Friday Foolishness – Early Riser Edition

Today’s Music: Molly Hatchet – Flirtin’ With Disaster
Days Til Spring: 11!!!

So much to cover, so short an attention span. So before I get distracted by snow monkeys, we should probably dive right in.
Many of you have heard of or participated in any of numerous writing challenges in the sphere.
Here’s one a bit different you might like – Vina Kent wants to do a Storie Game that’s new (to me), and could be a lot of fun.
edrevets explained to me very clearly why expatriates are weird, and morezennow took me to see possibly the worst doctor ever. Oh, and Lizzie Cracked put up a handy dandy checklist that is in your best interest to check out. (*UPDATE she got Freshly Pressed for this!!!)
Thanks to you guys and everyone else – you made it an interesting week!

But what you’re really wondering is DEAR GOD, WHY HAVEN’T THESE AWFUL POLLS STOPPED?!? What magnificent responses came in to last weeks I like my brains with… question?
Well, I’ll tell you! (As always, my comments are in italics.)
Open skulled Ray Liotta’s conversation.
(Wait a minute – I was supposed to listen to the dialogue in that scene???)
Scrambled eggs…which is what my brain feels like after a visit here. Alex A.
(Highest. Compliment. Ever.)
Beauty John Phillips
(Throw in a little “beast” and you’ve got a deal!)
A nice orange sauce
(Because you can never go wrong with a classic!)
no brussell sprouts, brains stay in the head, + I’ll take a tall Black&Tan 🙂
(It’s ok, I drink when I write these too.)
brussell sprouts, sauteed in butter with garlic; tall Black and Tan… janet
(see, the answers are much easier before the drink!)
Pinky, a hose and a rubber duck. Red.
(The boobs of the beast?)
I will need melba toast with mine..
(Ok, I’m in my 40s, so it’s time to ask, WHAT THE HELL IS MELBA?!?)
Tone naaa! Linda V
(But wouldn’t Tony sell the brains to pay his gambling debts?)
over medicated and marinated in irish whiskey with a side of retort. lizzie
(Do you mean pickled, lizziec?)
wait….pickled! or did I say that? lizzie
(Are you sure you haven’t been prepping your brain with this recipe?)
I have brains??!!?? Clearly you haven’t spoken to my mother!
(I have, and she is a lovely woman. And says I should tell you to call her already.)
…no, i actually don’t like my brain right now.
(I know how you feel. Mine occasionally crawls out of my ear and punches me in the face for some of the things I make it think…)
Head Cheese…great on crackers (sightsnbytes)
(Yep. They do things a little…differently in New Foundland…)
over easy with toast for dipping.
(This attraction to brains on crisp breads is a little disturbing…and mouthwatering!!!)
a side of humor and a cold beer. sandylikeabeach
(Yes, definitely need a sense of humor Around here. And the beer makes the polls go down so much easier!)

Here comes spring!!!

Also, the most popular choice form the ones offered was deep thoughts. And chocolate. So congrats to everyone who picked that. And for disturbing me even more. And congrats to Red for winning this week!
Ah, but fame is fleeting (trust me on this one!). Which means it’s time to move on…

As you all should know by now, Spring is my favorite season, and the first day of Spring is a big day on my calendar.Soon, the air will warm up, the sun will stay out deeper into the evening, and we’ll all be able to open our windows to let in the fresh air of renewal, the fragrant scents of new blooms, and of course, the sounds.
Which brings us to…

Voting closes Thursday, 15 March, at 2359.
And to send you on your way, video of people that have embraced the transition from Winter to Spring.
Have a great week, see you all on the flipside!

61 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Early Riser Edition

  1. Thanks man! Great post…cause my names in it ;P lol…seriously, the tone is fantastic, LoVe it!!!!


  2. I DID IT!!!!! Look right here at the front!!! I put my name on both my answers…unless I was marinating I don’t think I am responsible for anymore…thanks for the shout out and cool music annnnndddd melba – eh…its so so whats the video? That’s what is wrong with me ya know – SPRING!!!! i feel it in me bones wow… it’s kinda …where is everyone? I am always last and thought I missed all the fun…. ah who cares I can make fun of myself. Great Post as usual – actually …. even better. 🙂


    • I can’t wait to post your answer next week, lizziec! PERFECT!
      And your post was too good (and true) not to point out!

      I will probably end up spending part of my day trying to figure out what melba is. Never understood that.
      Or why I feel the need to find out…


      • hahahaha you saw that already? you can DO that? 😀 my mom used to have Melba – over for dinner she died yers ago – oh wait that was Grace… it comes in these big round flat things and has like waffley things and is dry and grainy…crackery thing…unless thats not Melba either… it is…yea… it is.


        • I have to be able to see them, lizziec. I need a count on how many Others there are so I know how much time I’ll need to write up next weeks post!

          I always thought melba toast was just thinly sliced toast. I wonder if they slice it before or after they toast….
          So Grace has the waffley things? Is it amazing? (see what I did there?)
          (gah – i need help)
          (when is the next WPA meeting?)


          • Dude! I am the first Other on there (for once) and you JUST put up this weeks… admit it – you just couldn’t wait to see what I had to say 🙂
            OMG are you THAT organized? you can DO that? I gotta stop that sorry lol…. but Does it have a tail?


            • I really couldn’t wait, lizziec. And since I can’t stop laughing, here it is for everyone else:

              I like to be woken by *blushing* NEVERMIND!!!

              And as far as the tail – what kind of shape does it have? Because if we don;t know that…


              • it doesn;t matter – even if it;s a monkey kinda shape – if it doesn;t have a tail – WAIT!! AH i 😳 phhhhhpffft I win by default – dammit…..
                going now… 😉


          • oh and yes…amazing I see I see! 10 mins – there’s already 400 people there…


      • Melba toast is a very dry, crisp and thinly sliced toast often served with soup and salad or topped with either melted cheese or pâté. It is named after Dame Nellie Melba, the stage name of Australian opera singer Helen Porter Mitchell. (from Wikipedia) AND oops I meant rectangle – did I say round? well my mom got it in BIG ROUND wagon wheels…or… donut….Hey! Donuts! Yum


        • Oh. My. God.
          I have no problem saying it again, lizziec – you friggin rock!!!!

          Now I can spend my day reading other blogs, as god intended.


          • As always, glad to be of service 🙂 that was lightening fast too…except it said “your comment is waiting to be moderated” since when do I have to be taken in moderation? 😀

            maybe it said your comment is awaiting moderation… hmmmm well whichever I highly doubt that my COMMENT cared – it was ME know I am staling right ? (there’s a lot of people over there a LOT) I don;t know what to say anymore… 😕


            • Go with Haiku.
              Or, if you really want to confuse ’em, open another very commented post of yours and just start cutting and pasting.



              • snicker…chuckle … my face hurts from laughing and my nose has had too much coffee in it this morning.. oh lordy… wiping tears from my eyes. off to wow em then… wish me luck and thanks for the awesome tips! I gotta pee first. then I ‘m going lol..whew…


    • Grats on being Freshly Pressed! It was a funny, though frightening, post!


  3. whiteladyinthehood

    – the sun will stay out deeper into the evening – I like the sound of that!
    I have one more work week until Spring Break! Woo Hoo! Great post Guapo!


  4. Nothing quite like an early morning writing challenge. I’ll check it out as soon as my prefrontal cortex agrees….this requires coffee….LOTS!


  5. Dang … another Friday let me to this.

    Oh my cryptic side … and then I learn that we should ID our poll additions. OK … let’s hope I can remember until next Friday. Have a good weekend!


    • Great clip! I used to watch Wide World of Sports all the time. I was very sad when Jim McKay passed on.
      And the Agony of Defeat wipeout is still the standard by which I measure my skiing stupidity!

      If you wrote one in, let me know which and I’ll add your link.


  6. Thanks for the shout-out, Guap! I was really having a mega-menopausal moment and some may wonder if that rant really is a sign that I need my brains on melba toast, nice crisp gin and tonic on the side! And perhaps I will go back, whistling “Flirtin’ With Disaster” but I doubt he even knows who Molly Hatchet is…
    “Isn’t she that girl who killed her parents?”
    “No, caveman, that’s Lizzie Borden, no relation to Elsie, either.”
    Great post and I think I found some new peeps to ponder, as well!


  7. Your countdown is lacking. 1. It’s 35 days (I believe) until free cone day at Ben and Jerry’s. 2. It’s 57 days until the docks go in at the sailclub, which is the official beginning of sailing season. These dates are far more meaningful than the solstice.

    Until then, there’s a bit more skiing to be done…maybe even in a t-shirt.

    Enjoy, EG.


  8. Ahh! Spring is in the air, I can feel it wafting from your site! Fresh and happy like a new mowed lawn. 🙂


  9. Hi,
    Great answers for last week from everyone, and I must go through the links you provided also after I do the catch up with the blogs. 🙂

    Spring is the best time of the year, I love seeing all the beautiful flowers out in the gardens around the city, everything always looks fresh and clean.
    As you know we have just started Autumn, so it is a bit of a relief from our very hot summers.


    • Thanks, Magsx2!
      I’m glad the heat is going down. Are there still flowers in bloom, or does it get all dusty in the fall?


      • There will still be some beautiful flowers in bloom here, we don’t have a lot of native trees that actually make any sort of change, they will still stay green and a lot will stay green through out our winter as well, don’t forget I am in the tropics. 😀


  10. In the great Pacific NW it is cold, cloudy and wet for most of the year. Every now and again during the fall, winter, and spring we catch a break. Today and yesterday were both sunny and in the mid 60s after months of mostly wet and 40s. I am at work and I hate it so much. My desk faces huge windows and I just have to stare at the stupid screen, typing stupid work things, and making stupid work calls. Grumble. Can’t wait for a sunny weekend day! Woo hoo!


  11. Leaf blowers and lawn mowers definitely! I love that smell of fresh cut grass! I think I’m anticipating Spring as much as you (well..maybe not)! I need warmth! Not looking forward to daylight savings time though….!


  12. i must be an idiot because everyone here knows where to put their answers to this question EXCEPT ME! if it’s not one of the pre-written ones do i put it in the “other box” but then how do you know who it’s – never mind …that’s where i’m putting it. whew. EG i always love your slyly witty posts. continue..


  13. I’ve never been woken up by dog slobber, but once I had a dream that a cat was licking my fingers and then woke up to find my cat licking my fingers. It was actually pretty nice.


  14. Remind me to keep my mouth completely closed about Molly Hatchet, but I adore this song. Thank you for the win. That by far is my fave Pinky and the Brain episode. It is the line I remember better than the rest of them. Reminds me of the Cow & Chicken days.

    Would it surprise you at all to know I have a John Brain T-shirt? I did not think so.


  15. Hi, Spring is a good Season to pick as a favorite! In Montana we have already had the coveted perfect Spring day it was last Saturday. It was a perfect blue sky day the tempeture was in the 60’s the air was warm almost balmy. The feeling around town slightly over the moon. My favorite day of the year so far.:+) I recently did a poll I guess I need to figrue out how to read the resulet. :+/


  16. Oh good my comment is here on the bottom. I hate it when I don’t profread my comment and I spell results resulet and it zooms up to the top like a floating turd.


    • I like the comments in order, starlaschat. Keeps the spirit of “race to the bottom” alive!
      I’ll post all the write ins in next weeks poll. If you did write one in, you can re-enter it with your handle at the end, and I’ll link back to you in the post.

      Yesterday in NY was the same. I stepped out for my afternoon coffee, and the day was painfully beautiful. Which means they are calling for rain on the weekend. Hmph.


      • “Painfully beautiful” I live for days like that. I find they are far and few between I am greatful to have had at least one this year. The winds today here are reported to be 60 to 70 miles an hour the whole State of Montana is under high winds and fire danger alert. Hunkering down now like Dorthy listening to the skaking of the house. Thanks for your comment on my comment. :+)


        • Stay safe, starlaschat.
          The comment conversations are one of my favorite parts of blogging, along with the people I meet!


          • Thanks! Just listening to the wind. I agree the comments and conversation and people are a wonderful perk of WordPress Blogging. In school I use to hear she’s a good student, but talks to much. Who knew it would come in handy years down the road blogging.


  17. Am I too late? My computer clock says 0115 on the 16th… hopefully yours is still on the 15th!!

    Your spring arrives so much earlier than ours 😦 enjoy it when it arrives!


  18. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Working Late Edition | Guapola

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