67 responses to “Trifextra – Me, Me,Me

  1. If you are in the supermarket Guap, can you get me some eggs please. Ta!


  2. I feel really dumb because I just had to google ‘Strunk & White’. Never ever heard of it :/ lol. Cool song 🙂


    • I got stuck needing that book in a few college classes, and the scarring hasn’t faded yet, Hyper.

      Not sure if I like Paramore yet. Going to have to listen to more of their stuff.


  3. I LOVE that you referenced Strunk & White! Brought back great memories of my journalism degree back in the dark ages when we typed our assignments on a TYPEWRITER — (look it up on google, you young whippersnappers!) So if you violated a Strunk & White rule, you had to rip out the paper and start TYPING all over again…! Who else remembers this? — Darcy at http://www.sothenstories.com


  4. free penny press

    Oh I never heard of Trifecta until now..off to peruse and edumacate myself 😉


  5. This is great! I love it.


  6. whiteladyinthehood



  7. Perhaps it was a really swanky grocery store. We have one in Macon, GA. You feel your right pinky come to life as you push the grocery cart. lol annbennett2.blogspot.com


  8. I imagined the winner would get a Ferrari, just so it made it worth your while. Nice one!


  9. I like it. Maybe there were freebies and that’s why you had to sign in. ❤


    • Honestly Stacy, I have no idea what’s going on here!
      I went through multiple ideas trying to work around to I wrote in first person.
      Waaay more than a healthy amount of effort!


  10. Isn’t there always a disclaimer that you have to “be present” to win? Another example of The Man trying to keep you down.


    • Excellent point, Tara!
      I think I’ll have to hire you as my “writing continuity” expert.
      (On the bright side, very little of what comes out of my head has any relation to the real world…)


  11. I love that you “only wrote in the first person”. I actually was thinking of a wedding ceremony and you were the stand up guy for the groom.

    And I remember S&W . . . AND typewriters . . . AND the nuns who made us close our eyes, put our hands in the air and push imaginary keys when they called out letters and numbers. That has stood me in good stead over the years as I can still do approx. 85 wpm with no errors. 🙂


  12. Great piece! (:


  13. Misery Business came out the year I stole my husband from his ex-wife. Hahaha! Brilliant!


  14. To borrow from the basketball vernacular, you’re hitting from down town on this one, boss.


  15. I’m glad you explained that because I only fill out forms in the third person at grocery store openings. Sometimes the 4th or 5th person if I’m feeling really rebellious.


  16. That’s actually a great idea – restricted entry. Keep the riffraff out. Then again, if it weren’t for riffraff, my wife would have no job. (And this area of Ohio would be completely deserted. 😯 )
    Besides, we need riffraff for the zombie apocalypse. Gives us time to reload! 😀


  17. Super clever! I wish I had your knack for making it all seem so easy. Btw, I have Strunk and White in my desk drawer at school….and, I went through university using a typewriter. Hard to believe any of us survived all those liquid paper fumes! 🙂


  18. So clever, you are!! I love when you participate in these challenges! 🙂


  19. Good one, El G…


  20. kymminbarcelona

    And here I was hoping it was an election!
    Strunk & White & Charlotte’s Web!


  21. Brilliant, Guap! “I only wrote-in the first person…” What a difference one hyphen can make.

    Elements of Style was our Bible in the technical writing classes I took in college. I’m a believer in this little book–anyone who wants to become a better writer should study it. (Those who are okay with lousy writing need not bother.)


    • Thanks Brian! I’ve always thought I should actually sit down and read S&W.
      I had brushes with it in some high school and college classes, but I always figured I didn’t need it – since I knew how to read, I should be able to write.
      10,000 apostrophe horror shows later (it’s/its’), I should probably reconsider my position…


  22. Very literal Guapster!


  23. Oh, jeez… You know, I saw your icon and my lips made a little smirk before I’d even clicked on it. Apparently my subconscious knew what to expect. As usual, you cracked me up. 🙂


  24. I read this post. I enjoyed this post. I am sitting down.


  25. You’re as smart as you are nice, Guap. Nicely done…. =)


  26. Gray Dawster

    Another fascinating read Guap
    and hey I bet you are already thinking
    oh gawd not another visit from him? 😦
    Well I do like to keep you on your toes
    even though that side bar is filling up…
    you have a great Hump Day and keep
    adding to your uniqueness 🙂

    I know I have mentioned
    before but your Space truly rocks 🙂


  27. It occurs to me, that I think about you way more than I should be thinking about you. Okay, now that you are sufficiently disturbed at the prospect, I can let you in on the joke. It’s just a blog award nomination! I think……

    Me? Inspiringly Versatile? I bet she says that to all the nominees . . .


  28. FIRST PERSON SINGULAR! Oh man, that was A+ material.

    I had an uncle who was a Trifectan once. He disappeared for a while and then we found him at LAX selling flowers. With patience, firmness and a lot of love, we were able to get him out.


    • I know how hard that can be, Smak.
      As a child, I saw a loved one get sucked into saturday afternoon kung fu flicks on channel 5.
      It took years to get him to move his lips in sync with his voice…

      The horror. the horror…


  29. It was a small piece, but a good one.


Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!