Friday Foolishness – Self-Actualization Edition

Today’s Music:Living Colour – Type
Note on Today’s Music: Please ignore the post-80s hair and fashion. We didn’t know any better. I’m seeing them tomorrow night, and word is they can still play.

Tickety tock, bippity bop. Annnndddd…..FRIDAY! Woohoo! We made it and it’s time to celebrate! How? Why, by reading blogs of course! Here’s some of what I saw.
Edward Hotspur got dressed. Enchanted Seashells made a feast! And H.E. Ellis welcomed April Fools Day as only she could.

Thanks for all the great reads – theirs and yours too – this week!
Another highlight of the week was the poll! Ok, it was a highlight of my week. We asked what you felt strongly enough to wave a sign about. A sharpie was never given for more…interesting causes. (As always, my comments are having a sit-in in italics.)

Save the Wha… no, Free the Chil… ah, let’s do Release the Hounds! –Brian
(I expect you’ll be getting protested by the Friends the Kraken society…)
If your dog POOPS it, YOU scoop it Kanerva who is tired of dodging the cr@p
(If the sign was aimed at the dogs, you’d have to write it in p- …nevermind.)
I use my protest sign to poke stupid people. KBar3
(You must go through a lot of signs!)
People who drive slow in the fast lane. My sign: “Drive Right” ~Maddie
(Wouldn’t a better sign be “Exit”?)
Alimony is for cheaters!!! bbbatez
(So much for “cheaters never win”…)
“When in doubt… throw it out!” (works for everything) –UndercoverL
(First seen being held by a baby. In bathwater.)
Down with Winter!Ain’t nobody got time for that! Rogue
(Shouldn’t that be Down Under with Winter”?)
GET OFF MY DAMN LAWN! (rollergiraffe)
(Those meddling kids…)
More Thin Mints (Frank)
(Less is the new more, Frank.)
More Thin Mints (Frank)
(How about a few really thick ones?)
(More Thin Mints was mine … Frank)
(Frank, the first step to dealing with a problem is…)
Honk if you think my sign is cool which really protests nor supports anything ..
(You’ll get more honks if you wave that sign in traffic.)
What do we want? Time Travel! When do we want it? Doesn’t matter! – Hotspur
(What if the time travellers came back in time and destroyed time travel? Yeah, that’ll keep you up at night…)
When men can get pregnant then they can make decisions about abortions! benzeknees
(There is no way I can respond to this that doesn’t end in a public lynching.)
God Hates Snookie. And He’s not alone.
(Everyone says they hate Snookie, and yet someone is buying her stuff. Anything to say, God?)
Down With Protesters!! (That One Guy)
(Up with Apathy!)
Pull your pants up or I will pull them down.
(Why, hello there!)
We don’t need no stinkin’ badgers. (Badger Protesters) lindavernon
(Those beavers are so specie-ist.)
Free Gas… All that you can sniff 😦 Andro
(Smells like you should change your diet.)
More Sun or Else? 😦 Andro
(It will be here in about eight minutes.)
Badges? We don’t need no stinkin’ badges!
(Use Hippie-Be-Gone, for all your protestor freshening needs!)
Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. Twindaddy
(It was. And don’t call me Shirley.)
If all your brains were nitroglycerin, it wouldn’t blow the head off a pissant. Yes, it is a big sign. I don’t carry it often. Stupid Mtgs always have the wrong time on the flyer. Red
(I don;t think they’re smart enough to read that.)
God Hates Hate! — Ashley Austrew
(Is that like a “rock too big for him to lift” paradox?)
Rutabaga: What can I say about this elixir?
(Was it made from the juice of the Googly Moogly?)
I was told there would be beer! Alex Autin
(We drank it before you got here. Purely a defensive measure.)
Not enough cow bell (Stacy)

Congratulations to Stacy for this week’s winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was God Hates Signs That Say What God Hates!. Although I don’t know he informs people of that, since God communicates through signs. (See what I did there?)
This week, everyone has only one thing on their minds. But my young nephews might be reading, so we’re not going to talk about that. Instead, we’re going to ask about a topic near and dear to my heart: Self Improvement. I’ve been told that it’s a wide topic – that I had plenty of room for it. Well, here’s your chance to chime in.
But chime by 2359 EST, on 11 April, because that’s when this one ends. And if you leave a way for me to recognize you in your Other answer, I’ll link back to you next week.

So to send you off in to the weekend with a smile on your face, enjoy these.
First, from the BBC (read as “good”) version of Whose Line Is It Anyway

And finally, what the hell, lets stay British. This conversation could never happen in my office.
We’re on the top floor.

91 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Self-Actualization Edition

  1. I love “Who’s Line”!


  2. Both great video treats to move us into the weekend! Cheers to Stacy’s contribution.


  3. It must be Friday! 😀

    Hilarious videos this week Guapo, and great responses to the poll answers! Have a wonderful weekend!


  4. Got up early (boo!) but smiling nonetheless, thanks to El Guapo! Let’s hear it for cow bell! ❤


  5. My old boss, Mark Leveson, co- created Whose Line Is It Anyway…….many years ago – he wrote a book based on the show – it wasn’t a great success – I got a signed copy. He made millions from the US version. BASTARD! (Actually a very nice man – but should have twigged a book about improvisation…….). Have a great weekend!


  6. I thought it was ‘when in doubt – umlaut’ – Or maybe that only worked in my German class…

    I was made from a Googly Moogly ~

    (Is that a real poncho…I mean
    Is that a Mexican poncho
    or is that a Sears poncho?
    Hmmm…no foolin’ …)


  7. I loved Loving Colour, they played last month round the corner from me, why didn’t I go?! Have a good one


  8. Haha, hello to your nephew. That reminded me of the time my 12-yr old nephew was exploring the hotel room my sis and I were staying in with her kids. He picked up a package on the bedside table and asked “What’s this?” Then he turned it over and said “Uhhh, maybe I shouldn’t know what an ‘intimacy kit’ is…” (not wanting the answer afterall). Ha!


  9. whiteladyinthehood

    You’re Friday posts are always great and keep me smiling! Yay for Friday!


  10. whiteladyinthehood

    I’m having some crazy internet today – comment was supposed to say – You’re Awesome, Guapo – Friday posts are great…etc…(I couldn’t view any of your vid’s today…) Hope you enjoy the concert!


  11. Funny the BBC version of Whose Line still had our fave Canuck Colin Mochary…he’s awesome. Both great vids! Have a great weekend, Guap!


  12. There is no way I could ever be better than I already am… sigh…


  13. Haha, sweet sweet eighties :).


  14. I’m sooo cold! I’ve been running through the streets of my beachy town all naked and everything, to celebrate the joy of being MENTIONED in the Guap-sters post! Gotta go home, now, people are looking at me. Thanks for cheering me up, El Guap!


  15. Your responses had me in stitches. Then again, they’re always great. And I loved the Airplane references. I really should watch that movie again.


  16. You know what, Guap? You’re right–let’s release the Kraken too! I’ll go make another sign.


  17. It was cold here yesterday, I actually had to close my windows. Now it’s warmed up so it’s snowing again. Looks like you’ll get to see spring flowers a lot sooner than I ever will. Don’t improve too much Guapster – I like you “Just the Way You Are.”


  18. OMG! I’m laughing at Linda’s answer. She cracks me up. Also, the Delusions poster LOL!! Thanks for providing the laughs – everyone’s a comedian over here – it’s a nice way to start my weekend.
    Have a good one, my friend!


    • It’s very hard to not pick Linda as the winner every week, Grippy.
      but if I did people would talk. And the rumors have only just started to die down from the “dust ruffle” incident, so…


  19. Never too much Python and never too much Brit Whose Line.
    Sorry I missed the poll last week -great answers from my favorite funny friends. Strange and ha ha.
    Fabulous Foolishness this week!

    Good luck on the self improvement. Having a hard time with that myself, especially finding the parts.
    As usual there’s never anyone around to help find that one screw you’re missing.


  20. Oh! Enjoy the concert. Jealous.
    Wonder if they’ll play any of the older stuff.
    I got ‘yer cult of personality right here baby!


    • It’s the 25th anniversary of Vivid, so I they’re doing the album. I still think they’ll close with Cult Of Personality though, even though it opens the album.


  21. Into the British humor today I see. Well, Who’s Line isn’t really British I guess. It’s weird that they have a British host. Hmm. My favorite part of that show was Wayne Brady. So funny.


  22. LOVE Whose Line Is It Anyway!!


  23. Ah!! Just enough cow bell in this post! You’ve cured my fever. I love the whose line film nior with Collin and Ryan the best of all!!


  24. I completely agree with Stacy on the “God Hates” thing. I think the only people who can stand being in the same room with those Westboro losers are the folks at Staples who probably wouldn’t be in business without ’em. That easy button, ain’t so easy after all.
    Anyways,You ARE top floor, all the way.


    • Thanks Cayman.
      And now I’m thinking of a business plan for an ultra conservative organization to start selling office supplies.
      Or at least, sharpies, oaktag and tape.


  25. Enjoy your concert this weekend, Guapo! Are you enjoying your spring?! I love “Whose Line.” Haven’t seen that one in a long time. Thanks for that!!


  26. free penny press

    Yeah you used my slogan”Honk if you think my sign is cool which really protests nor supports anything ..”.. pretty dorky it was but still am smiling..
    happiest of weekends EG!!


  27. I love being ‘That One Guy’. I do so many things that way. Who broke the dish? That One Guy. Who cured cancer? That One Guy. Who is that idiot running down the street naked? That One Drunk Guy.


  28. What a lovely snowman! Save him! Save him! Don’t let him melt away.


  29. I don’t care which version it was, I like the ones with Ryan Stiles and Colin Mochrie the best. However, I lean towards the American version, because some of the Brit regulars were not that funny.


  30. Gray Dawster

    Hilarious and fun as always Guap 🙂
    Have a great weekend and keep dishing
    out these Friday Foolishness postings
    as they are absolutely brilliant 🙂 🙂 lol


  31. ooh I hate self actualisation!! God does too, so I hear. Why when I try to comment does the box jump about like one of those Florida automatic voting machine thingies when someone’s trying to vote democrat? You are so very very funny Guapola!!


    • Ha! Any voting issues are my fault, so I can manipulate it to get the answers I want.
      (You’d be surprised how badly that strategy works for me.) 😉


  32. More cow bell is always the right answer for any poll. Pretty funny videos this week El Guapo. 🙂


  33. The BBC version is what got me hooked on that show. It never was something I liked Drew Carey doing anyway. (Down with Cleveland. There’s a sign for you.)

    Have to find the second one on YouTube. Silly error.


    • I always got the impression Drew was just filling in on Whose Line until he could get back to his first love, being a stereotypical used car salesman.
      (Stereotypical, because I’ve dealt with a bunch of used car salesmen and most of them were pretty cool.)


  34. LOVED both of those videos. I don’t think the 2nd would happen in my office either. Mostly because I don’t have an office. And I happen to be on both the top and bottom floors.


  35. Wanted to pop over to say a huge bit “THANK YOU” for voting for Pixels. She and all the shelter kittens in South Africa are extremely grateful. Love your blog, so glad I found it.


  36. Hey, that may be what your young nephews have on their minds as well! If they’re under 10, this comment is cheerfully withdrawn.

    How was Living Colour? My wife saw them shortly after I met her (well, she wouldn’t be my wife for many years; at this point she was just that cute chick from my freshman orientation), in what must’ve been one of the greatest line-ups ever (she didn’t really appreciate it): Living Color and G&R opening up for the Stones on their Steel Wheels Tour (yeah, it would have been nice to catch the Stones about 10-15 years earlier, but I doubt there was any better time to see Guns & Roses).

    Do you hang-glide? I don’t think I’ve read anything about it here, but it seems like the kind of thing you’d do. Although, I guess you guys don’t have any natural elevation, do you? As you know, I’m an inveterate coward, and would never even think of hang-gliding (although my wife, ever the trail-blazer, has gone sky-diving), but sometimes as I drive up the 1 I see them soaring gracefully from the hills out over cliffs and above the Pacific, I think, “Damn, it must be pretty cool not to be a huge p****!”


    • Living Colour was good! The Sugar Hill Gang came out for a song – Wonder Mike, Mellie Mel and Grandmaster G. They did The Message. Hell of a thing to see.

      I did go hanggliding once, it’s on my list of adventure posts. It’s getting higher on my list of things to do again. Though the people I’ve met that do it all seem to be functionally insane.


  37. Just want to thank you for my introduction to The rollergiraffe!


  38. The BBC version IS way better! I just spent the last 15 minutes watching old video clips! Haha!


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