Friday Foolishness – Slathered Edition

Today’s Music: The Ramones – Psycho Therapy
Note On Today’s Music: It’s got a good beat, and you can dance to it. Thought it would be fun!

The week starts. The week ends. And here we are, again to celebrate the oncoming weekend! But what is there to celebrate? Well, aside from looking forward to the days off, there were some great posts I got to read! Here’s some of what I saw…
Lorrie had the most awkward conversation ever with her son. Sooz collected some hilariously painful observations about sports and education, and According To Mags showed how football players are sissies compared to moms.
And in a huge honor, Cayman Thorn gave me a Reality Blog Award! Seriously, if you don’t know his site, you’re really missing out.

They, and all of you made it a great week to hang out in the sphere.

(One last note, go to Circle of Moms, where they’re still taking votes for their funniest blogs. So go vote for Old Dog New Tits , According to Mags, Lady or Not and UndercoverL!) (And you can vote once a day!)

Come! Come, let us express ourselves through interpretive dance!

Come!Come, let us express ourselves through interpretive dance!

This past week, there was an event. A big event. A delicious even- no wait, that comes later.
This past week, it was the super bowl! It means many things to many people. But we asked what does it mean to you? And apparently it means many different things. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments fumble along in italics.)

Nothing since I stopped smoking pot! Ginger, Queen of GingerLand
(But that’s the only way the game makes any sense!)
Realizing I cannot read roman numerals. SnaapyG
(You should understand them by the time you put in your MCCDXVLII answer…)
Nada, I just wanted to vote in the poll! PonyTailSnaaper
a great excuse for a shit storm of expletives (polysyllabicprofundities)
(And that’s just during the pre game show!)
Men in tights; and hits plummetting on my sites. (nice rhyme, huh) Michelle
(By all rights, I bet they regret missing your delights!)
straightman for EG!!!! BK
(I think we’re all a little too bent here to claim the title “straightman”…)
promopromopromopromopromo- it’s tough being at the top! buddhakat–>
(I think you misspelled pompom.)
pretending it’s still the sunday between the playoffs and the superbowl! BK
(As opposed to a whole bunch of sundays between the super bowl and the next playoffs!)
hopefully NOT blowing my nose (or my lunch)! buddhakat
(Just stick out your tongue when your lunch goes through your nose – two meals for the price of one!)
(No, I didn’t just say that.)

ANYTHING but football!!! buddhakat
(I knew you were the one watching the Road to the White House marathon on CSPAN!)
An early night and lots of you know what? πŸ™‚ Gray Dawster
(I’m guessing not knowing what “you know what” is what led to it being an early night…)
Getting my six pack in order πŸ™‚ Gray Dawster
(I bet after the third, you don’t care what order you’re having them in.)
You’re born, you die and everything in between is filler. Lou Grant/ lindavernon
(You know what you’ve got, Linda? You’ve got spunk!)
Another year Cleveland sports goes nowhere – unless they become Ravens. ~Maddie
(Well, Cleveland still has the…I mean…Yeah, I see your point. But GingerSnaap is in negotiations for David Beckham to be traded to the Ohio HouseHusband team, so…)
The number one day of the year for guacamole (in the US) ~ Red
(But Cinco de Mayo still has the lock on tacos. And diarrhea)
The great big mixing bowl for mixing Christmas pudding MBT
(Only 319 days til xmas!)
The best toilet in the house!
(When you really need it, is the quality that much of an issue?)
A recipe for an orgy, oh, not that kind of bowl, sorry 😦 Gray Dawster
(No, wait! We like that kind of bowl! Waaaaaaiiiiiiiitttttt!!!)
Sweet F.A. But Naked Volleyball Rocks πŸ™‚ Gray Dawster
(Naked volleyball? Fun! With rocks? Not so much…)
Watching anything but Super Bowl – benzeknees
(CSPAN party with Benze and BuddhaKat!!!)
My team still sucks. They almost made it the year I got high. (UndercoverL)
(Oh, you’re a Mets fan too?)
The Puppy Bowl, which is my Super Bowl. Carrie- Carrie Cannibalistic Nerd
(I feel I should make some sort of “Punch Bowl” joke here…)
Knitting while Hubby sleeps thru the game (Stacy)
(Are you making him a remote-control cozy for next year’s game?)
I might actually watch the game this year. Go Niners!
Eating tons of food and then napping. Oh and football stuff?-Lily In Canada
(Without football, you’ve just described an average Saturday.)
.guys with really big….TVs. πŸ˜‰ Alex A.
(They’re just compensating for small…DVR storage…)
Band practice might be canceld… PMAO
(Maybe. But this one time, at football camp…)
Hosting a big party that’s more pain in the @$$ than it’s worth which includes making Bacon Explosion, so it’s worth it after all…Quirky
(I’m writing this from the Cardiac ICU. And it was totally worth it.)
naked tickle fights. x, Becca
(When discussing tickle fights, “naked” is redundant.)
waiting on annoying customers while they yell at the tv! (words&otherthings)
(It’s only a problem when the TV yells back.)

Avoiding the smells coming from the male-dominated TV room. Carrie Rubin
(And by avoiding it, they’re forced to get their own darned snacks!)
Chicken wings! And no more Ray Lewis, yay! -RoS
(Unless he becomes an analyst. For figure skating…)
What’s the Super Bowl? – Emily @ The Waiting
(It’s that thing where people sit around three hours to watch commercials!)
A day to go on a long bike ride and find some BBRRAAIINSS!! (Rutabaga)
(Then you’ll definitely want to be away from the field. And the broadcasting booth…)
Eating junk food I avoid the rest of the year. Bring on the potato chips!
(There’s someone playing football every day of the year somewhere. As if we need a reason to eat junk food.)
A perfect reason to shape a mixture of soft cheeses into the shape of a football
(Martha? Martha Stewart? Is that you?)
hahahahahaha!! I LOVE that last option. -asplenia
(Nonono, you love ALL the options!)
an empty movie theater~Addie
(But without other people, how will you know when to cheer?)

Congratulations to GingerSnaap for this week’s winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most populare was Is that the one where they sweep the ice to make the rock go? So congrats to all you die-hard curling fans too!(I bet you’re all Canadian.)

Pancakes aren't just for breakfast anymore!

Pancakes aren’t just for breakfast anymore!

This week, there was another event. A big event. A delicious event. Yes, February fifth was National Pancake Day!!!
Since I know you all looked forward to it with as much enthusiasm as me, today’s poll asks what you put on top of yours!
So let us know, but do it by 14 Feb, 2359 EST, because that’s when this one closes. (And if you write an “Other” answer, leave a way to identify you, and I’ll link back to you next week.)

And so, to send you into a weekend that I hope is filled with delightful foolishness, I give you these.
First off, I’m just surprised I didn’t post this sooner. (And it has a great end!)

And for all you Downton Abbey fans, this is just for you.

have a great weekend, and a great week to follow, y’all. See you…out there…

137 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Slathered Edition

    • Right there with you, Rutabaga. Perfect thing to perk up a cold wet morning.


      • Have you seen the doc on them (PBS aired it a while back)? Joey Ramone was quite the nutcase. I’m always fascinated by this kind of stuff. And Johnny being a hardcore right wing republican was a surprise too…and that they both didn’t speak to each other for YEARS over a girl…how can you perform NIGHT after NIGHT and rehearse but yet not speak to each other? It amazes me… but I can see how that can go down – being in a band is tough. Anyway, as a music fiend, I love to see what’s on your plate.


        • Thanks. I love posting the Today’s Music, and hearing what others put out there.

          The Allmans travelled for years on separate buses because they wouldn’t talk to each other. They were all broke, and there was a lot of bad blood after Greg turned them in for drug use.
          Once they started the next generation – Derek Trucks, Oteile Burbridge – it got better.
          Of course, then Dicky Betts went chasing his wife with a knife through the Everglades, so…


    I will have to post my answers late EVERY WEEK FROM NOW ON!


  2. I’m too hungry to be funny right now… the pancakes are all I can think of!!!
    GAWD I love pancakes!!
    Have a great weekend, EG – hope you have sent that awful virus (or it cousin) off the planet!!!



  3. Don’t let Ginger win anything. She’s already insufferable enough as it is.


  4. How in God’s name did I ever miss national pancake day? Ohhhh… unfair. I missed out because of my nationality. I should protest in the name of discrimination because of my Canadian status…I coulda brought the bacon. AND, the real maple syrup. Ugh.


  5. I so look forward to Friday Foolishness!! And thanks for the Canadian jab about the curling. Should I tell you now I curled three nights this week, or should I just let that one go?

    Glad you’re on the road to recovery Guap!! That’s been a long haul. Have a great weekend!!


    • Glad you like them, Susan!
      It’s all in fun. But as a practitioner, you have to admit – Curling is a bit…odd.

      Thanks, and hope you’re feeling better after last weekend too!


      • Curling is more like chess on ice…it’s all a strategy game. πŸ™‚

        Your comments are what make it most enjoyable….I almost spat out coffee at least three times!!

        Feeling better and gearing up for a far more enjoyable weekend this time around.


  6. The Ramones and the word Slather in a post! Honestly Guap – this has me tingling with glee!


  7. I want a pancake hat! I want a pancake hat!


  8. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm … pancakes…


  9. I miss The Ramones…
    Great work as usual!


  10. So, I’m wondering, who really thinks to slap a couple pancakes on a gerbil’s head (or hamster or rat or whatever that rodent is) and take a picture? Is that your photo or did you find it online? I’m bizarrely curious as to its origin…


  11. Pancakes is a difficult one, because here in South Africa a pancake is a big flat pancake the size of a frying pan and usually it is sprinkled with a mixture of sugar and cinnamon and then rolled up whilst it is still hot, with all the stuff melting inside πŸ™‚ So my answer to the poll in cinnamon and sugar πŸ™‚


  12. Bwahaha! And I love the Ramones. The Pancake Bunny should be the new holiday mascot. Sounds like you are feeling better!


    • That bunny has had a ton of stuff on its head, Red. There’s probably an appropriate pic for just about every holiday.
      Feeling mostly better. Still a bit of a cough and some runny nose action, but that’s not too abnormal for me.


  13. I hate pancakes but my son uses up all the syrup and adds sprinkles and chocolate chips and redi whip


  14. I live to serve! Haha! Mum. A Friday Foolishness more splendid than pancakes, Guap! πŸ˜€


  15. Thanks for the plug on CoM. As for pancakes, best ones are these German ones that get all puffy and you put butter, powdered sugar, and lemon juice on them. They taste like a lemon bar.


  16. Good responses this week. I liked Carrie’s smells from the other room where the men were. πŸ™‚ I had to turn The Ramones off. My neck was starting to hurt from the head banging.


  17. Thanks for traumatizing my son further with the mention of our conversation. MOVING ON…..I love that that SnaapyG can still read roman numerals. That is kicking it old school in a big way. I’m guessing a lot of people want to hang out with Becca on superbowl night.


  18. I like your tags. How hard is it snowing now?


  19. National Pancake Day! How did I not know about this?! I love pancakes, even for dinner. Did you get to go skiing last weekend or were you forced to watch the Superbowl? It was an exciting, long game. Hope you’re feeling better. It sounds like you are. Have a great weekend, Guapo!!


    • Thanks Bumble!
      I did go skiing, and it was both fun and very painful. I’ll post the story if I can get myself to write it up.
      Hope your weekend is fun, with mild weather!


  20. OMG I want to live at Upside Downton Abbey! That’s my new favorite showww!


  21. Damn, I love the Muppets. Thanks Guap!


    • You’re welcome Elyse.
      I wouldn’t wish politics on anyone, but I’d love to see a Muppet administration. (As opposed to the faux Muppet administrations we’ve seen so often.)


  22. You are just too, too, too sweet. Mel’s right. What would we do without you? Thanks for your support, Guapo. I’m sorry I obituary-ed you on Twitter today. You’re not dying. It’s all good. πŸ™‚

    (To everyone else) Whew. Think he bought it? That was a close one.


  23. Well. thank you Guap! I almost choked on Vodka more than once this evening between reading the poll responses with your comments, and then the two videos. I still giggle over Upside Downton Abbey and Share Me Maybe…Genius! I confess to being an Abbey addict, so that little spoof was priceless.
    Now pancakes…that is a good question. Haven’t had them in ages…must ponder and respond.
    Can you put cocktails in pancakes?


  24. Haha! The pancake is better than umbrella. It can be eaten after the rain. πŸ˜€


  25. I’m going to take my marbles & go home ’cause you never pick me anymore πŸ˜‰ Stay safe & warm in the blizzard!


  26. Holy Poop! Somehow I was not following you. I don’t know how that happened, but I have rectified the situation. (That has nothing to do with backsides.)


  27. Dang …. G-Snaap wins again! Oh well … at least she’s a good one to represent Cincinnati. My brain is still too fried for the poll … thus I must return. Wanted to say Hi!


  28. whiteladyinthehood

    Another great post, Guapo! I’m a biscuits n gravy kinda girl so enjoy those pancakes! (syrup is just sooo darn sweet!) I did watch the super bowl – the commercials were good as always – I saw a clip for the new Wizard of Oz movie that looked pretty cool. Have a great weekend!


    • I remember the first time I had biscuits and gravy, whitelady. It was like a whole new world opened up for me.
      Bad for the body, great for the soul!


      • whiteladyinthehood

        It took me a long, long, long time to learn how to make good gravy – most of my gravy came out like inedible paste at first, but I make good gravy now. I have a good home-style breakfast just about once a month – it something definitely done in moderation!


        • I don’t think anyone would mind if you shared a recipe.
          hint hint…


          • whiteladyinthehood

            haha…I don’t think you would like it Guapo (it’s made from pork) – just browned sausage, flour, milk and salt n pepper…slowed cooked in an iron skillet…it’s NOT healthy for you…now if I could only learn to bake melt in your mouth home-made biscuits….mmm…


            • Wow, the gravy sounds delicious!

              I picked up a biscuit recipe from another blog that was pretty good (from scratch), but I have to figure out how to make it a little fluffier.
              Might just need some extra vigorous kneading.
              Or baking soda…


  29. Pancakes! That I can celebrate, not like that other event that I don’t even know how it works. Are you buried in snow this weekend?


    • I’m with you, RG!
      We got about 8 inches, but it really doesn’t seem to have slowed anyone down.
      How is it by you?


      • I live in the west, where we’ve been enjoying chinook conditions for the last few weeks. It has been well above freezing, but only managed to melt the several feet of snow we’ve had since October. Glad you guys avoided the deep stuff!


  30. These Friday Foolishness postings always make me laugh, you have a keen sense of humour El Guapo and everyone that calls in here knows it πŸ™‚ Keep up the great work and enjoy the rest of your weekend πŸ™‚ Now I am going to look at this weeks menu, yes I know that it is with pancakes, but with what? πŸ˜‰ lol


  31. Don’t you just love Sesame Street?? I love their spoofs. They get big props for those. And now I’m going to have to double up on my pancakes since I missed the official National Pancake Day.


  32. What drug would cause someone to put a pancake on a bunny’s head? We all need some of that. lol That IS a bunny, right?


  33. free penny press

    i have a really cool Ramones t-shirt that my friend bought for me from some street hawker in NYC.. 6 years old it is and it’s not shrunk an inch.. It’s because it says “RAMONES” I do believe…
    have a great weekend and tonight is DA, non-Sesame Street style πŸ˜‰


    • It’s one of my regrets that I never saw the Ramones live, FPP. But yeah, I see those shirts a lot.
      Isn’t DA just a re-envisioning of Upstairs Downstairs, which itself was just a Victorian Interpretation of The Breakfast Club?


  34. I think the 49ers were under the impression the game was being called by interpretive dance rules in the first half, while the Ravens were busy hugging it out with helmets. The Super Bowl is a strange one for me. I always look forward to it, but as soon as it’s over I’m like “Thank God, no football for six months.”


  35. When I was still hanging out in bars, the best part of the Super Bowl was the half time buffet, Cayman.
    I just never developed a taste for football – never liked that it was 10 seconds of play, five minutes of stand around.


  36. I have to be in the mood for pancakes. Sometimes they’re just awesome–most times, I prefer hash (and here I mean corned-beef hash, but it actually works either way).

    You can’t go wrong with the Ramones.

    I’m a Seahawks fan (I once had season tickets many years ago), but as the 49ers are the closest thing I have to a local team (the Raiders are actually a little bit closer, but come on) I was hoping they’d beat Baltimore. Looking at it objectively, however, Baltimore needs this more.


  37. I voted, I VOTED! So pleased with myself. Also, did you receive your little box of goodies, so to speak?!


    I LOVE THE “GROWLY” “MMMMUM”! ( wahoo)


  39. I MISSED PANCAKE WEEK BY BEING IN NY, INTERNATIONAL HOME OF PANCAKES. AUGH! So I am obligated to make up for it this week.


  40. Pancake Day is today, 12th Feb, for us! We’ve just enjoyed Savoury Pancakes Stuffed with Chicken followed by Boozy Crepes Suzettes! Yummy. Wasn’t room for all that in the Voting box! πŸ™‚


  41. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Fatal Attraction Edition | Guapola

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