A Literary Limerick – Prisoner of Azkaban

Today’s Music: Ramones – Rock & Roll High School
Days Til Spring: 29

I am actually thinking of doing a political post, but I won’t be around so much this week to moderate and respond to comments.
The topic generates a lot of vitriol, and there is the potential of some very unpleasant name calling from non-regulars who wander over to troll. (I have found the regular name calling that goes on here to be very pleasant and entertaining.)

Since I’ll be away for a couple of days (Van Halen in Indiana. Because who doesn’t want to go to Indiana in February?), I thought I’d give you something that I know will generate hatred in the comments, without having to wonder.

So, we now continue with the latest installment of abominable Harry Potter limericks. You’re welcome. Oh, and feel free to check out all the literary limericks by clicking the Limerick tab up by the title bar.

    The Prisoner of Azkaban

The dog in the bushes was mysterious.
Harry though that he might be delirious
There were a wolf and a mouse
In a very haunted house

but the hero, in the end, was Sirius

Have a great week, and try to recover before the next Friday Foolishness poll.
Seriously, you’ll need all your strength for that one.

66 responses to “A Literary Limerick – Prisoner of Azkaban

  1. Wow…unfathomable talent. I expect Hermione will make an appearance in the next limerick? Can’t wait!


  2. A tip of the cap to Guaponian limmericks … and enjoy Indiana … of course I wonder how close you will be to Cincinnati.


  3. Have a great trip! Love the limerick.


  4. Being a non-Potterite, I can’t comment on the veracity of the literary references. I did see Van Halen in concert long ago. They opened for the Rolling Stones. Oh yeah, David Lee Roth was still with them at the time. It was a great show! Hope your concert experience is equally entertaining.


  5. Having only read the first Harry Book, I don’t ‘get’ the limerick…which doesn’t mean I don’t ‘like’ it! (Please note that I did, indeed, click ‘Like’.) So no worries about a hateful comment here. The Ramones, however, I do ‘get’. : )

    Have fun!


  6. I have seen the HP movies, but I didn’t read the books! Oh the shame…! So I kind of remember what you’re talking about, but kind of not. Heh. Either way, you’re a great poet!


  7. Love the Ramones. Have fun at Van Halen. Good choice on the politics. How do you guys live with the constant never ending campaigns. (speaking from afar)


  8. Hi,
    Loved the Harry Potter limerick, you just seem to have a knack for these, well done. 😀
    Have a great time on your short trip, I know you will enjoy yourself. 🙂


  9. um – excellence in limericks! – yes indeed! You Rock it man – no one does it like you do ….. 🙂 (for real I have never seen anything like it ) and not many could get get away with it either like you do. In fact, I can’t think of one – so you are IT !
    Indina in Feb… wooooo eeeeeee.. livin on the edge! Have fun and have fun:-)


  10. That was so amazing that I had to get a towel afterwards. Here’s my attempt:
    Black fled Azkaban
    Time travel fixed everything
    Ratman was a jerk


  11. whiteladyinthehood

    Hope you got to rock out with Van Halen!


  12. It’s a good thing I’ve been out sick from blogworld, because I would not have handled meanness to my friend the great El Guapo well at all. You need to get a sword and a cape and leave big E’s and L’s everywhere, like Zorro left Z’s.


    • I don’t wear the cape anymore, HE (long story, but apparently traumatized ducks have a wicked vengeance streak), but my Swiss Army knife is always at the ready to dispense the mark of justice.


  13. This is a true and short story. Joey Ramone once spit on me during a intimate concert. It was in a small bar in NYC. Gross, right? But a good story to repeat when the song for the day is, “Rock ‘N Roll High school.”

    BTW, I’m one of those people that gets fired up about politics. Right now I’m just disgusted with the whole thing : / Don’t worry, I won’t spew any vitriol, lest I end up looking like Joey Ramone. haha!


  14. therecoveringbrit

    Hehe, I love how you qualify how you like the regular name calling that goes on here 🙂 I saw some snippets of one of the HP movies over the weekend and thought of your limericks! Yes, you’re that infiltrative…..Enjoy Indiana. Although I suspect you’ll enjoy Van Halen more. Very cool!


    • Fortunately, I’ll be able to cross Indiana off my list of states to visit, recoveringbrit!
      And I’m very sorry these have infiltrated your brain. As we speak, Pfizer is working on a pill for that…


  15. But the hero in the end was Sirius! I’ve never seen a Harry Potter movie from beginning to end, just bits here and there. BUT, I want to watch it now just so I can get this limerick. What? literary limericks? How did I miss that? If you need me, you know where I’ll be. 🙂


  16. Fabulous limerick. You will get no hateful comments from me!


  17. EG, i thought he was “serious” .have a good time in…Indiana??? continue…


  18. Love today’s song– Rock, rock, rock, rock & roll high school!

    My wife has read/seen all the Harry Potter she can, but I have so far avoided it all. And now, thanks to your limerick, I’ve got the Cliffs Notes version of prisoner. Thanks!


  19. I feel like a bum for not reading my friends posts. I was off the scene for a bit because of school, but i’m back….ish.

    Tag You’re It!


  20. I have more children than the old woman in the shoe, so we know all of the lines of all of the HP movies. i am pretty sure both parts of Deathly Hallows is on every e-device we own. Ugh. I like the limerick. I suck at limericks.

    I have been a Ramones fan for far too long to admit in public. Fortunately, all of my children were inoculated with a phonograph needle in utero, so my little ones know the words to this one, Sheena is a Pinhead and I Wanna Be Sedated…plus others. The backseat choir rocks.

    VH is a band I would love to see again. I saw them in NOLA in college. Yes, I do remember the concert, but specifically skipping the opening act. Rude habit of mine when I truly think a band sucks.

    Be careful and stay warm. Indiana…whodathunkit?


    • As a kicker, Kool and the Gang will be opening the show, Red. Really not sure how I feel about that yet…
      And your poetry skill more than makes up for any perceived limerick shortcomings…


      • Yeah, I would have to be scratching the noggin’ on that pairing. Hmm. I wonder who their agent is that hooks them up with such disparate bands.

        Why, thank you. It is a work in progress. I will get there 😉


  21. I remember sneaking my friends into a Van Halen concert in the early ’80s when I worked as an usher. They got to meet David Lee Roth! I was bummed because I had to work. Great show, though. Jump!!!


  22. Great limerick — hope the concert is as good!


  23. WHY GOD WHY!

    Enjoy the Halens….if you can, get a lock of their collective hair.


  24. Have a wonderful holiday! 😀


  25. This might be my favorite thing ever. Award-winning, even!


  26. Hope you have a ton of fun at the concert!!!!!! (Sorry I’ve been a bad blogger/commenter lately. The house is pretty much all consuming. Back to normal again next week.


  27. Hey Are you coming back soon? Hope you had fun but um I tagged you 🙂 just so you would have something to do…..


  28. Bloody Awesome Guapo!!! ENCORE!! ENCORE!! 😀


    • now now it;s ART don;t pressure him – they must be inspired and uh he only practices this art every once in a great while – to ask for more woulld possibly mar the quality….and …and….. (one a week Amore i mean RC – that;s all we can take shhhhhh)
      Totally kidding of course – I am feeling chatty this morning – kinda in a stalker ish way…….ackkkkk what am I SAYING?????


      • LOL…you’re right. After all JK took a decade to produce the books 😉

        Amor is dead. RC is his reincarnated cooler self 🙂 😉


        • Anything that mars the quality can only be good in this case, lizziec.
          This was book 3 so I’ve got 5 more coming.

          And RC is as cool as Amor. Can’t possibly be cooler.


  29. Why did JK Rowling spent 400 pages when she actually wanted to say this? Very kick-ass. Above all funny though…


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