Friday Foolishness – Susie Strong Edition

Today’s Music: Joan Jett – Bad Reputation

HI THERE!!! So I got an angry email from the storage unit that the smell of brrraaaaiiinnnnsss was starting to drive off the other customers, Which I guess means it’s time to dust off the Friday Foolishness. And it’s a special edition, too!
But for now, lets just dive right in, shall we?
Last time we did this, we asked what you’d want on a desert island. And judging from your answers, a therapist wouldn’t have been out of place! Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are tanning in italics.)

An island of delicious in a sea of dance floor!

some company…Lorre (Articles of Absurdity)
(Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose?)
…for it to be that island Gilligan landed on. They had everything! – Brian
(Except a boat…)
a bridge to the mainland (Stacy)
(Would that be one of those “bridge to nowhere” thingies?)
A never-ending supply of naughty female natives 🙂 Andro
(Careful – naughty might mean they eat you with the wrong fork!)
hmm. i didn’t know deserts had islands.
(Yes, in the stream. That is what they are.)
(Anyone? Anyone?)

BOOBIES! – Revis
(I think the tropical heat is causing hallucinations…)
Desert island or deserted island? I would still like dessert. sandylikeabeach
(Does a viennese table count as an island?)
Butterscotch. It’s not dessert without butterscotch. SilkPurseProductions
(Whipped Cream is appalled at your faithlesness.)
Is this like Life of Pi, but with chocolate bunnies instead of a tiger?
(Melted chocolate bunnies are much scarier than tigers.)
How about a helicopter? Benzeknees
(Then you’d need one of those hot air force pilo- Ohhhh…)
Being deserted would be enough. – Hotspur
A Tardis ~Miss R
(Would the chameleon circuit make it look like a cabana?)
My kids to be in civilization. At least it will be quiet then. (UndercoverL)
(If you bring them, there’d be nothing but the sounds of you burping after a good meal.)
PMAO says; my penis… this is my answer for all of these from now on.
(If you were going to go with “penis”, shouldn’t you have added “sunscreen”?)
A bunch of smokin’ hot guys to be stranded with. And don’t hurry with the boat. Madam Weebles
(The boat will be speeding there. With their wives.)
A volley ball friend and movie written about it. –Lily In Canada
(But does Keanau Reeves have the emotional range to play a volleyball?)
The super power of teleportation. Carrie Rubin
(It would be very super! Until they expected you to use it to get to work sooner…)
A round king-sized bed. No hospital corners-Gobs of man pillows+a huge tub. Red.
(Man Pillow)
The letter S so I could make it a dessert island! Linda Vernon
(There’s probably plenty of S! (cargot.))
Bring it! Married & pregnant. I would LOVE a desert island above all else! Quirky
(Yes, but then where will you get chocolate ice cream covered in pickles?)
a library, Matt Bomer (let’s ignore his sexual orientation) and a goat –Rutabaga
(I think the goat is concerned about his potential orientation…)
Ginger and Mary Ann to join me….SnB
(You realize they’re in their 80’s?)
My wife and access to WordPress (Frank)
(Wouldn’t one take away from the other? Or is that just me?)

Congratulations to Edward Hotspur for this weeks (last weeks? The week before?) winning answer! And from the offered choices the most popular was Umm…I’d just like a boat to send the rest of these crazies off this island so I can enjoy the coconuts. And my goat. Because who doesn’t love a goat? (Where that sort of thing is legal…)


And so we come to this weeks poll. Not the poll I was planning (you lucky people!), but one that (I hope) will only need to be done now.
I’ve always said I know the coolest people in the sphere. One of the bloggers I followed early on was Susie Lindau, self described Wild Child: Moustachioed Skier, Hiker, , Bon Vivant. Susie has breast cancer. Today she’s getting surgery and a double mastectomy to minimize chances of relapse.
She doesn’t want to be defined as “cancer survivor”, and she still has great things in front of her. So for this weeks poll, I’m asking you all for help for her. Help for her to get through her surgery.
And Metaphorical help in describing exactly how she’s gonna beat cancer.
So that’s this week’s poll.
Answer as often as you like, but answer by 2359 EST on Wed, 5 June. Because that’s when this one ends.
Oh, and if you write in an “other” answer, write in your name too, and I’ll link back to you next week.

And to send you all out to what will hopefully be a delightful weekend, enjoy this disturbing, yet entertaining clip!
Lesbians! Talking about porn! Stolen from I Saw Bob Dylan In A Speedo!
(You’ll never look at shoes the same way again.)

Have a great week everyone. And you too Susie!

67 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Susie Strong Edition

  1. With all the positive energy you are corralling and sending Susie’s way, she will be back stronger than ever. You are truly a special guy.


    • Actually, I just try and be nice here to make up for any bad karma I get during my afternoons of serving lunches to schoolchildren, then telling them it’s the easter bunny after they eat! 😀
      Thanks, Sandy! That can be said of just about everyone I’ve met here.
      (Except the “guy” part.)


    • Well said Sandy and all the best to Susie!


  2. Dang y’all!!! Best to Susie. Wow. Thanks for opening the window for some telepathic vibes to what sounds like a very brave and amazing woman. LOVE her pic!!!


  3. Nice post, Guap. Good to see you back. I tried to insert a pic…I also tried when I voted. Just delete if it isn’t right…


  4. whiteladyinthehood

    Positive thoughts and best of luck for Susie.


  5. Best, wishes for Susie!
    And have a good weekend.


  6. Anybody that tells kids they just ate the Easter Bunny is Aces in my book, Mr. El Guapo!! The first thing I did when I sat down to my computer today was check to see if there was a Friday Foolishness and sure enough here it was! All bright and shiny with clean, ironed fonts and gleaming counter tops. Well talk about feeling warm and fuzzy! Well sir, it just makes me want to go right out and eat an Easter Bunny sandwich! I will definitely put my mind to the challenge for Susie too! I’m so glad you’re back! 😀 And that video! HA !


    • Looking forward to what you come up with, Linda!
      and maybe the prize this week will be be Easter Bunny Steaks! (with deer gravy!)

      (I think the cleaning service is gonna kill me when they see the mess I’m making in here…)


  7. How can I use my penis as an answer to this question??? Although it is a survivor… trust me. Good luck. Survive like a shark. They have been around for a long time.


  8. I did an other… but had to go back and do the cowbell too… because, you can never have too much cowbell… besides, if it’s a cure for fevers, perhaps it can cure other things too…?


  9. lol I loved your comment about Keanu’s acting. SO true. I don’t think he could handle the depth it would take to play a volleyball.
    For this week, I was going to say something about beating eggs, but apparently that was the obvious route. Or we just have great minds!


  10. I have never practiced any stripe or form of public displays of affection…except the usual stuff found in the back-seat of a car…any car, cinema balcony, grandma’s attic, new mowed lawn or un-mowed lawn which might include a hay loft, or public street or thoroughfare…however…I love you and send you hugs and squeezie pinches on your cheeks (you choose) for being such a marshmallow. xxoooxJots


  11. Guapo, much love to Susie. It’s so brave what’s she’s doing. I’ve always wondered what lesbians thought about porn. I’m not too surprised with their response! Good to have you back polling.


  12. free penny press

    Sending much love and light to Susie and YES, she WILL kick cancer’s ass…


  13. A great post Guapo, and awfully nice of you. Best of luck to Susie!

    I’m not at all surprised as to the lesbian response to ‘lesbian porn’. After all, it isn’t made for them. Women, in general, straight or otherwise, aren’t silly enough to watch porn. We’re pretty much only interested in sex which actually involves us. (I said ‘in general’! I’m sure there are exceptions.)

    Have a great weekend Guapo 🙂


  14. Sending Susie all the cowbell I can muster, because one can never have enough cowbell. ❤


  15. Welcome back, handsome.


  16. Gray Dawster

    What a superb idea Guap, I will have to send Susie all the chocolate from Wombania, well that’s if Fraz and Winky haven’t eaten it all by now? 😦 Grrrr

    On a wicked note I certainly like Susie’s photograph, indeed those flowers that she is holding are positively delightful and I wish her the very best for her operation, Susie get well soon my friend 🙂



    • The chocolate would be nice, but I’m pretty sure there will be no winegums to spare.
      (Still need to find those someplace…)

      The early word is that everything went fine for Susie, and I’m hoping we hear more good news soon.


      • Gray Dawster

        This is very good news, I think operations are scary at the best of times but for an operation that has so much impact I wish her all the very best for a quick recovery 🙂 🙂

        Have a wicked one today Guap 🙂



  17. Gray Dawster

    It’s really great to see you
    back in the blogosphere Guap 🙂 🙂



  18. Gray Dawster

    Hey is that Poll working or what? 😦 Grrrr



    • Hmm…it seems to be working from here.
      What problem did you have?


      • Gray Dawster

        It wouldn’t let me add any comments, but if they are showing on your poll then it must have been a glitch at my end 😦 I hope your week has started very well, and that on the morrow Hump Day is awesome 🙂



        • No, they didn’t show up.
          Hmm…I’m going to chalk it out to WP shennanigans. hey own the poll service and I’ve had issues with them lately.


          • Gray Dawster

            I will be back again before Friday to
            add something Guap and thank you
            for letting me know 🙂

            Have a wicked rest of afternoon and evening 🙂



  19. runningonsober

    Stilettos, DOH! (and OUCH!) And no Home Depot ads, haha!

    All my best to Susie, she’s a very brave lady!


  20. Linda had me at dessert island. The rest is just a bunch of symbols on a white page. That and I just ate some chocolate pudding and now I’m craving easter chocolates.


    • Last easter, after hearing the hype and hoopla for years, I tried my first ever mini cadbury creme egg.
      It. Was. Vile.

      I’ll stick with the chocolate bunny ears.


      • The mini cadbury cream eggs can only be good after spending days – weeks- months in the fridge and you’ve just come home with a good buzz and you have some odd craving for butter. Instead grab the egg. BUT the mini eggs? YUM!


  21. Dessert Island just gets me. Don’t know why. So silly and yet so clever.

    And f*** cancer. F*** it in the eye.


  22. I dont know Suzie and have only become aware of her blog in the past few days as there are so many bloggers blogging and caring for her. I love seeing this love and support for another blogger. I too, wish her all the best and am sending those postive vibes. 🙂


  23. That flower bikini is so fashionable 😀


  24. You were really a buzzkill with your response to my desert island wish, Guap. Booo. But how funny is that lesbian porn thing? Some of those chicks were kind of hot, too.


  25. Just found Susie through Roam About Mike, and spent a great deal of time reading through her stuff. It’s incredibly touching when people share such a personal part of themselves. I love that the internet has rallied behind her.


  26. Gray Dawster

    I hope this next weeks poll works for me Guap
    but if not I will email you some of my ideas and
    beat the system 🙂 🙂 Thank you for watching my
    latest video, I know… Bloody Crackers 🙂 lmao

    Have a fun friday Guap and be good, or wicked? 🙂



    • I didn’t go back and check the dates of your last comments, but I changed teh polls to close on Wednesday at midnight (NY time). that might have been it…
      Either way, feel free to email, and hope you are starting your weekend in fine style!


  27. Pingback: Friday foolishness – Wha??? Edition | Guapola

  28. Oh Guap! You outdid yourself! I can’t thank you enough for the Susie Strong post. All the prayers really worked! My docs prepared me for being in a gray area for chemo since my biopsies came back in the mid-twenties, but the tissue sent to Mayo after the surgery came back at 13%!!! That my friend is the power of positive thinking and prayer.
    Big cyber hugs are being sent your way! And yes, I am dancing and causing a ruckus here in Boulder while I am recovering…. 🙂


Ahem *best Ricky Ricardo voice* Babble-OOOoooo!!!