Into The Valley Of Foolishness Rode The Six Hundred…

Today’s Music: Cowboy Mouth – Jenny Says

The wheel has gone around and once again landed on Friday! Another successful week in which I kept my opinions of office goings-on mostly to myself, thereby ensuring my continued employment.
And how did I distract myself from the banality? Why. by reading blogs, of course! Here’s some of what I saw…
REDdog told the story of his First Tattoo. Girl Seule wrote about the joys of Crowd Funded Breasts!, and DJ Matticus and co-authors are giving away copies of Fauxpocalypse, so grab a copy of what I hear is a great book!

Oh, and Helena Hann Basquiat bestowed a Liebster Award (because of my crushed velevet smoking jacket), and That’s Ron To You gave me a Versatile Blogger Award. Probably because I type all my posts with my toes. (Yes, I’m that versatile!)
I hope y’all check them both out. They really have great sites!

But before you head over to them, let’s talk about last week’s poll. We asked about English Muffins, and what was going on with those nooks and crannies. From your answers, it’s clear they’re not big enough to contain your cleverness! Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are toasted in italics.)

Wormholes left by Ancient Astronauts ~ Stephen Hawking (of Reno)
(That’s why the taste is out of this world!)
just air because some nitwit whipped them too much – Benzeknees
(Arthur Muffin the Fourteenth says it’s not so easy to program those machines correctly.)
Crumpets are for the night after the midnight picnic… Not as juicy though… Andro
(And crumbs in bed for the morning after that…)
I always enjoy a bit of crumpet, actually I prefer lots… Andro
(Gee, I prefer strumpets.)
Yes Crumpets that man and remember that okay, rant over… Andro
(So…I’m thinking you mean…crumpets?)
Air. Nothing clever. Just air. (Stacy)
(English Muffins are know for their dry…wit.)
wanna be donut holes –Linda Vernon
(Who knows what dreams lie in the hearts of baked goods? The butter knows!)
A place to stash my diary in which I curse everyone I know-Life Confusions
(bitter anger never tasted so good!)
Sweet lakes of butter, for me to lap up, and they butter up my muffin tops! Dawn @ TFTM
(You’re going to get me re-ranked as an explicit blog.)
Little bread elves take bites out of your muffins while you sleep. Amy R
(So…good drugs then?)
The Catholic Church’s explanation Elyse 54.5
(The Slather, the Bun and the Holy Toast?)
crabby old women who finally discovered e-readers. JakLumen
(WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Seriously, I rarely hit such surreal heights as this.)
We can’t tell you. It is a state secret. Merlinspielen
(In Russia, the English muffins YOU!)
just dyslexic crooks and nannies. – calahan
(Oh for dog’s sake.)
Places to stick your ABC gum. Kayjai
(Younger me is glad it’s no longer stuck in my hair.)
the sexiest part of a woman’s body (SnB)
(A balanced part of a complete breakfast!)
to hold the masses of peanut butter and honey, YUM! – Curvyroads
(I thought jelly was the opiate of the masses?)
addictive little pockets of crack cocaine. thematticuskingdom
(You mean those aren’t deliciously healthy nubs of fiber?!?)
Zoe here…Nooks are the creators cheaping out on a full piece of circle.
(Sounds like the beginning of a great story…arc.)
Zoe here again:Crannies are the filler, to make you think you’re full.
(Filler…like seasons two through five of Lost?)
how should I know? I’m a writer not a scientist! thematticuskingdom
(Michio Kaku says “why not be both?”.)
(And “buy my books”. He says that a lot too. )

a typo. It was supposed to be crooks and nannies. thematticuskingdom
(It was also a typo that left them stranded with a warehouse full of puffins.)
crooks and grannies-inventors of the Eng. muffin. The Sailor’s Woman
(I prefer books and jammies – anchors of the bedtime routine.)
PMAO. We call them ‘freedom muffins’.
(the only meaningful contribution of Congress to society in the last twenty years.)
I’m not sure, but he can spread butter on my toast any day! Susie Lindau
(Umm…what kind of muffins are we talking about here?)
The cellulite in my thighs. brickhousechick
(I can’t believe it’s not butter!)
places to hide more alcohol! Twindaddy
(I like to leave the alcohol out in the open. On muffin coasters.)
peanut butter holders – Rutabaga
(Just like that automatic tray on my computer!)

Congratulations to JakLumen for this weeks winning answer!!!, proving once again that polls are stranger than fiction. And from the offered choices, the most popular was They’re called “crumpets”, you bloody Yank!. So congratulations to all you English xenophobes out there too!
This week, My girl and I have been closing up an estate. There was a ton of packing and sorting and arranging before donating it to a variety of charities that will hopefully hand the stuff off to people who could use it.
It got me to thinking about all the stuff I have and, of course, all the stuff you have. So This weeks question is what do you do with it all??? Let us know as often as you like, but let us know by Tuesday, 1 April, 2359 EDT, because that’s when this one ends.
Try and keep yourself to three Other answers if you do write-ins, and if you do leave an Other, add a way to recognize you at the end, and I’ll link back to you next week.

And til next time, enjoy a quick behind the scenes view of every sitcom casting session ever,

Have a great weekend, everyone!

126 responses to “Into The Valley Of Foolishness Rode The Six Hundred…

  1. Good luck with dealing with all the stuff from the estate. Not an easy task in many ways. Charities is the keyword … and keep the receipts for tax purposes.

    MY first Friday Foolishness in some time … great to be back. Thanks for the good opening tune and the parody.


    • Thanks Frank. We’re already looking at headaches, but hopefully it will be done soon.
      Sounded like you and the Mrs. We’re seeking nicely into your new place.


  2. Two awards in one week? For real?! You hit a double. I don’t recall ever seeing that before. Can you imagine if that came with a cash prize?


  3. I’m still waiting for your spam-inspired post Guap!


    • I’m enjoying having something actually workable in my Drafts folder.
      There’s a literary limerick coming next, then the spam.
      (Unless I delete it accidentally.)

      Gotta warn you though, I sprained my brain writing it. Reading in the local spam dialect may be painful…


  4. Thanks for the shout out.
    And, yeah, buy my book! It’s Free! That’s the best kind of purchase you can get. 😀


  5. I’ll take stuff. My house is basically empty and it echoes. Good luck with everything!


  6. I love your Friday posts, Guap. They put a big smile on my face.


  7. You make Friday better than Friday…


  8. I can’t even imagine dealing with my parent’s household. They collected antiques for years!!!


  9. For once I didn’t have to take the lift all the way to the bottom before adding my insults, I mean my comment. As always we have the usual suspects frequenting your Space and offering their slant on whatever you have dished up for us, in this case crumpets, but more importantly is our reference to what we do with our surplus rubbish, I mean riches, I usually have a car boot sale or something, of course the charity shop idea is always an option, and it saves me packing up the car for one thing. Just kidding 🙂

    Could I not have a car boot sale? Well no because I like to piss off all the cheapskates, you know the one’s that offer a measly dollar for something worth seventy five bucks or more. Just seeing the assholes grimace at my middle finger cheers me up no end, well something along those lines anyway, I mean if it wasn’t for their bare faced cheek I might have let them have it (BANG 🙂 ) no the item in question I mean, but no…

    Okay rant over, it’s time to congratulate you on your new awards and for entertaining us all with your awesome posts. For the record I do take quite a lot of things to the charity shops, give some things away to peeps I know, and even the family get some scraps, I’m not that greedy 🙂 lmao

    Have a wicked rest of
    Friday and weekend Guap 🙂



    • Shocked I am to see you this early in the comment stream!
      On the other hand, it’s always nice to go to one of those sales and score something great for cheap.

      Have a great weekend!


  10. Exactly who are you paying to get all these awards??


  11. Your title is my earworm today, since I had to memorize that poem in high school. Thanks.

    Otherwise, cleaning estates, especially when they belong to loved ones, is difficult. So many things have a personal memory–a remembered scent, a place visited. And, others, you look at and go, “What was he thinking?!?”


  12. whiteladyinthehood

    Happy Friday! (I will definitely check out the free book!)


  13. I always suspected you were a toe typer. Bet that leaves your keyboard kind of sticky and icky… 😉


  14. I LOVE that video – I just posted it on Facebook! Hope things go well as you sort stuff out, doing estate stuff can be complicated (much to do in little time!).


  15. I love your Friday recaps…is it wrong that I’m intrigued and can’t wait to see what lies behind the “Crowd Funded Breast” post?
    Actually, with all of the great folks I keep finding, I will have to eventually quit my day job just to keep up on the reading…and find an recently vacated estate that will donate me their stuff so I don’t have to work 😉


  16. There is no such thing as extra stuff… it’s mine… stop lusting after it…


  17. Once again, your and your friends’ with lit up my day. 🙂 All the best with the move. You got a new excuse to buy more things. 😉


    • Ha! I don’t know what I’d do with more stuff than I have no. Probably clean up the street after the house explodes…
      Glad you enjoyed! Join the fray whenever you like. 😉


  18. FREEDOM MUFFINS! I’m still laughing at that answer. FREEDOM MUFFINS! I love it! 😀


  19. Our internet here in South Africa, is way too slow to watch your video. 😦 Charities is definitely the way to go with unwanted ‘stuff’. One man’s throw-outs may well be another man’s treasures. 🙂


  20. Crowd Funded Breasts????? Hmmm. Congrats to JakLumen! I have to tell you that thanks to your original post about English Muffins I have eaten about 25 of them!! With lots of butter! I am on a no English Muffin diet now and eating the butter straight up.


  21. You got two awards but I got first mention on Guap’s Friday slot…doesn’t get much better than that! Happy Friday Guap.


  22. If I was going to get rid of my stuff, which I’m not ’cause I love stuff, I would keep it in the nooks and crannies of an english muffin! 😉


  23. Loved the video – I never even think like that anymore, so it was hilarious! Sorry you’re having to go through the estate business stuff, but donating is definitely the way to go. When my MIL passed away, she had so many beautiful business clothes from her working time, we found a specific charity which re-homes business clothes for women getting back into the work force. They supply them with a “interview outfit” & if they get a job, they allow them to pick 5 outfits to get them going until they can afford to buy their own clothes for working. I loved the idea of it!


    • That’s a great charity idea! We have a ton of stuff. We’re mostly glad just to be getting rid of it, but it is nice we’ll be passing it on to people who can use it.


  24. You’re a good sharer to spread the joy and be inclusive.


  25. I laughed so hard reading this that I had tears streaming down my face!


  26. Oh and thank you for the mention. 🙂


  27. Hey just popped in for a read of my blog and saw you mentioned me! Cheers.


  28. A read of your blog I mean!


  29. Thank you very much! I was inspired by some wonderful older church lady friends.

    But, pray tell, why dost thou capitalize the J and the L? Save thine trouble and spell me all lowercase. j-a-k-l-u-m-e-n… doesn’t roll as smooth as J-E-L-L-O but, y’know.


  30. Best of luck with clearing out the estate – that’s a big job! 😀


  31. 🙂 Have a great weekend, El 🙂


  32. Alas, I am a day late but I made it through the ice and snow. It’s still coming and we are about to get slammed yet again on Monday. If you hear of some crazy lady running around Newfoundland in her snorkeling gear shouting “OUT DAMNED SNOW! OUT I SAY!” you know who it is….ugh.


  33. Congrats on the awards!
    And you are officially my Polls King ! 😀


  34. Snoring Dog Studio

    My house is a revolving door of stuff coming in and stuff going out. My mom loves thrift shops. She brings home lots of stuff, forgets about it and then I take it back to the thrift shop. A different one.


  35. runningonsober

    What to do with all the stuff? Jenny says, “Let it go, let it go, let it goooooo!”

    Cowboy Mouth… Nice. Thanks for the needed smiles. See you Monday!


  36. English muffins are the ish! Even the Canadian ones that aren’t pre-fork split. So many butter crannies…
    Going through stuff to get rid of is always rough. I’m not the best at parting with my stuff, but going through other people’s stuff can be the worst. Sorry you have to deal with that. Through the reorganization of various family members and their stuff, my parent’s home has become the house of unwanted tables, among other things. We did find it was helpful to use an estate sale person – they organize and promote everything for you. Not sure if that’s logical in your case, just a suggestion. Also, I came up with the brilliance that was giving my stuff to Needy Sexy People as a response your poll for this week, and then clicked submit before adding my name. When you read it and wonder who was so clever, that was me 🙂


    • If something is almost but not quite the ish, is it Ish-ish? 😉
      We ending up packing everything in boxes and getting a hauling service.
      They break everything down in their warehouse and distribute it among the charities that can best use it.
      It was quite a project, and we’re glad to have finished it.

      Needy Sexy People. got it.


  37. Good luck with cleaning out the place. You two will be coming to my house soon, right? Right?


  38. Guapo, I read this yesterday, but my computer was malfunctioning. Are you moving or just getting rid of stuff. Nothing gets rid of stuff more than a move. I just moved my dad again today and was thinking all about stuff we could throw over the neighbor’s fence…just kidding! Good luck with it!


  39. A friend has asked me to meet her at her late aunt’s tomorrow afternoon to help her clean out stuff. I didn’t know the aunt very well, but it’s still melancholy work clearning out a home.


    • It really is. And dusty too.
      Hope it went smoothly for you and your friend.
      A friend of ours helped us out, and that made all the difference, physically and mentally.


  40. Awwww! Thanks for the shout out of the shout out I shouted out to you!!! Now go read my latest! I need input O’ wise one!


  41. This week came and went SO fast. 😦 Now back to school and the countdown till summer begins! ❤


  42. It’s good to be back visiting again. First, all the best with the estate clearing, both a sad and a happy time in that all sorts of good memories are raised in the sorting.
    Now,this muffin/ crumpet thing! They are different! They are not just different names for the same thing! It’s crumpets that have the holes and muffins that are pre split!
    Stuff! Oh we have too much but I love it all and have a new piece of stuff arriving today! 🙂


    • I don’t think I will ever understand the nuances of baked goods.
      Congrats on the new piece! My wife and I are now in negotiations to start getting rid of stuff. I think it’s open season on everything but the books. Sadly, most of the stuff is books. 😉


  43. I’m sorry you and TMWGITU had to go through that process –i wouldn’t wish it on anyone– but so glad you had a friend to help you. Hadn’t thought about “Jenny Says” in ages. It always makes me picture Fred what’s his name drumming and tearing around the 9:30 Club in DC like Animal from the Muppets.


    • Thanks. We finally got it all done and vacated the apartment, so that’s something.
      Animal I think is the highest aspiration possible for a drummer.


  44. Late as usual, but this time, not too late! 🙂

    I do not envy your estate tasks. I wrote a post not too long after I started blogging about converting from pack rat to minimalist. Not really that drastic, but my sister and I had just finished clearing out my mother’s house and she was borderline hoarder…personally I am more and more comfortable with less stuff.


  45. Hi Guap, Loved your post. Glad the estate moving went well. I was lucky with all of mine because my parents had cleared up things before hand. My step son is not going to be so lucky when his time comes! 🙂


  46. Pingback: You Can’t Always Get What You Foolishness | Guapola

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