Daily Archives: 21 December, 2011

There Goes The Neighborhood…

Today’s Music: AC/DC – Long Way to the Top

I read a whole bunch of blogs. I started reading them when I started mine. There are some on food and writing, there are blogs on travel and music, there are blogs of folks just venting their spleens, or taking the mickey out of us all.
They are written by people with a similar perspective to mine, from different perspectives, the light, the right, the straight, narrow, gay, religious, what have you.

And I love every last one of them.
I think All of them are from a unique point of view, and all of them have something to say. Not that I don’t, but frequently, “Being Pointless On The Internet” is not just a tagline around here, it’s a way of life.

So imagine my shock when I was nominated for a Versatile Blogger award by 2 bloggers whose sites I enjoy a lot.

MINE!!!!! (bwahaha)

But with nifty logos come great responsibilities, and this one carries the following:
* Nominate 15 fellow bloggers.
* Inform the bloggers of their nomination.
* Share 7 random things about yourself.
* Thank the blogger who nominated you.
* Add the Versatile Blog Award logo on your blog post.

But, hey, look at that! I’ve already finished the last one on the list. Sure it’s out of order, but for those who know me, the fact that I got any of the requirements done will come as a shock.

Next, and more importantly, I’d like to direct you to the two bloggers who nominated me (yes, I’ve got the comments to prove they did):

First off, The Budget Cooking Blog. Dan McCullough not only knows how to cook, he knows how to explain a recipe. Which is kind of wasted on me, as I’m the guy who makes inedible cheese fondue soup.
Dan makes it look easy, and taste great.
And if you live in Chicago, he’ll tell you where to go for the food bargains. He’ll do this even if you don’t live in Chicago, but you’ll have to fly there so it might not be so cost effective.

The other nominator, in whose reflected glory I bask, is Pursuit of Happiness. Reading her blog is like hanging out in a good friends kitchen. I’m only sorry that I don’t have USB Scent Cannons (sharper Image, $79.95) for my PC to add those delicious cooking smells when I’m reading it.

Pick up the pace, buddy...I've got stuff to do...

I’m also supposed to send you to 15 other sites who I think are deserving of the Versatile Blogger award. There are some I won’t add on the list because they’ve already been nominated, and I don’t want them to be bombarded with these things. They lose their shine if you do that.
So here’s my list of nominees: (by the way, being nominated for a Versatile Blogger Award means you’ve won it. So Congratulations!)

Unintimidated By Convention In addition to his excellent entries, he is the keeper of the Bozo list. He also manages to keep going in the real world and prove it can be done.

Is It Possible To See It All. It’s a running commentary on Travel, Music and Canada. Now I may have said some mean things before to Canada, but his blog makes up for most of it. Go for the music, stay for the travel.

Call Me Quirky. This site is a lot of fun. A stream of consciousness, plus the sight that introduced me to the phrase Slutty McSluttums, and also to the concept of salad dressing in a hat. You can’t buy entertainment like that folks. At least not with a credit card under your real name. Or so I’ve been told.

The Flame Inside. She wrote a post that moved me, and that moved others. And sometimes, she’s really funny too. Quite versatile.

Linda Vernon Humor. Lately she has opined on Pottery Barn catalogs and ’30s cookbook fiction. Really.

Upsidedown Pineapple. She doesn’t post as often as I’d like (I’d like daily please), but I find her hilarious. And she’s got a mouth like a drunken sailor.

Old Dog New Tits. She started off contemplating a breast job and went to dealing with a lung mass with a lot of honesty and humor. And naked mole rats. You can find hte mole rat entries on your own, because I ain’t gonna encourage that kind of behavior. Blech.

Elle Tea Emm. She writes great poetry.

YoYo-Dyne Propulsion Systems: Reno Division. She’s been blogging for years, and it is a wonderful collection of posts form the ordinary to the sublime covering the gamut of the human condition. (Yes, gamut.). Even if she wasn’t a fantastic blogger (which she is), she definitely deserves it just for finding this. And she knows classic movies and music!

Whitney’s Soup. Because she knows how to answer the dreaded How Are You? at work, and how to act like a grownup.

Cannabalistic Nerd. Because where else will you find this?

Magsx2. Great videos, and every friday, a stack of jokes! Just pick any post from his site – they are all wonderful, like this or this.

Goradde. He captions pictures. They.Are. Hilarious.

Ashley Jillian. She’s probably gotten this like 9 times. Or should have. Really, where else are you going to get Cat Plates!!!

Bio Scientific Editing. Why a blog that strays from the silliness? Well, because thanks to her, i know a brief history of the U.S. medical profession. And I now know how to use a
light microscope.

Top of the world, ma!

And now 7 random things about me:
– I once ran under a moving truck because I didn’t fell like waiting for it to pass.
– I can say my pencil is green in 5 languages (thanks for the Finnish translation, Kanerva!)
– I know how to correctly use both a 20 sided die and a 44 Magnum.
– I was (a long time ago in a previous life) selected as my local bars’ best drunk driver.
– My current ear piercing is the fourth time I’ve had it done. It’s also the first time it hasn’t gotten infected, the first time it was done by a pro, and the first time I got one and wasn’t drunk. (I just have one – the previous three were all allowed to close as part of the healing).
– I make Kick. Ass. Whipcream.
– I expect my last word before I depart will be Oops. And I’m really curious what the situation will be. (But I can happily wait to find out!)

So there it is. I blog. I’m Versatile. Woohoo!
For all those blogs I read but didn’t nominate, let’s just say I’m saving your sites for myself. Because you won’t respond to my comments if you get too popular. Or if you get a restraining order…

So thanks again to Dan and Sush. Despite the flippancy,I really do appreciate it.

Is he done yet? Sheesh, next time just mail the award..

Don’t worry, I won’t let this go to my head…much!