Friday Foolishness – Al Dente Edition

Today’s Music: Leogun – Let’s Be Friends
Note on Today’s Music: Saw these guys open at a concert this week. Good set! I hope you like them.

Huzzah! A pretty good week. The snowstorm they threatened us with wasn’t quite as bad as they said, and spring is close, and I saw Vintage Trouble put on a great show, AND I had a great meal and scintillating conversation with TMWGITU and Becky, AND of course, I got to read blogs! Here’s some of what I saw.
A Frank Angle got brilliantly philosophical On Time. Benzeknees wrote a very moving, important post titled Obesity, but there’s so much more there, and I stood and applauded her after I read.
Also, Scarp’s son has a future as in photography!
And in vanity news, I received two awards – Edweird Whatspur (long one of the most prolific, entertaining and readable bloggers I’ve met) gave me a Shine On Award! And Cayman Thorn (who I’ve enjoyed reading since he was in diapers) bestowed a Versatile Blogger Award on Guapola! Check them both out, and all the other great bloggers they name!

Thanks to them, and all of you, for a fantastic week of reads, no matter how hung over I am!
So after some words about Leonard Cohen, the Friday Foolishness turned it’s roving eye to another singer of disputed skill in last week’s poll. And y’all had some…interesting…thoughts about it. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are nasal and incomprehensible in italics)

Will do gently into that good night. B_T
(Is that a 60’s drug reference?)
*GO gently …B_T
(Ah, from the Annotated Bob Dylan Thomas.)
Is that Bob Dylan? If so, I’d ask if he knows his metal eye stalks are showing Live Clay
(Yep, they’re just blowin’ in the wind…)
Will ever stop asking me how many roads I’ve walked down. (Eric Murtaugh)
(I think that’s just because he can’t find his way home.)
does a Seth McFarlane impersonation
(Only if Seth has a killer sinus infection.)
… is an alien in hiding. Michelle
(Worst. Disguise. Ever.)
If he ever gathers any moss… Michelle
(Only when he’s ready to smoke it…)
Is ever going to learn to sing. Michelle
(Why start now?)
I wonder about Bob Dylan – John Phillips
(Robert Allen Zimmerman wonders about him too…)
Knows how many roads a man must walk down before he’s really a man in drag? – Hotspur
would appreciate my husband’s man-crush on him. The Waiting
(Without your husbands love, he’s a complete unknown…)
..suffers from Englebert Humperdink envy? zannyro. zannyro
(He’s a Liberace fan. It’s a candlabra thing…)
Another good songwriter, but should never have learned to sing. Benzeknees
(Pretty sure he never did…)
if the answer is blowing on the soup? linda vernon
(It was. Now it’s doing the backstroke. Waiter!!!)
… could do children’s books on tape… pmao
(No. But they’ve hired him to do announcements for mass transit!)
even cares. (Elyse 54.5)
(He cares about all sorts of things! No one can understand him to know which ones, but still…)
really did coach vocals to Tom Petty and Lou Reed ~Miss R
(I hope they kept the receipt!)
could teach me how to “Dougie” – Scarp
(He learned everything he knows from Michelle Obama.)
will lend me his hat (or at least tell me who his millner is)…
(He’ll tell you. But you should really ask him to write it down.)
has taught anyone else to speak his language? (polysyllabic)
(He taught the CIA. They’re using it as an unbreakable code.)
can untangle my blues while giving me shelter from the storm. sandylikeabeach
still is. (Stacy)
(Actually, I think he’s a Buddhist named Reginald Sumner this week…)
(Anyone catch the mashup? Anyone?)

will see this poll. And vote. WG
(He regularly contributes here. At least, that’s what I’m blaming the incomprehensible posts on.))
Knows how it feels to be on his own. GingerSnaapped
(Not sure. But I bet sometimes he feels just like a woman!)
offers subtitles in english so he can be understood (SnB)
(He does, but only at his Japan shows.)
Rutabaga: has a membership to Costco
(The revolution will be discounted!)
Will be the next Oscar’s host. (Frank)
(Is a joke funnier if you can’t understand what you missed?)
knows Jackson C Frank is better? Joehoover
(Pete Seeger think they both suck eggs.)

Congratulations to sandylikeabeach for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular was a tie between Is ever going to learn to speak English and Any of the below, so congratulations to all you pickers out there!

For Italian authenticity, he really should be wearing a boot…

This week, the poll goes to the Mediterranean! Rather. it asks what you would do near the Mediterranean, specifically, in Rome. So answer soon, and answer often, just answer by 2359, 14 March, because that’s when this one ends. But don’t answer in Italian, because if my spam comments are any indication, google translate isn’t that great.
(And if you write in an “Other answer, leave a way to identify you and I’ll link to you next week.)

And to finish off this edition of the Foolishness (though I hope your own foolishnesses live on in your hearts), enjoy these.
First, stol- borrowed from the delightful Alex Autin:

And finally, in the never ending quest to bring even more class to the blog, enjoy The Reduced Shakespeare Company.

Have a great week, y’all. If you need me, I’ll be at my desk waiting for the weekend…

87 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Al Dente Edition

  1. The Foolishness that makes me love Fridays even more!! Congrats on your well-deserved awards and have a great weekend! 🙂


  2. Yes …. recognition in Friday Foolishness!!! (Idea for your spare time … develop a badge) …. ok … so, you don’t have much spare time.

    Congratulations Sandy! Great Leaning Tower pic. I’m a big fan of the Piano Guys. Thanks Alex!

    Have a good weekend Guap!


    • Right now, I’m spending my free time to try and figure out how to find free time, Frank.
      I thought yours was a great post, and I hope people checked it out. And it’s hard not to borrow from Alex every week!


  3. Must return to luxuriate in the Foolishness, but meantime…. yay for Friday, your productive week, and Bob Dylan’s eye stalks! (that was my comment 🙂


  4. whiteladyinthehood

    It wouldn’t be Friday without the Foolishness! Have a great one, Guapo!


  5. Congrats on your awards Guapo, as well as on making it through another week! Well done…for a hung-over one. 🙂


  6. Oh my gosh! So much to love about this post! Loved the band :)….Congrats on your well deserved awards AND LOVED the Shakespeare!!!!! Have a great weekend Guapo! Pass on my wish for a great weekend to Guapette 🙂


  7. You deserve every award you are bestowed with – we all know that. 🙂
    I’m so happy that it’s friday and it’s getting lighter and warmer! Yay!!! We’ve got a blue sky here, today. (Just thought I’d give you the Chicago weather report in case you were wondering.)
    Have a wonderful weekend, my friend!


    • Thanks so much,Grippy!
      We had snow all day here today.
      Fortunately, it’s night now, and warm enough to hear the runoff rolling down the street…
      Have a great pre-spring weekend!


  8. Great vids. I really needed the Piano Guys today. Love their stuff. Hope your weekend arrives soonly.


  9. Have a wonderful weekend, Guap!


  10. I made the Foolishness!!! Please excuse me whilst I do a poorly choreographed happy dance ( visualize Muppets meet Beastie Boys in the Sabotage era). The boy will be equally excited, his happy dance is better. Thank you, Sr. Guapo!!!


  11. I’m as lackluster as Bob Dylan’s voice this morning, so this is all I got. Sorry for the #MostBoringCommentEver…


  12. You know, Shakespeare is ALWAYS best done through rap!


  13. Thanks for the shout out Guaps! You flatterer you! Loved this Foolishness – I had never seen the Piano Guys before.


  14. I LOVED both videos — totally just posted them on Facebook. And I don’t ever do that unless I am completely enamored. Good finds!! Happy Friday ElGuap!


  15. I came, I saw, I commented.


  16. Great videos, Guap. I’m inspired to be foolish weekend. I will do my best. Thank you. I hope you have a good one yourself.


  17. OMG! I love the Cello Wars!!!! I’ve never seen that! I can’t wait to show it to Cap’n Firepants!


  18. Ahh Friday Foolishness. I missed last week! Thanks for entertainment. I love that Bob Dylan picture!


    • Good to see you whenever you come around, Lily.
      I think that pic is actually Weird Al dressed as Bob.
      Scarp posted a hilarious video in the comments above.


  19. runningonsober

    Ooooh, I love that Leogun jam. They’re brand new to me–thanks for introducing them! I’ll be checking out more of their stuff for sure. I bet they put on a hell of a show.

    Hey, meant to tell you I caught Buddy Guy and Jonny Lang a couple of weeks ago. Guy had some fun little gimmicks up his sleeves, and without a doubt he can PLAY, but I found the set only so-so. In his defense, he said he was getting over a cold, so maybe he felt cruddy. Seemed to rely too much on vulgarity, expecting the crowd to cheer every time he dropped the f-bomb. (Which, yeah, they did…) Lang rocked it though, but only had two solo songs. Wished he had his own set list, he was stellar!

    Hope you have fun plans for the weekend!


    • Wow, I’m sorry to hear Buddy wasn’t a great show, RoS. I’ve never not enjoyed hearing him, live or recorded.
      And Buddy and Lang on the same stage? I can’t imagine how painful it would be grinning for that whole show!
      Leogun was a very energetic set. A lot of the sound reminded me of Led Zeppelin, but there was still something very original about it.


      • runningonsober

        Oh, he was GOOD, but I had just heard things like “best show of my life!”, so maybe my expectations were too high, we all have off nights. Lang more than made up for it–he improves with age me thinks.

        Zeppelin, yes. I was thinking 80’s jam band, but Zeppelin is better fitting.


  20. free penny press

    I agree Bob Dylan can’t sing.. am i missing a gene or something because him and Tom Waits grate may last nerve? LOL
    Happy Friday and have a spectacular weeks end!


    • I have a friend who loves Tom, FPP. I think I own one album of his, a live recording that has him talking to the crowd too. Pretty good.
      I think Dylan has gotten much much better with age.
      Like he’s grown into his voice.


  21. Isn’t that just like you to walk sideways for the self-esteem of the leaning tower of Pisa! That’s what I love about you. And I hope it’s true that Marco Polo brought Spaghetti back from China. That would just make my whole year!! LOL!! 😀


    • I remember hearing about Marco and spaghetti years ago. Seems like no one has been able to confirm or deny authoritatively yet, Linda.
      And people shouldn’t pick on the tower. It’s just a little orientationally challenged.


  22. Hey I just left a message and it disappeared. Now I can’t remember what it was about but it was the best piece of writing I’ve ever done. Isn’t that just the way . . . sigh . . . .Did Marco Polo really bring back spaghetti from China? I I love that thought. If you just made it up, it’s one of the best things you ever made up Guap!! 😀


  23. That mean giant was using his powers for evil rather than good. He should have been trying to push the tower back to its upright position. I bet you he pees in the Grand Canyon too.


  24. If only there were more singers like Bob Dylan, bad voice and all….

    I answered the poll with a great Dylan lyric in mind. 🙂


  25. Crikey, I’m old. I really like the music you linked to – Leogun, but I swear, I don’ t know 98% of the music you post. I need to broaden my horizons. So glad you had a good week!


    • Which leads to the important question, Maddie:
      What do you listen to?


      • I love all music, but my go-to music when I write or ride on the motorcycle is simply “today’s hits.” I get a little of everything that’s current that way, and how else would I know what poppin’ tags means? I’m a sucker for crooners and jazz, but I think I’m missing out by not taking the time to find good indie and less mainstream artists.


  26. Deliberately Delicious

    Thanks for the Othello rap, El Guap! Brilliant! So glad to see you injecting more culture into your blog. But the Carleton Beer commercials were pretty great too…


    • The Carleton ad with the people dressed in gold running down the mouth is one of my favorites!
      I used that one a long time ago, but the time might be coming for an encore, Delicious.


  27. The “Cello Wars” that Alex found WAS pretty cool. I think it’s especially nice when stuff like that is made accessible to wider audiences. I think classical music would have more appeal if people were just more familiar with it. Right now we kinda lump music appreciation in with “learnin’,” and that can be scary.

    So that was the opening act, but who did you see?

    And why are you having Friday Foolishness when my calendar clearly says it’s Monday. I know I can’t be the one who’s off. I’m guessing Daylight Savings Time REALLY threw you for a loop.


    • Face it Smak, friday foolishness on a monday is the foolishest friday of all!
      I was never sure if pop music played with classical instruments still counted as “classicl music”. But yeah, anything to introduce people to it is good.

      The headliner was Vintage Trouble. Worth the price of the ticket for the performance of this song alone. The rest was gravy.


  28. The Piano Guys and Othello in one post! Amazing! We saw the reduced Shakespeare Compny do all the plays in 90 mins- it was brilliant. Thank you for this , loved it all 🙂


  29. Congrats on the awards, Guap!!! That Othello video is awesome.


  30. Wow! I won the Friday Foolishness. I never win anything, though I was hoping when I did win something, that something would be the lottery. Of course, being crowned (there is a crown, right?) the queen of Friday Fools is just as great as winning the lottery, nay, some would say, ’tis better. And to think I’m not even a Dylan fan, I just combined the titles (sort of) of the only two songs of his that I like.

    Hope your week is going well, my friend.


    • Ha!
      From what I’ve read on your blog, I’m pretty sure you’re winning at life!
      the friday foolishness is just another well deserved feather in your dancing cap.
      (Please tell me you have a dancing cap.)


  31. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Rechargeable Edition | Guapola

  32. Happy Friday Foolishness! Yey! It’s Friday again! Wish you have a great weekend!


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