Friday Foolishness – Happily Ever Hereafter Edition

Today’s Music: Marshall Crenshaw – Someday Someway

ZOIKS! I didn’t know it was possible to be this tired and tense, but still be functional. And yet I am.
And since I was still functional this week, I got to read some great posts! Kid Free Living told a hilarious bungee cord story that had me rolling, both in laughter and sympathy pain. NBI’s creative writing keeps getting better.
And Ginger Snaap graced us all with another excellent poem.
Finally, Claire nominated me for a Sunshine Award! Why? No clue. But I do know she has one of the coolest sites in the sphere. So you should really check her out.
Thanks to them and all of you. Though I’ve only been able to spend a little bit of time in the sphere lately, it’s definitely been quality time.

But last week, we engaged (as we do every Friday) in a light-hearted waste of time. That’s right there was a poll. And with poll questions come answers.
We asked What you do to stay cool. And here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are chillin’ in italics.)

To stay cool, I don’t talk to priests or politicians.
(Have you thought about taking them on a balloon ride? It’s cool up there, and a great use of all the hot air!)
(Coolest spot on the web!)
Stand over the AC vent whilst wearing a skirt, duh! Snaapily Gingerlicious
(You’ll be cool. The rest of us will feel our temperatures slowly rise…)
dress like The Fonz and go around fixing things with my fist (WordsAndOtherThings)
(You’d seem cool, but I can’t see a leather jacket being comfy summer wear…)
yup – that’s it – Im moving to Iceland buddhakat
(Why is there no “CoolandComfyLand”?)
or maybe AK?!?!? buddhakat
(I’m guessing you’ve never heard of Alaska’s summer fighter jet mosquito problem?)
stay nekked. Lilly
(Stay??? You were nekked all year???)
hibernate. Lilly
(I always thought that was a winter sport.)
Make Bear sleep on the other side of the house. Red.
(That’ll make you physically cooler, but won’t tempers get a bit hot?)
stay in my very own country. Just yesterday, my feet were ice cold. Cool. NBI
just keep being me, babe. And I remember to wear shades, even indoors.
(I’m torn between a Risky Business or a Saved By The Bell reference…)
Play hockey, the coolest sport on ice. John Phillips
(Sure, until the ice melts…)
Do nothing. I can’t possibly be cooler than this. – Hotspur
(Never thought you’d give up without even trying…)
Visit my vacation home on Hoth. Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
(Nothing like kicking back with a juicy Tauntaun burger and a delicious drink from the cantina!)
head for the Fortress of Solitude and enjoy the cold icy air
(Waitaminute -Clark told me I had the only key!)
I spritz myself with a light coating of liquid methane. Linda V
(Switching to nitrogen would be a cracking idea! (see what I did there?))
rent out a meat locker and live there for the summer (Madame Weebles)
(Steaksicles for dessert. Yum!)
try (but fail) to emulate El Guapo Stay Abnormal
(Trust me Rich, you are so far past me on the cool scale, it’s embarrassing.)
attend an orgy full of Eskimos. – calahan
(I think that’s gonna melt the igloo…)
bite into a York Peppermint Patty. –BrainTomahawk
Hang out with Bohemian poets, Daddy-O KJ
(Creful – the Patchouli oil smells even stronger when it’s heated!)
More limoncello please. (Frank)
(Is limoncello normally served over ice?)

Congratulations, BrainTomahawk! Never let it be said that the classics go out of style!
And from the offered choices, the most popular was at tie! The two most voted were would do things for a Klondike Bar. You know. Things… and why would I want to be cool when I’m smoking hot?
So congratulations to all you…odd folk too!

Which brings us to this weeks poll. Which almost didn’t happen.
I’ve been a bit overextended the last few weeks. With little hope of it lightening up in the near future. Makes me wonder if I’m not running myself into the ground. And what will happen after that.
So I’m asking you, fellow Guapolians. What happens when it all ends, when the final curtain is drawn and the next thing happens. What then?
You tell me. But tell me before 2359 EST on 26 July, because that’s when this one ends.
And if you leave a way to identify you in an “other” answer, I’ll link back to you next week.

And to entertain you until we come back around, enjoy these.
Continuing with the random theme of “Oh, this person was funny!”, here’s Rodney Dangerfield

and Sam Kinison on marriage. There’s a bit of cursing here. And yes, TMWGITU had no problem with me using this clip.
So there.

Have a great week everyone. See you on the…oThEr SiDe… oooweeeoooo

82 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Happily Ever Hereafter Edition

  1. Thanks for mentioning me, I feel so honoured :).
    And you’re very welcome for a Summer Ice Party over here!


  2. Hope your days get lighter. Summer should be relaxing…not crazy!


  3. Guapo,
    “Guapolians”… I like.
    Le Clown


    • It was either that or “Guaputians”, Le Clown, but I think Vladimir Putin and Gullivers Travels have ruined that for everyone.
      And someone else already uses “carnies”.


  4. A gripping life

    Oh, I LOVE that Marshall Crenshaw song. I have’t heard that in such a long time. Good call. I’m thinking about the afterlife question… So many things I want… Perhaps a Kardashian free life? A life of endless food and no weight gain? No work, all play? I’ll get back to you.
    Have a great weekend!


    • Please tell me I don’t have to wait til I’m dead for a Kardashian free life!
      Glad you liked the song, it’s one of my favorites too, Lisa.
      Hope your weekend is fun!


  5. Darn it! How did I miss last week’s poll? I think I missed last week altogether, not just your blog but my life. Oh well, always time to catch up later. Unless it’s the end of the world and then I’ll have to think of what happens next. For the poll. Sorry you’ve been stressed, hope it’s a temporary function of summer heat, underappreciative employers, and, uh, not enough blog reading (?) Have a great weekend!


  6. It sounds like you’ve been pulling quite a schedule the past few weeks — I’m impressed that you somehow manage to post and be active in the blogosphere. So I answered my poll with a wish for me and one that I hope helps you too: lotsa rest! Get caught up this weekend, hear?


    • I’ll do my best, but no promises Asplenia.
      And if I didn’t stay in the blogosphere, how would I have found the answer to the mystery of the elbow? đŸ˜‰


  7. free penny press

    Take a step back, relax and come back re-energized.. Enjoy your summer not stress!!!
    Love Sam Kinison.. long time no see!!


    • The hard part was picking which clip to use, FPP. I was watching this and my girl rolled her eyes a few times at this one (while laughing), so I figure it was the winner…


  8. “Zoiks” – that’s a new one on me, love it! Hope the weekend is less tense and tiresome. I know how those feel, and they ain’t good! Hopefully it’s cooler with you too right now – a lovely 68 degrees for us at the minute, and I’m going to sleep well tonight since my apartment won’t be like a small oven đŸ™‚


    • “Zoiks” is a Scooby Doo classic, Nicky!
      Cool and wet here, and everything seems to have slowed down a bit. Looking forward to taking a bit off the pace while I can…


  9. Stress is underrated. Oh wait, I seem to have mistaken stress for the band Yes. Hope this weekend brings you some maxin’ and relaxin’, Guap! ;D


  10. Rodney Dangerfield is funny as hell đŸ™‚ Great vid Guap


  11. Thank You, Mr.Guaperella! I think you are the coolest cat in the corral!


  12. whiteladyinthehood

    Enjoyed the clips today, Guapo. Dangerfield is classic! (and Kinison is too funny) I hope you get a nice relaxing weekend with good cold beer and lots of sleep!


  13. Damn, Guap, you’ve had a lot going on lately. Take a breather, buddy. But not too much of a breather because we’d miss you.


    • Thank you Madame Weebles!
      I think it’s the blogging that helps me keep my tenuous grip on reality. Not mine, everyone elses.
      Everyone elses blogging I mean.
      Not everyone elses grip.
      Uh oh., slipping now…


  14. That’s some old-school Sam Kinison. It’s easy to forget how wickedly funny he was, particularly in light of the changing social mores between his heyday and now.

    So despite being all tense and a grumpus, you still won the sunshine award? Clearly that cheerful chipper chipmunk is peering through.

    Thoughts on an Eskimo orgy: That’s a lot of nose-rubbin’.


    • Cheerful chipper chipmunk?!?
      Dude, that’s just mean.

      And if your mind goes to “nose-rubbin'”, you might be doing it wrong, Smak.


      • Foreplay, man–foreplay!


      • I’ve been puzzling over this for ten days now. My joke wasn’t first-rate, but it was solid B material for sure.

        Serious question: Do you know the term “Eskimo Kisses?” ‘Cause if you do, then I’ll leave the damn thing alone and have to classify the gag as perhaps as low as D material. But I’m hoping you say, “Eskimo Kisses?–what the eff are you talking about?” Because that will redeem (in my eyes at least) the joke’s solid B standing.


  15. Wow ! Thanks – I’m getting a strange sensation…


  16. I guess I’m the one guilty of not indicating who I was when I submitted my “other” answer above… the first one about the priests & politicians…. I was not, and still am not, sure exactly how to do that, other than typing in my name with the text in the answer box.. is that the method? Any who, great posts, and what a great way to promote the sites for all those you read and enjoy…. Have a good weekend yourownself…. đŸ™‚


    • Yes, just write your handle in the box after your answer, gigoid.
      (If you put one in already, you can always enter it again with name).

      The polls just sort of came about on their own, but yeah, I like the way it worked out…


      • But, but, it will sound really weird if I put it in now…. “I hope the afterlife by not talking to priests or politicians.” I mean, it makes a little sense, as I don’t expect either priests or politicians to be much of a factor in the afterlife, whatever that may be….. Oh, wait…… oh, I get it, you mean from now on…. okay, sorry…. Doh! My bad….

        Okay, I’ll make sure my handle goes in with my others, should my bozoid tendencies surface at the right moment in time. đŸ™‚ See ya…..


  17. EG: Just listened to that Marshall Crenshaw tune yesterday on my iPod. As always your taste in music is exquisite…especially since you’ve yet to post a tune that I don’t have in the collection. Irrefutable proof say I!
    Loved the Dangerfield clip and many thanks for the great links and responses to last week’s poll.

    Been underground -i.e. busy and had another back surgery- so apologize for being scarce.
    Have a fab weekend and lift a few for me đŸ™‚


    • I would love to spend an hour (or three) going through your playlist, Miss B.
      Hope the surgery does what it was supposed to, and that you are having a fast easy recovery!


  18. Actually, I kinda hope that in the afterlife I can still be married. My husband is pretty awesome. Besides being smart and funny, he’s also incredibly patient and tolerant, important things when you’re married to me!

    Enjoy the weekend and the chance to relax El Guapo!


  19. Here’s to Fortresses of Solitude, Bohemian poets, Klondike Bars and Peppermint Patties. And when they all meet up together like this? That’s called the Bonus Round.


  20. I hope things can cool off and be less stressful for you. I know how it can be I’ve had some high stress moments for several days. I found it’s a good thing if you can slip in a little R and R. :+)


  21. I will open my fridge and let the ice wind goes slowly towards my head to stay cool before I can get inside my bedroom and switch on the air-con ^^


  22. I made up for the weeks I missed the poll..or started to.. I didn;t miss that many but sometimes I come here and am all excited to see the poll results (yes it really doesn;take much to excite me these days.. umm my brain and đŸ™„ ) and then feel all bummed and deflated and – I mean not that the others answers and your responses don’t make it great..becasue even the weeks I know for sure I didn;t answer I can;t wait to see what is all the foolishness about… maybe I should go back to bed and try this later…. ok well anyways I did a few and its only Saturday đŸ™‚ Have a great and relaxing (fingers crossed) weekend. ) I’m gonna go jump off a bridge.. what was I supposed to say? well nevermind that ruined it and I want to hang around for your bridge jump… what did he yell as he flew by? IIIIIII WAAAANNNNNTTTT AAAAA POOOOOONNYYYYYY!!!!!! oh yeah thought so. -) i

    **if you would like to see the amazing path of this brilliant brain from point A to Bridge Fly By… Maps may be Purchased at the Gift Shop. Cheap.


  23. Wow. I like all of the suggestions for staying cool since I live in hot San Antonio. I think I might like Lily’s nekkid one the best, though.


    • How about nekkid, with a York peppermint patty, wim2s!


      • see…now that is what I said …in my head.. I meant to put it.. ok ok I thought of it after but still…,, oh the afterlife should have a before afterlife button to have a redo …but onyl three max cause otherwise everyone would be redoing instead of dead… weird. đŸ˜• Id take this redo. maybe this is one. or is it?


        • That’s something that’s always bugged me, LizzieC.
          What if there is reincarnation, and we were all going around again, but no one remembered the last time around?
          That would be ridiculously frustrating…


          • well that explains it… what if we went round and round and round infinitely… that would be maddening.. or what if you were a stone after you were human do you think we would change forms..and does a stone even have a soul and if it does is it possible for a person to be a rock? oh…hahaha that was totally spontaneous..



            • Oh, some people are definitely rocks.
              And some quite simply rock.Like you!


              • well i was referring to the good kind of rock – not in the beginning I meant a real rock..a stone but it kinda came around pretty nicely.. but does not answer the

                awww thank you đŸ™‚
                yea I see how you did that …


              • hwy thats another good answer – in the afterlife I aspire to be the rock.. a rock.. rock đŸ™‚ what? everybody wants to rock and then roll and ohheckpleasestopme


                • You’re like a force of nature, LizzieC. Wouldn’t stop you even if I could.
                  Which I can’t.
                  You are like the mythic thundering herds of caribou of yore.


                  • well… i’m ..touched.. that’s probably the oddest compliment I have ever received., and without trying to…it stopped me… see that was pretty cool how you did that.. and I think I will remember it for many moons to come…. two questions…what is yore.. and …

                    are you drinking ? đŸ˜‰ thanks Dude …


                    • 1- Long ago
                      2- Alas, no. I was looking forward to a beer before, but then it slipped my mind.
                      And now I’m just tired.


                    • Damn – I was hoping you were imbibing.. you deserve it … today is my dad;s bday and right after the last comment we had cake and I was sitting there laughing so my dad asks what gives and I told him the oddest compliment .. he almost spit his cake on me. Which btw is a compliment đŸ™‚ in fact, he has chuckled three times that I have pased him or he has looked at me since so I would say… thank you đŸ™‚

                      oh and I guess I gor it mixed up with yon,,, I dunno man I am all aver the place today.,.. yore yon and hereafter đŸ™‚


                    • wait… did you say.. it slipped your mind? oh boy … its starting to get serious! well hang in there .. bridges and ponies are right around the corner…


                    • Happy birthday Dad!
                      Just waiting for gravity to take me away…


                    • well this is one of those time to be grateful for gravity… what would you be looking forward to if there wasn;t any? or.. you’d have some hair brain scheme to jump up.. with no net… hair brained scheme was ..well it sounded a lot better then it looks… like in a good way… creative đŸ™‚


      • I would probably need a whole package of the Yorks – one is never enough.


  24. Loved Sam Kenison. Toooo funny. Him and all the other shortlived comedians. Why is it the truly funny ones do not last that long? Except for Carlin (who was the ultimate), Burns and Deano. The truly great ones of our generation were gone too soon.


  25. Good grief, Guapalopolis, no wonder you’re busy. You’ve got about a skillion comments. You need to hire a comment secretary and free up your time to create more insane polls.


  26. With the endless stream of one liners, Dangerfield is one of my favorites. Meanwhile, limoncello is served chilled, but not over ice … but could be if someone insisted. Hope you had a good weekend!


  27. I was tardy for the party! I hope it won’t affect my standing as a diehard Guapolian! đŸ˜€


    • Are you kidding, Linda? You’re on the executive committee!
      (That means the media will come to you for a quote when I finally snap:
      “Excuse us, Mrs. Vernon, but do you have any idea why he was found in the middle of a silo filled with rutabegas wearing nothing but a Hawaiian shirt and a pair of Spock ears?”)


  28. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Podium Edition | Guapola

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