s time for this weeks poll!
And since I put up a post bashing someone who’s songs (but not voice) are great, why not bash someone who’s work I love?
Or at least, give you guys the opportunity on “Other” to bash him. Croon soon, croon frequently, but croon (caterwaul?) your answers by 7 March at 2359 EST, because that’s when this one closes. (As always, leave a way t recognize you in the comments, and I’ll link back to you next week.)

Which brings us to the end of another glorious week, and the beginning of a hopefully glorious weekend! So to send you on your way, enjoy these…

First off, I never doubted this was how these ended

And This is probably the most optimistic thing we’ll ever get out of Louis CK on growing older.
(Glad my birthday isn’t for a while, or this would just be depressing.)

Have a great weekend everyone, catch up with you out there!

78 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Angry Cat Edition

  1. Hey Guap … hope all is well. Great poll answers by the readers. Have a good weekend.


  2. Funny vids! Happy Friday Guap and thanks for the smile this morning!


  3. I don’t need no stinkin’ awards show in order to mock people…I have plenty of material at my fingertips.


  4. whiteladyinthehood

    Guapo, the video about being 40 was so funny…and so true….thanks for the laugh! It’s been a heck of a long week for me – glad this one is over. Have a great weekend!


  5. I bet the doctor won’t even see you anymore, right Guap??



  6. This may be your best work ever!


  7. Loved the turning 40 clip Guap!


  8. Thanks for the should out and bravo on the silly foolish stuff again…I missed last week,,but here I am ..a glutton for punishment ?- um easily amused…? kinda become a fixture i look forward to in my world 🙂
    I have to think about Bob Dylan a while (not that I really want to thanks so much 😉 ) so we can test my new early warning i am on the verge of being late device….we will know if it works if… well .. ok …
    Hi to TMWGITU 😉 Have a super weekend .Spring is almost here!


  9. Once again, your witty remarks have made my Friday better!! Happy weekend!! I responded to the new poll, but I wasn’t logged in….hope you got it.


  10. Fab Friday responses to the poll this week! The Grey Poupon ad was fucking hysterical. I’m pretty damned sure that was John Cleese.


  11. Between Joan Rivers and Bob Dylan, you’ve got some scary imagery going on here today.


  12. Poor Bob. He did get better. I would venture to say that Lay Lady Lay is a beautiful song. And his soul always comes through — unlike Leonard Cohen.

    Great videos, I think.


  13. I have been to his doctor. More than once. In more than one state.

    Thank you for the ping. I am so excited. My newest book goes live in about four more hours!! It is the dark and over caffeinated version.

    I would answer the poll, but I suck at who sings/wrote/composed/vomited on stage to the names of songs. And today, I am choosing to me more YouTube-challenged than most other days.

    Hope you and TMWGITU have a fabbo weekend planned.


  14. I love the Grey Poupon commercials. And Joe turns 40 this Halloween…I think I’ll play this video at his birthday party. Hahahahaha. Luckily he doesn’t have a shitty ankle…yet.


  15. He could sing the enire Bible acapella… that would be cool.


  16. Loved the Grey Poupon video Guapo, but didn’t dare watch the 40’s vid — that ship has sailed! 😉

    Have a fantastic weekend!


  17. MEOWIE!! WOO-HOO! The kitties came through for me just like I always knew they would! Meoooow! I would like to thank the Joan Rivers, Bob Dylan, Louis CK, the Grey Poupon Scoundrels, all the Guapolians, but most of all El Guapo Guapola for this Academy Asylum within the Asylum Award! I couldn’t be more thrilled than if I was Al Gore accepting his Nobel Piece of Funyun Prize.

    PS Is it just me or is Bob Dylan starting to look like Satan?


    • I think in that picture, Bob is just upset that Al stole hi funyons in the name of global warming. Or snacking.
      Congratulations, Linda! (and a brilliant acceptance too!)


  18. Guapo, you got some ‘splainin’ to do . . . you ask for my permission to link to my post & then don’t use it even though I said go ahead? Maybe you thought it was too dark for the first Friday in March? 😉
    All kidding aside, always look forward to Fridays & your Foolishness.


    • Gah! When I was putting in the links, something was nagging at me but I couldn’t figure out what it was. But I’ve pulled the link and saved it for next weeks list, Benze. It was a great post, and I hope people check it out next week.
      (And thank you!)


  19. Gaup, great vids! Loved the Louis CK…yeah, I feel older now watching that! You’re half dead with a shitty ankle! A good laugh. I hope you have a great weekend, too!


  20. Loved the videos…even hubby had to come over and watch the grey poupon video.HA!…well, there were cars crashing into stuff and James Bond kinds of stuff was happening and he likes that……i watched because I wanted to see if they’d show what kind of sandwich that guy was making again..looked like turkey to me, but I’m not sure…so I needed to be sure, you know??….Happy Friday! It’s margarita time somewhere…HEREwhere!


  21. Just saw that Grey Poupon commercial the other day. My husband and I both realized that it was the only commercial we’ve watched in its entirety in at least five years.


    • I just hope it isn’t stuck in your head for the next five years, Waiting.
      There’s a commercial that popped into mine that’s driving me batty.


  22. You have a good weekend too, Guap! When are you going bungee jumping again? (I mean, when it’s warmer!) 🙂


    • I’m counting the days until Spring, Asplenia! (just over 17 right now.)
      Hoping for another trip to the northwest to jump again. For now, I’d just settle for a day of surfing.


  23. My comment couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, and we’re all a little wiser and happier for my having made it.


  24. Oh, THAT Oscar. I thought… umm… Sesame Stree… nevermind. I’ll go and answer this week’s poll now.


    • GAH! I completely missed that reference, Brian.
      Would have made for a much better answer than what I came up with.
      Red carpeted Sesame Street, or maybe a trophy shaped like Snufflupagus…


  25. Opps! That picture reminds me that I missed the Oscars of this year…who was the oscar winner? Did Les Miserables win the best film? 😀 … I’ll have to check it out…


  26. Where’s the cursing, Guapo??


  27. FYI.. Oscar night… Mayer Day… Oscar Mayer…. 🙂


  28. Personally, I wouldn’t have minded it if Nipplegate and the Lawrence fall would have coincided.


    • That would be a great example of Hollywood giving the people what they want!
      Plus maybe the fines would have driven the Oscars off the air…


      • I thought a second case of Nipplegate had happened when Jennifer Lawrence spent so much time on the floor (I thought she fell out of her dress & had to do some adjusting before she could stand back up again).


  29. Hope you enjoyed a glorious weekend, El 🙂


  30. I like Bob Dylan’s voice. It’s not a typical good singing voice, but it’s perfect for Dylan. I like modern Dylan better than early Dylan. Whereas Dylan’s voice used to be very nasal and whiny, it’s become a throaty growl, a rusty howl. It’s a true instrument for the man.


  31. Eric Murtaugh

    Ugh, 40 sounds miserable. Thanks a lot Louis. What do ya say we go searching for that Fountain of Youth again, Guap?


  32. Is that Bob Dylan in the picture? I answered the poll! and started with that question because I’m truly not sure. If it is, why’d he hire a stylist after all these years? And why didn’t he finish shaving because really, the L-stache kinda went out with Zorro….


  33. Deliberately Delicious

    At the risk of ex-communication, I have to say that Bob Dylan is right up there with L.C. on my “Highly Overrated” list.. There. I’ve said it.

    And as for that “Turning Forty” clip, I feel his pain. Recently I had to pick up some birth control pills. The pharmacist leaned across the counter and asked, “Are these for your daughter?”

    Yes. Because clearly I am too old to have sex.


    • I can completely understand your opinion of Bob, Delicious.
      And of course you wouldn’t be excommunicated for that. (You’re too cool and too much fun for that!)
      I hope you winked and smiled at the pharmacist before sashaying away!


      • Deliberately Delicious

        I just smiled sweetly and told her they were for me. I think she was more embarrassed by the whole thing than I was 🙂

        And I thought of you this week, Guap, when an old flame texted me to see if I wanted to go with him to the Leonard Cohen concert in Victoria tonight 🙂


  34. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Al Dente Edition | Guapola

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