Daily Archives: 22 June, 2012

Friday Foolishness – Leather and Spandex Edition

Today’s Music: Train – Save Me San Francisco
Note On Today’s Music: Not a big Train fan, and the song has nothing to do with the post. But it’s a fun song and a fun video, so I thought I’d throw it in.

Well, that was a fun week. Started bad, got a little better, got ridiculously hot, and now it’s on the verge of finishing. Thank. God.
We had our new overlords in from overseas, and they did not make life easier. On the bright side, I sent out a resume for a position I’d like to get, so hopefully I’ll get a call from them.
The upshot is that I wasn’t around the ‘sphere near as much as I wanted to be. Most of the posts I managed to read I did in my email. But there were still some great ones.
Sights N Bytes told a story about a possessed guitar. Adair put up a perfectly named post about random stuff. Though it could also have been called “Ear Wax and Why We Love It”.
And more thoughtfully, ShoutAbyss put up an excellent post about the NRA that doesn’t have the usual vitriol a topic like that inspires.

Thanks to them and for everyone else out there. You guys put up wonderful posts that remind me there are better things to do than work too hard, and I thank you for it!

Hard to remember, but it was just last week we were discussing death. Specifically, the thing that doesn’t kill you.
And boy, did you guys have some strong opinions. So here they are, your responses to last weeks poll, What doesn’t kill me…. (As always, my comments are immortalized in italics.)

Better run!
(But it’s exercise that always gets me!)
will keep trying unless you kill it first. liveclay/Laura!
(What did you do to piss off the telemarketers?)
is anything that ends with ‘ia’ … insomnia, dyslexia … (kanerva)
(Actually, death by euphoria sounds like a pretty good way to go…)
is called parenthood (kanerva)
(Well, yes, but not in mainstream magazines.)
better run like hell because I have “cramps”- enough said! FinallyWendyWanders
(And, as a guy, I think you’ve said too much!)
helps me understand Calculus?
(Nothing like solving a mass/velocity equation while running for your life!)
makes my therapist wealthier
(Tell me about your mother. $500 please.)
may eventually result in a lucrative book deal
(Yeah, but what do you do for the sequel?)
is sure to try harder next time. ~flame
(I prefer “If at first you don’t succeed, screw it and take a nap”.)
makes me really really annoyed!
(You wouldn’t like me when I’m annoyed!)
will only make me stronger and baaaaaderrrr
(HA! That was its plan all along!)
will, eh, nevermind. I never complain about being alive. sandylikeabeach
better fucking run. Lilly
(I bet you say that to all the boys!)
Underpants! Bats0711
(Still hung up on those poor rollercoasters…)
Runs when I wake up. Red.
(Exactly what do you look like when you get out of bed?)
…knowing it has to sleep sometime…Red.
(Oh, yeah, that’s what I thought you meant! *cough cough*)
will leave me believing strongly in euthanasia (Elyse 54.5)
(Why help it to win?)
are the terrorists who keep poisoning my food & gave me an inefficient colon.
(If you don’t eat the bacon sundae, the terrorists win.)
The terrorist one was me – WhatIMeant2Say
(See, Homeland Security! She’s in with the terrorists! Not me! (You can pick her up at Harvard this summer) (hehehe))
is mimes, they suck. John Phillips
(Mimes can only kill you if they escape from that box they’re trapped in.)
makes for good blog fodder!
(Megashark versus Octoblogger!)
probably will give me explosive diarrhea. Love, Edward Hotspur
(After it’s done not killing you, you should definitely make it do your laundry!)
makes me _wish_ i were dead
(Well, that’s fatalistic of you…)
Will most certainly give me more wrinkles and grey hair! SnaapALicious Ginger
(I didn’t know you suffered from stress, Ginger. I thought you were just a carrier.)
is apparently a really bad hit man. – mikecalahan.wordpress.com
(I really hope you’re not complaining about that!)
makes me want to kill them.
(Turnabout is fair play.)
should have, because now, I’m fucking pissed. (Lorre)
(I see you as Clint Eastwood in this one…)
Will still probably kill me.-Lily
(That’s the spirit!)
makes me longer (popular saying from the Spanish Inquisition) Linda V
(No one expects the Spanish Inquisition…)
is clearly underachieving Stay Abnormal
(Well don’t encourage it!)
makes me a believer in the benefits of alcohol. KJ
(You’re only coming to believe in that now???)
will come back to haunt me (Frank)
(If it gets you, you can haunt it!)

Congratulations to sandylikeabeach for her life affirmingness! And of the offered choices, the most popular was “had better pay my bar tab!”. Damn right. It’s the least it could do.

Last weekend, my girl and I made it to see The Avengers. And it was a lot of fun! Personally, I thought Bruce Banner had the best scenes in the movie. And can someone explain to me what Natasha’s super power is? Other than not sweating all over herself while encased in leather and fighting like a tornado, I mean.
Following that line of thought, I started wondering, what would a good superpower be?
Which brings us to this weeks poll.
Dream big, fellow Asylumites! But dream it soon, because this poll closes at 2359 EST, on 28 June. Leave a way to tell who you are in the write-ins, and I’ll link back to you next week.

So there you have it. And to keep the foolishness rolling a little longer, these are for your entertainment.
This is from the pre-finale fight near the end of the Avengers. Without seeing the whole movie, it’s not as good, but I thought this was one of the best bits.

And for those of you that lament the lack of spirituality on this site, I give you Reverend Jesse Jackson.

Have a great weekend, y’all. See you when I see you…