Friday foolishness – Wha??? Edition

Today’s Music: Wild Ones – Need It All

Nobody (me) got hurt, nobody (me) died, so I guess this counts as a good week. As always, it was made better by blogging! Here’s some of what I read.
Miss B smacked Bi-Polar upside the head. Kayjai committed crimes against snack food.
And Dreamshadow59 posted a beautiful, poignant and moving letter to her father , who helped raise a wonderful daughter.
I hope you get to read their posts, and everyone elses too!
And now we turn the Roving Eye of Foolishness to…well…foolishness.
Last week, we did our first ever poll dedicated to a person, Susie Lindau, as she moved on in her kicking of breast cancer’s ass. The poll asked “Yes, but what will she beat it like?
And from your answers, y’all should be doctors! (As always, my comments are irradiated in italics.)
a gang of PETA members on a mink-wearing puppy mill owner. (Madam Weebles)
…nobody’s boobness! Terrible pun by Live Clay. Something more rspectable later
(Wait- there’s a pun type besides “terrible”?)
you beat a stepchild. (Don’t hate me, it’s just a saying! Marie Nicole)
(I don’t beat- Who have you- Please tell me they don’t have pictures…)
a Boss Hogg on the Dukes of Hazard beating another prison sentence ~WIM2Say
(Or, after seeing Daisy, Enos beating…nervermind…)
a guy watching porn beats….. well….. That One Guy
(Well, if That One Guy stopped interrupting them while they were watching porn, maybe they wouldn’t beat him!)
FDR beat Alf Landon in ’36. Ouch! Alex A.
(But Alf went on to have his own tv show, so who really won?)
cleaning a floormat after a week of camping.
(When camping, I like to set my tent up halfway between the pool and the hotel bar…)
like a pinata! -So witty! Doggy’s Style
(I am NOT going to ask what the filling is.)
(But was it tasty?)

Like Rocky…Kayjai
(Not sure if you mean Rocky I or IV here. Because they are totally different effects…)
Tracy Partridge beat her tambourine.
(She was fantasizing it was Danny Bonaduce’s head.)

Congratulations to Madam Weebles for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was the kick-ass Wild Rider she is!. Which sums it up perfectly.
And the early reports are that Susie is doing well. Probably convalescing and plotting her next wild ride…
So this week, you get the poll from last week, or that would have been from last week if last week didn’t have a different poll. Or something. (Nope, the long sentence that still manages to make sense is still the bastion of SandyLikeABeach.)
Last week, I was going to ask where the hell I was while I was away. Which I’m now asking this week.
Even though I’ve been back over a week already.
head spinning yet? Great! Then you’re ready for a poll! Answer as often as you like, but answer before Wednesday, 12 June, at 2359 EST. Because that’s when this one ends.
And if you write an “other” answer with a way to ID you, I’ll link back to you next week.

And until we meet again, enjoy these!
First, if The Shining took place in my office, yeah, it would probably look like this.

And finally, TACOS!!!

Have a great week everyone!

71 responses to “Friday foolishness – Wha??? Edition

  1. Thanks for the shout-out Guap! Have a great weekend!


    • You too!
      (And leave the popping to the professionals.)


      • Ugh…like my 13yr old son? No corn shall be popped this weekend unless son is present and standing guard. I’ll just break out the Doritos instead. Great. And with a tropical storm on the way, it should be an epic weekend. I’ll let you know if I don’t blow away…


        • After many tragedies involving the microwave, and two (TWO!!!) broken popcorn machines, I’ve been going with Jiffy Pop at home.
          Much better than I thought it would be.


          • Yeah…I’d find a way to screw that up too. Probs explode it or forget it was on the stove or not shake it enough. Better to go with packaged shit…no heat or flames involved….


  2. Thanks for the singer with the nice wheels!


  3. What a great way to kick off the weekend! 🙂


  4. What a lovely map!


  5. Ah! Now I can breathe…..and go mow the grass. Don’t read into that….I mean just mowing the grass, literally. ❤


  6. Tracy Partridge? Tambourine? The show I watched had a Lori Partridge…and I had a crush on her!


  7. Have an awesome weekend, Guap!!


  8. Oh, man! I started watching the first part of that Taco video and it made me so want a taco. By the end, I didn’t really want one anymore. I think I’ll wait for some unsavory mental connections to fade, and then go get a taco and a serviette.


    • Had I been watching that clip while eating a taco, I would have laughed hard enough to pass it through my nose.
      Causing me to laugh even harder.
      Would have taken a lot of serviettes to clean me up…


  9. Lol i liked the taco thing.
    I’m having so much trouble thinking of clever responses to your latest polls! I think I’ve lost my funny factor!


  10. You got hurt again? Are you on crutches, in a sling or a cast? Stitches or staples? All parts accounted for? You’re going to give me grey hair!


  11. OK, what’s with the girl in the music video? Is she a stork or does she have to go to the bathroom?


    • I got an email about them from so I checked them out.
      Definitely not great dancers.
      But I kind of dug the song, so I thought I’d share.


  12. I am just so glad to be able to use my penis as the answer to a question again. And you know it’s true.


  13. If Lily loses her funny factor then I’m doomed. I live off of her humor, an yours of course, oh, and we can’t forget Linda Vernon!
    Love the Taco guy and the All work and no play… hahah!
    Where did El Guapo go? Back to Istanbul, of course! Or maybe you were researching the art of Jet Skiing across the Globe… not sure. 🙂


  14. OK, now that I understand how the “other” answer should work. I don’t have a good answer and last week I had a pretty good one but didn’t identify myself because I didn’t get it and I’ve been too self-conscious to try it but I had a good one and you didn’t know it was me and now I can’t remember what I said.



    • If you have any idea how any of this works, Please! Tell me!
      (Mostly I just smack my face into the keyboard every thursday night and press publish.)


  15. The taco video reminds me of a British lady I once worked with who told me when she first came to America (she moved in rural Louisiana, no less) she got phrases mixed up all the time. She was talking to her mother-in-law and mentioned that she had been out earlier in the day, knocking up a few friends. Her very Southern MIL was horrified. Turns out, “knocking up” is slang for going to someone’s door and seeing if they’re home.


  16. These were some of your best poll answers yet (and ironically, one of the shortest lists). Look, Weebles is a genius, everybody knows that,but in this instance, Live Clay was ROBBED. “Nobody’s boobness?” “Nobody’s boobness?” ‘C’mon, man! Oh, yeah, it’s awful, but can’t you see the brilliance there as well?

    If the Village People had some kind of snow-guy in their retinue, I think Suzie’s pic here would qualify her for membership.


  17. Guapo, I loved the dude’s imitation with the bat for the Office Shining. That was perfect! I hope things have slowed down for you some! Have a great weekend.


  18. Yay, I won! More importantly, Susie won!

    See, the problem with the guy in the taco video is that he says the rest of the world says “serviette.” I disagree. All the cool kids say “napkin.” But that was pretty damned funny. And now I want tacos despite the unsavory images suggested in that routine.


  19. See, now you had to go there with Daisy and Enos.


  20. I heard That One Guy interrupts porn because every time a guy watches porn, an angel loses it’s wings. On a related note, God called and asked why none of his angels could fly anymore.


  21. THANK YOU for the mention Guap 🙂 Love ya my foolish friend


  22. Getting some time back to read blogs and, as always, yours is the top of the list!! Have a good weekend, friend!


  23. runningonsober

    “I like tacos.”

    Have a great week, Guap! Smile like a monkey with a new banana!


  24. whiteladyinthehood

    (Glad to hear Susie is doing well)
    Tacos are one of my fav foods so I got a good laugh at the video. Have a great weekend!


    • There was a place in rockaway beach that made the worlds greatest fish tacos.
      Sadly, there lease was cancelled. then teh building washed away.


  25. Taco video was so funny. I almost never laugh out loud when I’m by myself, but that one got me, and I sent it over to hubby in the den. The Office Shining is pretty good, too. Thanks for the entertainment. … Really glad to hear Susie is doing well.


  26. Tacos are no fun unless you wear some.

    Have a terrific week, Guap.


  27. Aha! Congratulations to Madame Weebles for her perfect metaphor! I’m so glad your back. Where else can I get a song, a quiz and two hilarious clips all in one stop!! 😀


  28. Love the vids! The guy with the bat totally cracks me up… must send to daughter. Glad you and polls are back, Guap!


  29. Where the sun don’t shine? To the dark side of the moon? Where all the flowers have gone? So many good answers to this one! And I’m kicking myself because I just thought of a great answers to last week’s foolishness too – Going to beat it like a certain cowbell in a SNL sketch… “I’ve got a fever, and the only cure is more cowbell.”


  30. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Achilles Heel Edition | Guapola

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