Spring? Is that you?

Today’s Music: Jimmy Buffett – Lage Nom Ai

At last! Despite the local weather trying to convince me otherwise, It. Is. SPRING!!!!
While this past winter wasn’t brutal in my neck of the woods as far as snow, it was awfully grey and pretty damn cold, and I’m ecstatic to put it behind me and move into my favorite season of the year.
Why is it the favorite?
– The beginning of enjoying a cold beer outside on a warm evening
– Not wrestling with a heavy jacket
– Blooming flowers (for those who think I’m insensitive.)
– Rising hemlines (for those who think I’m too sensitive.)

Ok, maybe that hemline is a little too high... width=

Ok, maybe that hemline is a little too high…

Which brings me to a brand new year, brand new spring, and a slightly different list. Here’s what I’m hoping to do, and if anyone wants to come along, I’d be glad to have your company.
The Musts

My regular beach got slammed by Hurricane Sandy. Recovery is still going on. I’m going to try to get out there to lend a hand, and afterward, hit the waves.
I will not be intimidated by you this year, Duck!
In a park, with my girl, my guitar, her hula hoop and our books. A perfect day.
The July Ice Skating date
It’s NYC. There are year round rinks. It’s a shame to not take advantage.
(Plus, I always get a serious case of the giggles for this one.)
Evening walks when it’s warm out
Yes, to the homemade ice cream place.
bike riding through Central Park
It’s a long loop, with just enough incline to make you think “dear god, why am I doing this???”. Worth it anyway.


The Maybes

-Jet Skiing
A place opened in Rockaway last year. No idea if they survived the hurricane. but jet skiing (or wave-running) is a thrill I always enjoy.
– Rock Climbing
My girl and I went indoor climbing a bunch of times over the last year. I’d love to introduce her to outdoor climbing up at the gunks.
– Hang Gliding
More fun than a barrel of monkeys! though let’s face it, at some point, they’ll start flinging poo. And that’s never fun. Anyway, go if you get the chance. It’s a fierce adrenaline high, and incredibly relaxing, all at the same time.
– Stand Up Paddleboarding
There’s a guy on the Hudson, downtown. That’s one of those things where a great day out is made even better by the location.

Looks just like me when I’m surfing!

The Would-Be-Nices

– Bungee Jumping
Yep, scares the hell out of me too. Doesn’t mean I don’t want to go again!
Suck it, Gravity! this one is very dependent on the weather,and it’s very frustrating to have to go again and again just to be turned away because it’s too windy.
– Sailing
Possibly solo. Because not everyone enjoys a fifty degree heel with a rail buried in the water.
Plus, then I get to control the music.

The Pipe Dreams

– Trans Continental Road Trip
Very much on my list of things to do. Probably need to wait until I retire.
Or get let go with a kick-ass severance package…

Some thing on the list won’t get done. I’ll probably get to enjoy some things that didn’t even occur to me.
Do you see anything I left off, and more importantly, what will you be up to?

Oh, there should be sunsets too.

Oh, there should be sunsets too.

99 responses to “Spring? Is that you?

  1. Your enthusiasm for this very special day makes me feel better about facing the fresh foot of powdery snow we got last night!! 😦 I’m looking forward to sitting on my deck with a good book and a glass of wine, getting my golf clubs out and enjoying all the emerging spring voices from the trees and the ponds! Happy Spring, Guap!!


  2. I haven’t a clue what I am going to do.. I am just happy its here..and hoping the desert doesnt skip it and go right to summer heat this year… the a/c has been on since the 15th… but it has to be a mistake so when the powers that be fix it and we get Spring.. i want to go camping and hiking and stuff… lots of stuff.. YAY!!! Spring! 🙂


  3. hmmmm….I’m suspicious of your topic ~


  4. Yay, Spring!! Even though it’s like 20 degrees here in Chicago, I’m still gonna celebrate along with you. Your list is a good one, Guapo, though I might add, not for the weak of heart, and by “weak of heart” I mean people who get weak from motion sickness, like myself. Lol! With the exception of an evening stroll and a picnic, I’d pretty much be delegated to observing and, at times, looking away. 😀 Happy Spring!!!!!


  5. I wish the weather would behave too, most of the things you list sound great, well, the ones where your feet are on the ground, or the two wheels, the rest scares the bejesus outta me.

    Cycling is definitely one of my spring pursuits, I dust off Bikey II (original Bikey was stolen) and start cycling to work down the regents canal and round Regents Park. But Bikey II is retired now, he got aged and grew old so I need to find a new filly, but reluctant to buy a bike if I am leaving the UK 😦

    Picnics definitely, but also lazy afternoons in the pub beer garden drinking fruity cider, and meeting friends in the pub after work. Doing some gardening in my couple of square metres of land and sitting in the sun with a coffee of a morning whilst my cat basks in it’s rays too whilst watching the spring flowers pop up and the blossom blooming.


  6. It took me 20-plus years later than originally planned but I travelled across Canada last year from Quebec to British Columbia (having done the eastern leg countless times) and came back through the northern U.S. Amazing journey! Doubly amazing the difference in landscape going east to west, not to mention just the several latitudes north to south. Recommended.


  7. Warming up for 6th or 7th shot at spring here. Silly mountains. Great ski season. I am inspired to do a real bucket list for this year. Striking sailing shortly but I don’t think we will be controlling the music. Hoping for the 50 degree rail bury though.


    • Segueing right from skiing to sailing doesn’t sound bad at all, John.
      And I hope the musical taste of your captain meshes with yours. Makes the sailing so much nicer.


  8. Yay! Spring! My favorite season is fall, but spring is a close second. And I have to say, this post makes me way more excited about it…even though we’re expecting snow this weekend lol


  9. You left this off your list!


  10. I wonder why we both posted about Spring today,,must be because we are just sooo super cool!
    Like I posted,,moving in with Bf at his cute little cottage house,,,has made us sooo excited to get started gardening, enjoying bbq’s and sitting by the bonfire at night and reading on the porch with a nice bevvie during the day!


    • I’m betting you’re going to have a great spring and summer, Gurl (and beyond)!
      And you’re already set to take advantage as soon as the weather turns.


  11. Woohoo for Spring! Good luck on your wish-lists. I’m envious! Maybe I need to write one of those 🙂


  12. Yeah, Spring, my fave. Time for those beers out on the patio, grilling, hiking, some Frisbee golf. Generally just getting out there an living some more. My wife already has a long list of parks to see. Soon, we’ll be up to our ears in pics of wildlife and natural beauty. *ah*


  13. Already making reservations for the summer. I am going to My Inner Chick’s memorial walk for her sister (link on my left sidebar). I am moving HOME. And somewhere in the mix, I am planning on taking you up on a lemon ice.

    Where are you climbing? I took the children to a great place out on LI, but am having a brain fart as to where. All I remember was it was after Holbrook and before Montauk. I know that only narrows the field by 50 miles 😛

    I am looking forward to skiing this summer… a lot. It is one of the things I only need one hand to do. This whole no left side thing bites my adventures more than in half. Ugh. Meanwhile, I have oodles of other things to do. Now, just to buy the commune…


  14. Sounds like a pretty good list to me. Good luck on getting it all checked off! Though, I really have no interest at all in bungee jumping… that’s just silly. My list for this spring consists entirely of surviving the first weeks/months of my newborn. I think that will take more than a bit of luck.


  15. I love ambitious lists! And really love your sensitive/insensitive hopes… 🙂 This year, I hope to make it to San Miguel de Allende, MX, for business but also to take in the colonial awesomeness of this place that I’ve read about. Would also like to get woodsy or road-trippy with my daughter. So much fun! Happy Spring! [raising a margarita in your direction]


    • I don’t know San Miguel de Allende, Laura – I’ll have to look that up. My girl said she’d love more road trips this year. Woohoo!
      *Tips pint back at you*


  16. That’s a great list, Guap! Most of that stuff, I wouldn’t dare try…especially the hang gliding *shivers* But, you and TMWGITU enjoy and be careful. I can’t wait to dig out the bbq and drink some wine on the back deck…that should be sometime around June here…*sigh*


    • Thanks Rogue! I bet you would have a lot of fun with some of those things!
      And one of the best parts of spring is the anticipation of the coming warmth and it all happening.
      At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. 😉


  17. runningonsober

    Hang gliding–yes! Parasailing–yes! Sky diving–maybe! Bungee jumping–thought you said it hurt like hell?

    Do you hula-hoop? Pictures or it didn’t happen!

    Notice I didn’t mention the barrel of monkeys. Until right now.

    Happy Spring!


    • It did hurt, RoS. But what’s a little pain compared to living after doing something that stupid? 😀
      I’ll have you know that when hooping, I look like a gazelle at a rave. No need to inflict that on anyone.
      (And now I’m going to have to think of ways to work in monkeys wherever we run into each other…)


  18. Is it really spring in New York? I imagine it’s still pretty cold and gray there like Ohio. But hey, delusions are always good…

    I like how your list of things to do is so active. You’ll be in great shape! But I’ll be doing very few of those things myself. Too chicken.


    • Sadly, it’s spring in name only here, Carrie.
      The problem with half the list is I’m in terrible shape. But I’m also too stubborn to let that stop me.


  19. Happy spring, Guap. I’ll be kayaking as much as possible in Maine this summer. Otherwise your list is way too scary for me. Except the hula-hooping. I’m pretty brave about that.


  20. If I told you how many of those things I have already done, it would just depress you.


  21. Celebrations galore!!! Now, if the weather would just cooperate with the calendar…
    my activities will be slightly less amusement-park-ride like (you know, roller coaster, etc)… I prefer a nice cuppa java on the back porch in the AM sun (until it hits 90F at dawn), then a cold beer or 3 on the same back porch, now nicely shaded…
    open all the windows wide and smelling the sounds of spring and summer… pleeeeeze – I kept my promise not to complain about winter (wait – what – winter’s been here?!?!) so pleeeeeze let’s keep the summer to 2 digit F temps and I’ll be a happy hippie chick!!

    just for kicks, do you have a “no way” list of warm weather activities?

    happy vernal equinox!!!



    • That’s a great question, BuddhaKat. I don’t think I’ve run into any warm weather foolishness I wouldn’t try.
      Plenty that aren’t smart, but none I wouldn’t try.


  22. We had one snow day, and it was on a Friday, so I am good.

    I didn’t make a trek though CP with a cup of cider that started out boiling hot, but reached a wonderful gulping temp halfway through. \

    You should give a consideration to the Brooklyn Botanical Garden Cherry Blossom Festival! Should be in just a few weeks.


  23. whiteladyinthehood

    Awesome list! Sounds like were in for some great adventure stories from you. (I would really like to go white water rafting!) Great post!


  24. That’s a cracking list! More of my list is behind me than in front! I’ve done my 13 zip wires down the kloof, I’ve done my volunteering in South Africa and I’m learning to play the piano! My really scary one for this year is learning to sail. It’s always been Mr S’s wish and I’ve promised to go along with him….. Madness! 🙂


    • I hope you have a blast learning to sail, MBT.
      It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve been lucky to do, whether on a 6 foot sunfish, or a 32 foot cruiser. From the adrenaline to the relaxing, there’s nothing like spending a beautiful day moving with the wind.


  25. Two days ago it was 96 degrees here, so I’m a bit worried about what Spring has in store for us. My biggest hope is to go zip-lining this year. Dimples is interested, and she’s finally old enough! Maybe Wonderbutt can come along, too.


  26. Your list sounds super fun. I think the one that appealed to me most was Picnicking. Even if it is spelled really weird when you put an ing on the end. What other word does that?

    I also am totally drawn to stand up boarding down the Hudson River. Be scarey to fall off though. It seems like there would be all kinds of things lurking beneath. It still sounds like a whole lot of fun though. 😀


  27. {lurking in the shadows, the first blooms of trees and your words waiting for the smell of


  28. It’s spring on the calendar, but not outside. For a huge blast, I’d do well just to go out and do some preliminary gardening.


  29. You young whippersnappers have all the fun. I just want to be able to open my window and write with a breeze coming in! And watch The Masters in April. Oh, and ride the motorcycle with hubby.


  30. So obviously Autumn just started here, and I am looking forward to actually spending some time between 8am – 7pm being able to go outside once the heat dies down 🙂 Summer, ew. Spring and autumn, yay! I want to drag out the old bbq at the beach shack and maybe have a ‘in remission get together’ and then take a few drinks to the beach without potentially dying from heatstroke (…so if you end up on that trans-continental roadtrip make sure you and your girl make time for it :P)


  31. Boing Boing! – Spring is here and my God you ar right about those hemlines Guap, the sap is definitely rising!


  32. “It’s a long loop, with just enough incline to make you think “dear god, why am I doing this???”. So true, I remember running south from 110st on the west side, it was painful, never thought of it going downhill on the east side, just painful, many times, specially in mid July I felt like sitting down and crying.
    Bungee Jumping, should be a must, it scares the life out me too but it’s really nice.


  33. free penny press

    Oh you have some cool things on your lists.. can I come along and be the photojournalist and document it all?


  34. I won’t miss having to put on four layers to walk to work, that’s for sure!


  35. Yay, Spring is here, Guapo!! It took long enough. I’m happy for you and your list. You will be busy, man! I love your picnicking one…perfect day. Ah, that’s sweet. I would like to try the Stand up Paddleboarding and fix my bike. That stuff way up in the sky is probably too much for me, although it sounds fun! I hope you get to everything on your list.


    • Thanks Bumble. As busy as we’ve been the last two years with responsibilities, I’d be happy just doing a few of them. But it’s nice to have the list, just in case the opportunity arises…


  36. Where have you gone hangliding? Did you have to travel for it? On my list are factory tours — I want to see how things are made. There’s a potato chip factory near me that might be fun to visit but I’d also like to see a motorcycle factory too. Your post made me want homemade ice cream!


  37. For some reason your question to Spring reminds me of Chuck Berry’s to Nadine–“Oh honey, is that you?” All your activities sound great, and the suggested one about the dude flying through the waterfall is pretty sweet as well.

    My favorite would be the cross-country road trip. I have done it by train, but only covered half the country (the good half) by car. Like you, I’ll probably have to wait, although I’m constantly scheming for a reason to go on a long drive.


    • I’m the same way, Smak. Every so often, we’ll just hop in the car, pick a direction, and find a small town down the road somewhere. haven’t done it in a while,but my girl put that on her list for the summer, so that’s something else to look forward too.


  38. I totally adore spring! This morning, the sun woke me up. That’s a good start, but it wasn’t that warm anyway… Hopefully we’ll get that sooner or later…!


  39. Your post is quite timely, we had our first bite of Autumnal chill here last week and the days are definitely getting shorter :(. You must think I’m such a wimp about winter given we have no snow, but still it’s my least favourite time of year. Enjoy the warmth and send it back to us in 6 months time.


  40. Brother, I’m totally with you on this being the best time of year. It’s been beautiful in my neck of the woods the past few weeks, and I look forward to the coming days, when stuff will warm up and dry out even more.

    Your list is a bit more ambitious than mine. I have bungee jumped and sky dived… sky dove?… I have sky diven in the past, but my tastes now run more toward sitting around campfires, taking pictures of nature, and playing with my kids in the back yard. Although, I would love to try hang gliding sometime…


  41. You forgot to add “go to Ohio and eat Skyline Chili with Ginger & her flesh eaters….” !!


  42. When you hit Montana turn right & head north to Alberta. I have a futon & TMWGITU & you would be more than welcome! Sorry, I had a backlog of posts to read.


  43. Pingback: Stir crazy. Possibly fried. | Guapola

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