Friday Foolishness – Explosive Edition

Today’s Music: George Michael – Freedom! ’90
Note On Today’s Music: Not a huge fan of George Michael. But this song has a good message, and stuff blows up. Plus, since I may have gone a tad far in one of the poll replies from last week, this one is for Madame Weebles as a preemptive apology.

Well, it was an important week. Canada Day. The Fourth Of July. A Melted Hose In My Car.
Ok, maybe that last one isn’t important to you, but it was pretty important to me.
And as always, there was nothing but good reading in the ‘sphere. Zannyro posted nature porn in the form of Bumpie clouds.
Cowgirl Liz returned to blogging with a subject close to my heart – beer! And sandylikeabeach continued her Blogigirthary celebration.
And in other news, Shalvika P was kind enough to bestow a Versatile Blogger award on me. Honored, I am!
Thanks to all of you for the great posts, and another thanks for all the encouragement and well wishes. You made this week seem a lot less heavy, and I really appreciate that.
Just further proof that I know the coolest people on the web.

mmmm….so tasty when flattened…

Yet despite the honors, there’s still stuff to do. Like tally the votes from last week’s poll. Y’all came up with some combinations to delight and astound! (And just a few to revolt, but hey, that’s how it goes sometimes…).
So here they are, your responses to last weeks question, What should Peanut Butter be teamed with? (As always, my comments are spread in italics).

Marmite don’t you know anything? Check out Marmageddon, it’s hell over here!!!
(mmm…it’s like culinary napalm!)
my finger. (zannyro)
(Well, I guess it’s better than butter fingers…)
The roof of a dog’s mouth. (Stacy Lyn)
(Because that’s kind of amusing?)
The roof of a dog’s mouth b/c it’s hilarious! (Stacy Lyn)
(Ah, got it! ;))
vaginas…It’s Time to regulate Against The Word Vagina
(I trust you’ll be supplying the recipe details?)
Where is the chocolate option!!?? Love & Lunchmeat
(Busted! I was keeping that for myself.)
fava beans and a nice chianti. John Phillips
(Nice, but then you get peanut butter all over the rim of the glass)
George Michael. Because that poor bastard deserves a comeback.
(Should we just have the paparazzi follow Peanut Butter to the rendezvous in the park restroom.)
(btw the George Michael vote was from Madame Weebles)
(Thank you, Madame Weebles. Please see above for my apology!)
oh yeah, p’nut butter and MAYO!!! Not miracle whip, real MAYO!!!
(Can I interest you in a can of cold gravy-flavored Coke from a few polls ago to go with that?)
and bananas, of course B’Kat & not just cuz of banana above!!!
(Admit it – you can’t get that song out your head!(me either. Sigh.))
Just the traditional sammich. Instead of bread though, use chocolate bars.
(Ok, so not really a traditional sammich at all.)
-Choco bar sammich comment by BrainTomahawk 🙂
(You made an excellent comment. But I thought you were making sammiches?!?)
My belly!!!! As in “get in my belly!” Michelle at Motley News
(Wow, that’s just..I mean…- Oops – I googled “on” my belly. Ouch.)
Chocolate. Dark chocolate. No, wait. Hold the peanut butter. Red.
Wasabi, melon, garlic, chives and lamb gravy – Hotspur
(Show off.)
Um, hello, CHOCOLATE! – I don’t joke about such things. Gripping Life
(Of course not. It’s a serious topic. And don’t call me chocolate.)
Peanut Butter and Phyllis Diller Sandwich; filling and entertaining! LindaV
(Much better than a Peanut Butter and Phyllis Schlafly sandwich. That’s just sour.)
pork chops Stay Abnormal
(Peanut butter flavored applesausce?)
flea medication – makes it go down better ~whatimeant2say
(I tried that with my insulin Couldn’t fit it in the syringe…)
Dill pickles, of course!What? No,I’m NOT pregnant again,thx for asking.SnaapyG
(Thank god for small miracles!)
Larry the Cable Guy in an hilarious buddy cop film. –
(Larry declined. He was worried Peanut Butter would get all the good lines.)
Nutella and the tears of children.-Lily
(A triple decker delight of extra deliciousness!)
Jam (apricot or nothing) Kanerva
(Is there a lot of sugar in nothing flavored jam?)
Chili, garlic & whatever else goes in satay, and make it chunky! Kanerva again
(Waitaminute – there’s no jam in that.)
Bananas…obviously. KJ
(In all seriousness, I never understood that, kayjai.)
(Stick to the poll please, with no commentary on it’s author, thankyouverymuch.)
chewing gum in my kid’s hair so I don’t have to buzz her head–Jennifer Worrell
(With the amount of washing that will need, a buzz might be easier…)
chocolate, port, my lady, and more port (Frank)
(Have to say, I’m surprised your lady doesn’t come up until third. But other than that, I like where your head’s at!)
Nutella….seriously. Drool.
FLUFF!!!!! It’s a fluffernutter. 🙂 —Mel
(Oh, sorry, I stand corrected. FLUFF IS THE DEVIL’S SPREAD!!!)
Nothing at all, because I don’t like it!
(They make a pill for that, you know.)
Congratulations to Red. for this weeks winning (and non peanut butter???) answer. And from the offered choices, the most popular was JELLY, YOU HEATHEN!!!. Because people love tradition!

I had some half-formed ideas for this weeks poll – founding principles, nation types, cheez whiz. You know, the usual.
But I noticed a commonality during the North American celebrations this week: Fireworks! And what are fireworks but happy explosions?
So this week, I’d like to ask you to let your inner arsonists out, and tell us what you think should explode.
As always, if you leave an Other answer, let me know who you are and I’ll link back to you next week. but get your answers in soon, because this one enters the history books at 2359 EST on Thursday, 12 July.

So until next time, I thought I’d leave you with these.
Andy Griffith passed away this past week. Well known for The Andy Griffith Show and Matlock, here’s something you might not have caught before.

And here’s Andy singing the words to the theme song of his show. I didn’t even know it had words!

Have a great weekend, everyone, and a great week to follow!

67 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Explosive Edition

  1. Am I the FIRST commenter! Oh joy! Oh mounds of Peanut butter and banana sandwiches of joy!!! Have a good weekend…and lots of peanut butter…and bacon. yum…


  2. Woo-hoo!!!!!!! Thanks for the nod….(I think)…….loved your foolishness as usual….laughed my way through it as usual….and got a little trip down memory lane as it meandered through Mayberry…
    I can’t believe that they never promoted the words to the theme music!!…… Have a great weekend and I hope that your hose doesn’t melt THIS week..


    • Thank you, zannyro, and glad you liked it.
      If you don’t hear any news about a car being launched into an nyc river, then no other hoses have melted.
      There are also lyrics to the theme music from Start Trek. Gene Roddenberry wrote them and used that credit to steal half the royalties from Alexander Courage.


  3. clownonfire

    EL Guapo,
    This is such a wonderful post habit you have… What a great way to drive traffic – really! – and to create a sense of community with your readers.
    Le Clown


    • Thank you Le Clown.
      In my case, it’s much more about the community than the traffic. I doubt I’ll hit that upper echelon of those who get a book contract because their blog is so well read.
      Which is fine – I have great, clever, smart readers, so it’s always a pleasure to hang out with them, wherever we see each other on the interwebs.


      • clownonfire

        El Guapo,
        I don’t care myself for a book. But if I could land a role in Mad Men with John Holloway because of my charming wit, though….
        Le Clown


        • You should have a column in GQ or Esquire, Le Clown.
          Perhaps an instructional/improvement guide for us Hawaiian shirt and boat shoe kind of guys? 😉


  4. whiteladyinthehood

    Happy Friday! I didn’t know the theme song had words, either…I just thought it was whistling…Laughin’ about the Nutella…I asked my husband if he wanted to try it – I told him it was made out of hazel nuts…he argued with me that he had seen the commercial and they were giving the children acorns..I said its NOT acorns – its hazel nuts…this argument went on n on n on…Have a Good One!


    • I didn’t know about the lyrics either until I looked for clips for the post.
      My sister introduced me to Nutella years ago.
      Because she hates me.

      Thanks whitelady! You have a good one too!


  5. I loves me some Andy Griffith. What a great find that is of him singing the opening song. He feels like an old friend, right?

    I don’t care for George Michael either but that song is pretty great. Remember the MTV version with all the super models? Pretty steamy hot, if I recall.


    • It’s funny Lisa, everything George did between Wham and being outed was heavily tinged with sex. but if you strip all that away and just have the music, some of it’s pretty good.

      An old friend is a perfect description of Andy Griffith.


  6. Hello Guap – I’ve often wondered what Jelly means in The States. Over here in damp Blighty it is wibbly wobbly stuff you have with Ice Cream for a tasty pudding. I used to eat it in its raw state as a nipper and this may explain in part my wibbly wobbly nature.


  7. I’ve never been a great fan of George Michael but there is are a few tracks of his that I find seductive, spinning the wheel being one of them:


  8. Now here’s what’s sad: I read your comment on my poll answer and I thought, “So how did he go too far?”


  9. I often wonder if I’ve gone too far in my replies, Madame Weebles. And the readers always impress me. Fortunately, as long as I think it’s funny, good taste will rarely stop me!


  10. Thanks for the foolishness! So sad about Andy Griffith. Mayberry was a Utopia everyone loved. My dad is the same age and doing great!
    Have an especially foolish weekend El Guapo!


  11. The Andy Griffith bit was pretty funny. Thanks for posting that. I found this short film version of it that someone made:


  12. It’s hard not to like Andy Griffith. Some people just don’t seem to have a mean bone in their bodies.

    I didn’t vote in the poll. Due to certain events in my past, I probably shouldn’t even joke about something like that!

    And that sucks about your car. It seems like you have a pretty good attitude about it, though. Serious question, though–how much do you use your car? I know you work in the City. I didn’t think anybody drove there.


    • While I’m curious, I won’t ask, Smak. Sorry if it brought up any bad memories.
      I live in Queens, and couldn’t get by without a car – my surfboard is too long to carry on the subway, and regular errands like food shopping are just so much easier with wheels.


      • No bad memories, I was mostly joking. But you already know a little about what I’m talking about if you remember the very serious post I did a few weeks ago about something awful I saw when I was younger. The reason I was there in the first place had to do with fireworks.


  13. I have nothing of value to add to this conversation but just wanted to say hi. So…HI and hope you have a great weekend. I’ll be thinking about what should explode.

    P.S. George Michael!?


    • Are you asking if George Michael should explode, Lilly? Or wondering why the hell he’s the song of the day?
      Because I have no good answer for either of those.

      Hope your weekend is fun and combustion free!


  14. I wanted to hear more about the melted hose, ugh!! Melted because of outside heat or because of something internal going awry? Glad your cars back in order!


    • I ws on the highway and saw the temp gauge climbing. I pulled over and heard a wicked hissing from the back of the engine compartment. thought a hose clamp was loose, but they were all tight, and nothing was coming out of them.
      Then I stuck my head further back, and saw a hose pressed against part of the very hot AC assembly in front of the firewall. I pulled the hose away, and there was a stream of coolant squirting out of the middle of the hose.
      My mechanic was quite amused.

      Have a great weekend, Asplenia!


  15. Gaup – thanks for the nod. So sorry I missed out on the PB poll!

    And melted hose? Details – or at least a limerick…


    • Never mind on the hose – you posted details as I was commenting. Although a limerick about it might still be fun. 🙂


      • Hey, you wrote about beer. How could I not love it?!

        The temperature gauge rapidly rose
        The odor of rubber assaulted my nose.
        The trip came to a stop
        in a nearby parking lot

        All for the lack of a hose.

        Thank you! Try the veal, and don’t forget to tip your waitress.


        • Perfection! See now aren’t you glad your hose melted all over your engine in 100 degree weather on the freeway? There’s an up side to everything! Or maybe I should say there’s a Guap side to everything! 😀


  16. Thanks for the shout out or print out, Guapo!


  17. Of course I loved everything about your Friday Foolishness. I can’t even remember a time when I didn’t have Friday Foolishness in my life! I loved the George Michael song. It’s a good song! And Andy singing was touching. He put so much good in the world. And what is this fluff you speak of?


  18. Poor Andy Griffith. I saw him in 1997 when he came to Santa Fe to film a terrible movie of the week… maybe it was even Lifetime, ach… but anyway, he looked awful. Bloated and alcoholic and a long way from Mayberry. I think it was called “Scattering Dad,” which also sort of fits with this week’s poll. Remotely. Now I’m depressed.


  19. Red’s answer was definitely, without a doubt, the absolute best. Good choice!


  20. I want to blow up all singing toys. I’ve been trying to banish them from my house for years, but the grandparents just keep buying more…

    And next week, you should put up a link to a song you actually like!


    • Actually, this song was last of a string of hits by George, and in the video, all the things destroyed are icons from previous videos of his.
      It’s also a catchy tune, but I’m going to go with something I love for the next posts. Just not sure what yet. 😉


  21. Handsome,
    I forgot to thank you for that virus update last week. All green is always a good thing. I would like to blow up all future TomKat stories. And this Freedom song? It’s a very cool way to rock coffee in my PJ’s on a lazy Sunday morning.


  22. Oh no, I hope that melted hose didn’t melt your wallet too badly. That’s a real bummer. I enjoyed the Andy Griffith video – not having been brought up in this country, I was never brought up with Mr Griffith, so I never really got to see much of him until he died. Very sad though. He clearly influenced the lives of many 😦 Thanks for the George Michael reminder too 🙂


    • I’m glad you got to experience some of Andy, even if it’s posthumous.
      Glad you liked the tune, Nicky. And the hoses weren’t near as bad as I thought!


  23. Eric Murtaugh

    I feel like a better American now for knowing that there are indeed lyrics to the Andy Griffith Show. So thanks for that, buddy. It’d be even better if I were to learn the lyrics and bust them out at the right time. “What? You don’t know the lyrics to the Andy Griffith Show!? And you call yourself some kind of American? Somebody get me a guitar, stat!”


  24. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Kelvin edition | Guapola

  25. I have 2 favorites with peanut butter: peanut butter & marmalade, peanut butter on a boiled hot dog in a bun. No, seriously – it gives the wiener a wonderful nutty flavor. Everybody thinks I’m nuts, but it’s truly delicious. See how far behind I am, but I’m trying to get caught up!


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