A Message From The Fool Of Fridays

Today’s Music: Sam Cooke – A Change Is Gonna Come

Hi there! Hope y’all are well! Something a bit different this Friday.
I have no italics for last weeks poll. I have no poll for this weeks poll.
In fact, I got nothin’.

Because occasionally, real life sucks. I thought when I started that blogging was a time-suck. Sadly, it turns out working for the corporate overlords is. Yes, it’s good to work, but the satisfaction is in time well spent.
And for that, blogging is great.

Unfortunately, I need to finish a project at work (hopefully in the next week or two), which means that when I get home, I can barely sit at my computer to join you in the sphere, despite how much I enjoy your company.

But this isn’t the end quite yet. There’s still new stories to gather, and old ones to tell.
I haven’t yet told you about the naked bar slide. You haven’t come out to learn to hangglide yet.
And I never even told you why I started blogging in the first place.
(Not to mention all the music we haven’t listened to either!)

So, all of that is still to come. Hey, it’ll come even sooner if the Lottery Agency approves my retirement plan.
Either way, you’re not quite rid of me yet, and I expect I’ll back in just a couple of weeks.
Until then, live well, be brilliant, and rock on.

173 responses to “A Message From The Fool Of Fridays

  1. Be well, my friend, and take a large flask to work- that should ease the pain a little bit!


  2. Hope you can keep that positive attitude and smile on your face. We miss you!!


  3. Stay well. We’ll miss you!


  4. Fuck the flask – take the gallon bottle from Liquour Barn Emporium… we want MOAR POLL!


  5. Breathe, Guapo, breathe. And if that doesn’t help, get shit-faced. 😉


  6. whiteladyinthehood

    I’d love to hear the story about why you started blogging! (Happy Friday, Guapo!)


  7. We’ve all been there I think. Life is life. Between work, drinking and doing things naked, time can be a crunch and something has to give.


    • I think the big problem is that there just isn’t enough time to do the things naked we want to do. Naked.
      Of course, those things are also more fun to blog about!


      • Life is reducing my blogging this week once again. Quick trip to Winnipeg to see Lori and her mom. I miss getting stuff out if my brain but precedence is required.


  8. Oh, man! That pesky “earning a living” thing… I’m sorry it’s taking away from your true joy and passion (and ours!), or at least one of them. I will eagerly await your return with dreams of hang gliding to a soundtrack of unheard of music. 🙂


  9. Sometimes work demands are just too demanding and you can’t demand what you’d really rather be doing, unless, of course, the Lottery Agency retirement thing works out then you can do the demanding though I can’t picture you being that demanding. I’ll miss you while you’re gone and await your return but not with bated breath because that is just wee bit too melodramatic. Be well, my friend!


    • I’d like to imagine you waiting while sitting out in the yard enjoying a good book and a nice glass of wine.
      Or at least, enjoying yourself in whatever way you happen to be doing that at the moment.


  10. We’ll be here…waiting.


  11. Gray Dawster

    Hey Guap your brand of wickedness will be missed even for just two weeks, now I know I don’t visit as often as everyone else does around here but I certainly enjoy your wicked banter, your incredible wit, your super-human abilities, your candid approach to pleasing thousands of naked…

    Hold on a minute, let’s not tell you everything in one comment or you will be taking a longer break than we want you to, so just work on your project, keep smiling, perfecting your naked bar slides, cartwheeling and in-the-niff skateboarding, and above all don’t get tied up too much of an evening unless you really want to 😉 🙂 lmao

    Come back soon Guap you are being missed already and you haven’t even gone yet. Have a ghoulishly enjoyable Friday and a crazy to wicked weekend also 🙂 Be good…

    Andro, Gray, Geoff and the other bloke 🙂 lmao


    • Just don’t tell them about the secret cheez-whiz recipe I use to get the wom-
      I’ve said too much…

      Thanks, to all of those blokes, and I’ll be back soon enough.


  12. Come back soon, I miss you already ~


  13. I hope that in what little spare time you have, you are applying for the job of “host of the worlds greatest late night talk show”…..I have been waiting in line to get tickets to the show and you owe me at least a frappe-something for waiting this long. Hang in there friend…we miss you already.


  14. Poor Guapo, pinned down by El Jefe, The Man, the daily grind, the corporate work-a-day system. What is this world coming to when ingenious bloggers aren’t even afforded enough time to create a Friday Foolishness poll? This will prevent further wasting of time by the dozens of us who follow you! Next thing you know, we’ll all be working productively. I refuse! I’m just going to re-read old Guapola entries. FIGHT THE POWER, people!

    Seriously, take all the time you need to get caught up. We’ll be here waiting when you return. YOU HAD ME AT NAKED BAR SLIDE.


    • I wouldn’t mind the Man keeping his foot down on my neck if his shoes were more comfortable.
      No,that’s not true. I’d mind either way.

      The bar slide is painful but true. But I feel I’ve come to terms with it and am willing to admit to the cause of that small scar above my nipple.


  15. Ooohhh, you had me with the song! Say no more if you are gonna post one of the greatest (read: one of my favorite) Sam Cooke’s ever. Anyway, I hear you about the overlords; however, I manage to slip in as much time in these spaces as I can to remain relatively sane. Looking forward to Guapola madness when it reappears 🙂


  16. I’ll fill the space until you come back. 😉 Happy Friday and I hope either Corporate Overload ends soon, and/or the Lottery Agency comes through.


  17. Oh that wonderful beautiful song! (And I’ve never heard it before.) I miss you already, Guap. But I know you’ll be back fit as a fiddle and full of spit and vinegar (I think woke up on the 19th century side of the bed this morning). Good luck on your project. I hope it doesn’t stress you out too much, but if it does just remember there’s a sea of people on here who adore you and await more El Guapo stories! Take care. xo!


    • I think filling their fiddles with spit and vinegar was the secret to Stradivarius success.
      I’ll be back soon, and before that, I’ll be able to catch up on your stuff!


  18. You will be missed but we will be here when you get back. Hope it will be sooner than later.


  19. runningonsober

    Be well, my friend! Don’t let ’em keep you down for long. You could always give up work and become a drummer!


  20. Damn work! You will be missed, and we won’t say anything bad about you because you abandoned us.


  21. You go and kick real life right in the nuts. Don’t worry about us. I will try to keep the troops occupied while you are busy… Follow me, troopers!!!


  22. I say BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to work interfering with your valuable blogging time! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!


    • Yeah! So So bow down to it if you want, bow to her. Bow to the work of Slime, the work of Filth, the work of Putrescence-

      Sorry – I Princess Bride-d there for a sec.


  23. I think work is entirely overrated. Probably why I decided to blog. I am looking forward to the why you started blogging story as well.

    Meanwhile, we will hold the fort down. No promises we will not accidentally burn the carpet in a few spots. Oh, and we did order the vat of soda water to get the red wines stains at least less noticeable.

    Be well. Kick ass. No spreadsheets.


  24. I’m calling your bosses, right now. This is unacceptable.


  25. If anyone deserves a blog break, you do. Of course, you’ll be missed, but you should take the break guilt-free. We’ll all be here when you come back.


    • Mostly, I’m just laying low while the ire of those who felt they should have won some of the polls fades. The threats were a bit alarming.
      Though I don’t think it’s physically possible to do things like that to someone using just cheez whiz and pickles…


  26. Damn that overlord! Too bad you can’t get rid of him. Guapo, I knew something was up with you. I missed you, see. Just right this out. We’ll all be here when you get back. Best of luck!


  27. I hate when work gets in the way of my personal life. See you soon!

    and um, naked bar slide. We’ll be waiting.


  28. I know a Naked-Bar-Slide-Coffee-House that sells beer shooters….I’ll save us a table….


  29. It’s hard to go wrong with Sam Cooke. That guy sends me, even if, by his own admission, he knows very little about history.

    And being the big comic book dork that I am, can I tell you how excited I am to finally read The Secret Origin of El Guapo. I’m surprised it came so late in the series, but there you go.


  30. Is the Naked Bar Slide the name of a drink or a dance?


  31. I was just about to check on you. The blogging world is never the same without you, Guapo. Your absence was felt in a big way.
    I’m leaving for a little get-away myself, not that yours was a “get-away,” you were just away. I get that. Sorry that work sucks. ;(
    At least I know you’re alive and well.
    Try and have a good weekend, my friend.
    Grippy xox


    • Thank you so much, Grippy! I’m hoping to get back as soon as I can, and until then, I’ll still be reading as time allows.
      Hope that your break is relaxing and fun!


  32. PS – You know I love Todd, but did you know that I’m his cousin? Yup.


  33. We’ll be here, ready and waiting. Hang in there, Guap – you have much more work to do in the ‘sphere. ❤


  34. Guapola is the only blogger I know who can write a blog post about not writing a blog post and still get over 40 comments…NICE!


  35. We’ll miss you terribly while you are fulfilling your job duties, but we’ll wait for your till you know what freezes over if we have to. Now that’s been said, it’s just not good enough, you know, to abandon us out here all alone without our fix of Guapola! You just tell your boss you’re needed elsewhere, you have hundreds of people depending on you for support & entertainment! Take ‘er easy, Guaps, we love you!


  36. We’ll be looking forward to your return! Meanwhile: survive in the best possible way. Good luck with work and stuff!


  37. It’s tough when work gets in the way of the positive life’s interactions. Hang in there … and thanks for filling us in. So, until next time, cheers to one of the great ones!


  38. Sorry to hear that the Man is putting a crimp in your social endeavors….but that’s his MO, he’s all about making your time, his time. Get back when you can and be well in the interim….


  39. Deliberately Delicious

    May the corporate overlords smile on your work, Guap, and reward you soon with time for the important things, like making us laugh…


  40. Hiya Guap. I am fine. Well, mostly I am fine. Sometimes things totally suck. But when they don’t totally suck, they are fine. thanks for asking.

    The Witch


  41. also, can’t seem to figure out how to log into my old blog site. disconnected all sorts of things and there you have it. but I think you can find a way to contact me – since it would seem your comment eventually made it to my main email in box. not computer literate.


  42. Just re-read Wuthering Heights so in words of Heathcliff – ‘Urry back t’blog lad!


  43. We will miss you, Guapamole!


  44. Awww miss ya. ((hugs)) boo work. Yay for a job.


  45. We’ll be here when you get back — take care of yourself, that’s the important thing! So nice of you to drop a note. Can’t wait to hear about hanggliding sometime. 🙂


  46. yes we will miss you. And the naked bar slide. Same here, though – sometimes real life gets in the way of virtual!


  47. Hey, I did get some Same Cooke out of the deal. Best of luck on the project. May the volume of suck decrease in the coming week. Going to miss you. Can you pick up a loaf of bread on the way back?


  48. Hang in there El. Looking forward to your next post. Take care.


  49. Hey, ya gotta keep your priorities straight. You rest up with some work, then come back and entertain us when you’re good and rested! 😀


  50. Great song! Good luck with your projects, and I’ll see you when you get back.


  51. Life is trouble sometimes. My life has recently put me a lot of things to do, to worry about and to think of… I just want everything run smoothly again and to have more time to carry my camera and go outside doing some new photo shooting…but life…ahhhh. 😀 This is life.


  52. Yanno, here I was ready to log off my blog, and there you go….’liking’ my post. So now, you’ve inspired me to roam the grounds a bit. You’re so damned good at what you do. Better than that, even.


    • If we both break at the same time, I think the universe will implode.
      Tempting, isn’t it?

      Though I for one would miss your posts, and not just for the most unusual analogies ever.


  53. Too many comments for me to read! This at least explains why my mail box was curiously devoid of Foolishness last Friday…

    See you on your return!


    • On the bright side, I’m trying to rack new exciting levels of foolishness!
      (Actually, that’s not true. I’m just trapped in a work hell.)


      • Friday has rolled around again… I hope that the work trap has given inspiration for new! bigger! brighter! faster! foolishness… if not, there’s always next week!


  54. Gray Dawster

    I just thought that while I was busy cleaning out the Zombie traps that I would call round here and wish you an excellent Tuesday with lashings of the naughty kind for later on, well anytime is nookie time as they say 🙂 🙂

    Be wicked Guap, I always am…


    • I don’t clean the zombie traps anymore. I’ve found remnants of the previous vict- honorees works great as bait for the next round. 😀

      Hope you’re spending your Friday well in preparation for the weekend…


      • Gray Dawster

        Friday was a busy one but hey
        it’s the weekend now so let’s enjoy it 🙂

        I have just completed the game
        Dead Island Riptide and what a
        Zombie blast that was 🙂 Now I
        am starting it all over again, and
        those Zombies don’t stand a chance
        in hell of escaping 🙂 lmao



  55. I could’ve sworn there used to be someone who posted on this blog. I could be wrong, though.


    • There was once, though his identity has been lost to legend and the mists of time.
      But there are those who say that when the moon is full and the bottle is half empty, you can see, in the distance, a lone figure, tangled in his own ponytail.
      He waits and watches, and when the moment is right, he will burn the spreadsheets and return…


  56. Holy guacamole there are a lot of comments here! Good luck on your project, I’m sure you’ll do a great job. Don’t worry about being absent in the blogosphere. Everyone understands that real life sneaks it’s head in every now and then!
    I remember the first post that I ever read of yours was something about you getting on a bar dancing naked or something….haha


  57. Corporate overlord are cruel. Float until it lightens up. We’ll just chat among ourselves – anticipating your return. Hasta later


  58. What a great message!
    I’m so glad I finally got back here!


  59. Well, too much work to blog just blows! I’ve been buried under it for months. Finally got to write again this week. That Lottery Retirement plan really needs to get moving for us soon. Then we can start on our cooking show, and you can entertain the masses with your Friday Foolishness once again.
    Just know that we miss you and we’ll wait. *taps toes*
    Do I need to put on my Teacher voice to the Big Bosses and say, “We’ll wait for you to cut back on his workload. He has important work to do for the good of humanity…I’ll wait…”? I can add in the look over the top of my glasses, if I need to. That always works.
    Whatever I need to do, just let me know. I’ve got your back!


  60. I wish you a productive few weeks!


  61. Pingback: Tagged, I’m It | One Starving Activist

  62. Gray Dawster

    I am just calling by to wish you a wicked
    Wednesday afternoon and evening Guap 🙂



  63. Come back. We miss you. Plus we’re tired of holding down the fort. It’s exhausting in cyberspace with no end of the disappearance of Guap in sight. *sigh* 🙂


  64. Gray Dawster

    I am just calling by to wish you a brilliant rest of weekend Guap and of course to thank you for your visits to my Space, of which are a lot more frequent than I am to yours 😦 Of course once you return for the Friday Wickedness of which I know everyone is missing, indeed those polls are incredibly funny so I am looking forwards to adding my ridiculousness to them when you are back my wickedly fine friend 🙂 🙂

    I will raise a glass of the red stuff after midnight, flap my cape and bite a few necks in your honour, only the very sexy and deliciously tempting one’s though 🙂 🙂 lmao



  65. Pingback: I’m Back. | Guapola

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