Friday Foolishness – Achilles Heel Edition

Today’s Music: Don Omar – Danza Kuduro
Note on Today’s Music: This was played over the closing scene of Fast And Furious Five, which was a much better movie than it had any right to be. And it’s a fun bouncy song. enjoy!

I’ve gone on ad nauseum about what I’ve been up to this week. but what else was there? Why, blogs, of course! Here’s some of what I read.
Ross Murray addressed the United Nations. Hasty Words wrote a beautiful poem to someone she didn’t really know. And Thoughtsy is getting married! (when she thinks he’s earned it).

Sincere thanks all around for a great week of reads!
And other things were read too. And written, even! Specifically, answers to last week’s poll, asking where I’d gone. Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments are lost in italics.)

3rd star to the right, and on till morning. thematticuskingdom
to his other job. The one with a code number. butimbeautiful
(1000111010011010001100001. Get it? HAHAHAHA!!!!)
To band camp. At least someone remembers. Red.
(Alas, it wasn’t just one time. And it wasn’t only at band camp…)
To the future! Where you saw results of your cross-Atlantic jet ski ride! Maddie
(And discovered that I apparently get seasick.)
(A lot.)

To infinity… and beyond! ~ RunningOnSober
(I only made it to a googlyplex. Then I ran out of gas.)
searching for that pony he so desperately wants (polysyllabicprofundities)
(My therapist would like to meet you to compare notes.)
Naked Tiki Bar ~Rachael B.
(One of those first two words is redundant. Not sure which…)
Boobies!!! Revis
(I thought those were less a place, more of a frame of mind…)
to play a hashtag game on Twitter, but had a mental breakdown instead-Twindaddy
(Isn’t a mental breakdown a prerequisite for twitter?)
where no man has gone before… he could have lit a match a, tho. (UndercoverL)
(Live long. And phosphor.)
(redo) Helping the gov’t decide my secret blogging identity. (UndercoverL)
(Oh, we’ve been watching you for a while. Get your finger out of your nose.)
You’ve been riding some cool waves, haven’t ya? The Bumble Files
(It was the sines and cosines that did me in.)
jet skiing around Istanbul on a trial run. Grippy
(I tried to go around Constantinople, but I guess my map was out of date…)
The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe. sandylikeabeach
(I got to meet the meat. He was tasty.)
To infinity and beyond! (Jen and Tonic)
(If Woody had gone straight to the police…)
To the moon Alice, to the moon! Benzeknees
(Better than going to the sewers!)
Probably on a FUNICULAR! Do I have to even put Rutabaga?
(Yes, you must put Rutabaga on a Funicular.)
to the asylum for shock therapy (SnB)
(I’m holding out til the knobs go to eleven!)
Nowhere – he was still here! (Stacy)
(That’s pretty existential for a Friday morning…)
To Belgium, where he secretely drank beer and ate waffles in a corner. NBI
(Much more private than eating waffles in the round.)
and chocolate, obvs. Like Armageddon was coming. NBI
(I don’t think I want to say what I’d do with chocolate if Armageddon was coming.)

Philadelphia (Addie)
(It was a little frightening to hear the Rocky theme on the up escalator.)
Running on a giant hamster wheel in his “undies” zannyro
(Nono, that’s my day job.)
Someplace too scary for me … Elyse 54.5
(How did you know I was at the DMV?)
Somewhere fun with his girl (Frank)
(As a rare serious answer, everywhere with my girl is fun. Or at least better. (HI HONEY!!!))
He didn’t ‘go’ anywhere…he used his powers of invisibility. KJ
(Alas, that power only works when I’m around women…)

Congratulations to DJ Matticus for this weeks winning answer, and a great whimsical quote! And from the offered choices, the most popular was He wishes he knew… Ain’t it the truth…
Soon, Man of Steel (yet another superhero movie) is opening. So it got me wondering…What would bring down Superhero You? And that’s what this week’s poll is.
Answer soon, answer often (and answer honestly in case someone is trying to plot against you), but answer by 2359 EST on Wednesday 19 June, because that’s when this one ends.

And until next we meet, enjoy these…
First, thanks to Linda Vernon for reminding of Phyllis Diller

And finally, because I needed something to fill this space, Jerry Seinfield.

Have a great weekend everyone!

83 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Achilles Heel Edition

  1. I’ll pick Brains every time. Every. Time.

    One more cupcake and Kiefer will have earned it. Just kidding. He’s earned it every day since he proposed. =) Am I coming off like one of those disguistingly happy newly engaged people?


  2. Thanks for some early Jerry in the morning! And have a great weekend, Guap.


  3. Love the opening tune … a great one to dance merengue! Thanks for the Phyllis Diller clip … which reminds me of a female Rodney Dangerfield!

    Have a good weekend, and don’t forget that today is National Bourbon Day, and Sunday is Fudge Day …. and Saturday you must juggle.


    • Sounds like a busy weekend!
      Songs like that make me want to take dance lessons. Otherwise, I look like a spastic fish.
      When suitably alert, I can juggle up to three tenis balls. Not sure I’m cracked enough to try chainsaws. Maybe next summer?


  4. Haha, I can’t wait to watch those videos (have to play them after work) — they look great! You always have good taste in finding the funny stuff. Have a good weekend, Guap!


  5. LOL! EVERYTHING was awesome!! LOVE Phyllis Diller…I want to be her when I grow up….(Is she still living?)…If she’s still LIVING..I want to be her when I grown up!


  6. So this Friday finds me googling pears and what type is growing in my yard. And then I stumble on Friday Foolishness and poof….existentialism gone. Ok, it’s not, but it was for a minute or two. 😀


  7. I had to shut the young Jerry down…but I enjoyed Phyllis! I’m having a shit day, BTW so this made me smile. Have a good weekend, Guap!


  8. What the what??! Victory? For lil’ ol me?!! Woohoooo!!! Oh, sorry, with a little more tact this time… I’d like to thank J.M. Barrie, my wife, the little prince, and of course our gracious host, El Guapareno….


  9. I think I am doing this wrong again.


  10. Phyllis always cracked me up. Can you imagine that woman built a career on trying to make herself look as bad as she could?


  11. runningonsober

    Great song, Guap. Good beat, you can dance to it. May add that to the running playlist for the weekend.

    and haha, *I* get it! Do I get a gold star?
    “Robot Lords of Tokyo, SMILE TASTE KITTENS! Did you not know that the royal hunting grounds are always forbidden?”
    Well, unless you’re talking about something else, then I don’t get it. But can I still have my gold star?

    Have a great week, Guap!


  12. I would watch Phyllis with my parents when I was a kid. She made me laugh then, and her routines still make me laugh. Good stuff.

    When you were in Philadelphia, did you find W.C. Fields?


  13. I heart Phyllis Diller so much. I hope to be a broad just like her one day. Now my weekend project is to catch up on all the things you’ve been up to!


  14. I never much cared for Seinfeld either but I liked this clip. He’s much funnier before his voice changed. And that Phyllis Diller clip is hilarious! And I loved the music so much I almost put my back out (actually I think I did) dancing while sitting in my desk chair! HA!


  15. Guapo, I know that Don Omar song! I’ve been hearing it in my boot camp workout for the last 4 months! Hey, now I know who sings it thanks to you! Wow, and that Seinfeld…has he been around that long? Amazing. I could go for checks with dead people on it. Now that makes sense, although I very rarely use checks anymore. Have a great weekend, Guap!


  16. Okay, so you actually SAW Fast & Furious 5? I’m assuming you’ve seen the other four then. That’s ten hours of your life you’ll never get back! I kid–I’ve seen all ten of the original Friday the 13th movies, plus Freddy v. Jason, so I’ve got a couple wasted hours on you at least. Plus, all the bungee jumping and courier flights to Turkey soak up some of that.

    But in regard to F&F, a couple weeks ago I overheard the following snippet of conversation:

    Teen Boy: “Have you seen ‘The Fast & Furious 6’ yet?”
    Teen Girl: Why would I do that?


    • Actually, I have seen them. *hangs head in shame*.
      I watched them wondering why they made seven of them (seven will be out next year). From four on, it’s a continuous story, linked together by after-the-credits scenes, and they really do get better from four on.

      Overheard by my girl after a kiss concert from two teenage girls (several years ago), refering to Rock All Night, Party Every Day: “I can’t believe Kiss played that Poison song” .



  17. You continue to make Fridays better!! Have a great weekend.


  18. I am not sure this Superman franchise will get off the ground.


  19. Boobies is the answer to everything….


  20. whiteladyinthehood

    Wow, Guapo, I just now realized – it’s Friday! I need to go get a cold beer! Ha! Have an awesome weekend!


  21. Great winner!
    And that song is teh standard song I put on when I feel the terrible need to go dancing. Then I just start dancing in my room like a lunatic :).


  22. Late again, El G…’s already Saturday. But…there’s always tomorrow…tomorrow..tomorrow, sung with high pitched child-like voice but on steriods and too many cigs….Have a good one!


  23. every time my son goes on my computer he stuffs the volume up so I can’t listen to your clips! SO annoying! Ok so it does mean I don’t go to sleep to the sound of oohing and aahing from some porn goddess, but still..


  24. I love that young Jerry Seinfeld bit! I think that’s the youngest I’ve ever seen him. So crazy!

    Glad you’re back Guap!


  25. Actually listening to Phyllis Diller now is so different than when I was a kid. She was hilarious. I am a Seinfeld fan, but I had never seen that show. I loved it! Thanks for sharing. My kryptonite would be not having Photoshop! 🙂


  26. Her hair!!!!!! 😀


  27. I saw superman today. He was pretty to look at.


  28. Thanks for reminding the rest of us of Phyllis Diller. Enjoyed the laughs.


  29. I adore Phyllis Diller. She and Lucille Ball are two of the only actresses I hold in esteem. She managed to make people laugh without a mouthful of obscenities or diminishing anyone else. Great clip.

    I skipped the other one. Never was a Seinfeld fan. Ever.


  30. Gray Dawster

    I know, I know, beat me with a stick I am too late again,
    but I will be adding some of my thoughts for the next one
    and I apologise for missing this Guap 😦

    Have a great rest of Thursday and be well my great friend 🙂



    • I look forward to seeing what you come up with for next weeks answers, Andro.
      Of course, I’m also looking forward to seeing what I come up with for a poll, so…

      Also looking forward to your five part story from this week. Just waiting til I have time to read it all.

      enjoy your evening. but not too much… 😉


  31. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Take Two Of These Edition | Guapola

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