Friday Foolishness – Gripping Edition

Today’s Music: The Kinks – You Really Got Me
Note on Today’s Music: I have no idea what the hell is going on at the end of this video.

What a week! I was barely around for most of it. But the stuff I read kept me coming back for more!! Here’s some of what I saw…
H.E. Ellis got the graphic novel of Reapers With Issues on shelves! Eric Murtaugh back-country sauna, and Marsha gave me a Shine On Award. Probably because of that one time I stuck a flashlight up my nose.
Still, you should check out her site – always great stuff over there!
Something else I saw were the answers to last weeks poll, where we asked about your favorite 80s dance. Which made me realize, some things are best left unspoken.
Here’s what you said. (As always, my comments flail out of rhythm in italics.)

Moonwalk (is that 80’s?). I still do it down the grocery store aisles. –Lily In Canada
(‘Cause these are Chillerrrrs, in the Dai-ryyy Aisle…)
Wait, are the 80’s over? Ginger Snaapped
(Well, I still have a bit of them tucked into my thick socks with my jeans.)
The Madonna Mirror (Whatever dance Madonna was doing) ~RunningOnSober
(Nowadays, isn’t that the Adopt Everyone dance?)
Pole dancing without a pole. Long live sleaze! sandylikeabeach
(That’s like chili without the spices…jello without the wrestling!)
Spinning on one foot on a paper plate dance. Easy when sober John Phillips
(When done drunk, there’s still pizza on the plate.)
The Oscar Levant Stumble and Fall into a Coma- Linda Vernon
(I told them it was a dance.)
brickhousechick was brickhousing, macarenaing &bumping
(What, no Axl Rose Sway dance?)
Headbanging. I’m not ashamed to admit it – should I be? (Stacy)
(I smacked my head against many a desk in frustration at 80s music too.)
The awkward sweaty palm dance (i was hopeless) Sadly Marie Nicole
The “Parents Just Don’t Understand” Fresh and Jazzy Shake. thematticuskingdom
(Now known as the “Whatever happened to Jeff?” Dance)
The Amoeba Soccer Shuffle. thematticuskingdom
(If only the dancers were old enough to appreciate it…)
The Duke Nukem Two Step. thematticuskingdom
(Leisure Suit Larry was doing that dance before it was cool.)
NO… the 80’s are where music went to die in bad outfits and big hair,,, PMAO
(…says the man with the Risky Business shades in his avatar…)
Whatever looked good dancing to Brickhouse (my nickname) Benzeknees
(Sitting. In the 80s, sitting looked good.)
The Turtle Head Shuffle, invented after a mishap at a friends house. JoeHoover
(We called it The Tequila Faceplant.)
what? dances have decades?! omg. it all makes sense now. (UndercoverL)
(Some of them need expiration dates.)
Shovel Dancing to the Cure ~ Rutabaga
(I thought all dancing to the Cure involved tears. )
I think it was called the “Trying to Get Laid” dance. rossmurray1
(for me, that dance always ended alone.)

The I’m too wasted, the room is spinning & I am on my butt dance. (SilkPurse)
(Oh, that dance transcends a particular timeframe.)
the Mattress Mambo, but don’t worry. I practice Safety Dance – Revis
(Doesn’t anyone just call it the Lambada anymore?)
that thing Kevin Bacon did in Footloose SnB
(You got to yell at John Lithgow?)
Of course, the Poll Dance. (Frank)
(It’s always the quiet ones…)
The fully-clothed-dancing-like-an-Egyptian-bar-dance. Kayjai
(What happens in the Crypt stays in the Crypt.)
I did “the worm”. Don’t laugh. It was the 80’s – Twindaddy
(Must have made you paranoid when Bird was the word…)

Congratulations to Marie Nicole for this weeks winning answer! And from the offered choices, the most popular were The Peepee Dance. (Still is.), The Trip-and-turn-it-into-a-dance-move-so-no-one-notices Dance, and The Electric Slide (but don’t tell anyone. It’s my secret shame.). So congratulations to everyone who didn’t write in “Sweatin To The Oldies”!

The Gripping Eyes see all!!!

The Gripping Eyes see all!!!

But this week, it’s a very special poll. Dare I say, a Gripping poll?
Indeed, I dare.
Because the very day this post is published is in fact the birthday of everyone’s favorite wordpress Surrogate Mom.
I speak of none other than A Gripping Life. But how do you wish a happy birthday to a woman who’s traipsed her way to Dover? Who’s seen the movies? Who even finds the best music you’ve never heard of?
Well, you wish her a happy birthday.
And then you write her a poll!
So this one’s for you, Grippy. Thanks so much for your words and your company. I hope you have a fantastic birthday, and that every day gets better after that. And of course, Happy Birthday!

Now it’s your turn. How should Grippy spend her birthday? Answer soon, answer cheerfully.
But answer by 2359 EST Wed, 31 July. because that’s when this one ends. (And if you leave an “Other” answer, leave a way to identify you, and I’ll link back next week.)

And while we tally all the ways you’ve wished Grippy a great birthday, I leave you with this…

Have a great week everyone! Hopefully I’ll get to see you during this one.

67 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Gripping Edition

  1. Thank you for the Louis CK video…hilarious. AND, true. Very true. I tell my kids that I’m smarter than they’ll ever be all the time. They don’t seem to believe me, though. Ugh. Have a great weekend! AND a very Happy Birthday to A Gripping Life!!


  2. That video was awesome, and did you guys get the ad about the nappies at the start? Best ad ever!


  3. Guapo!!! You really got me going!! This is seriously the greatest gift I will get today. I’m blown away by this tribute and have a big smile plastered on my face as I type this. I’ll start the celebration by claiming my love for one, El Guapo, the kindest, most wonderful, hippest cool cat, not to mention, hilarious blogger ‘out there’. **Anyone who doesn’t agree will be subject to a life of reading endless Harry Potter limericks.

    Thank you for all the love, kind support and beautiful friendship, Sir Guapo. It means the world to me, (the one that we will someday go jet skiing across together) but I think you already knew that. 😀

    My best psychoanalytic, therapeutic love to you!!!! Oh, and hugs, too!!!!


  4. Happy Birthday A Gripping Life! Birthdays are fun. Ripping colorful paper off gifts never gets old…

    And YAY! I won the Poll competition! I’ll make sure and specify what kind of poll comp when I talk to my husband on skype today… Don’t want to give him the wrong impression. Would you believe he has very sweet images of me?


  5. Loved the video Guapo, and it’s SOOO true! Hope you have a great weekend, and sending out a big Happy Birthday to A Gripping Life!


  6. The end of the video is how I feel every time I hear The Kinks. In fact, I just revisited “Village Green…” and “Lola Versus Powerman…” over the past two days. Love The Kinks.


  7. Congratulations to Marie and a Feliz Cumpleanos to Grippy! It feels a bit disrespectful to call someone Grippy, but then again, they call me Brick and you are Guap, so Grippy it is! 🙂 Have a great weekend!


    • I think you’d have to go pretty far out of your way to be disrespectful here. Just about everyone that comes around seems to have a pretty good sense of humor.
      You fit right in!


  8. Love the Kinks and love Louis CK! Great start to my Friday. Thanks! And so sweet of you to always remember everyone’s birthday!

    Happy Birthday, Grippy!


  9. Happy Birthday, Grippy!

    Great foolishness. The video was fabbo. When I played the song, Little V got down in a very non-80s style.

    Happy Friday!


  10. I don’t have a good answer for this… but if I did, I am fairly certain it would NOT involve my penis in any way…


  11. Happy birthday, Grippy!!


  12. Happy Birthday. Does it feel any better to know that you are smarter as well as older?


  13. Jazzy Jeff has a somewhat cult following in the underground scene, still making music and laying down the beats. I know, shocking, right? That’s just the way it is.

    Happy Birthday Grippy!


  14. Dear Universe,

    This note gives permission for Lisa to avoid Zumba for the day, and gain the ability to eat all the birthday food she wants without consequences.




  15. I put my answer in other. Did it work?


  16. Guapo, how are things?! I hope you’re feeling better. At least it’s Friday! We can’t forget the Safety Dance, whatever the hell that was. I see that was mentioned. Oh, how about good old fashioned air guitar? Would that qualify as a dance?! I hope you get to be outside, and enjoy your weekend!


  17. Awesome vid at the end, Guap! Have a great Friday, Electric Slide Man.


    • That’s the problem with the internet – do one cheesy dance at a wedding, someone posts it on youtube, and I never live it down. 😉

      Hope you’re having a great weekend!


  18. Happy Birthday to Grippy! Great video at the end – love this guy’s take on aging (which I seem to be doing ever more rapidly)!


  19. whiteladyinthehood

    Happy Birthday Grippy! Funny post, Guap and enjoy the weekend!


  20. Older is smarter! Yes! Very old is very very smart!


  21. Happy Birthday AGL … and hey Guap, thanks for the chuckles from the video.


  22. Gray Dawster

    I know that I have been tripping the lightfangtastic but I will be playing along with this one Guap, oh and I will be calling into agrippinglife too 🙂 Now how about that for being wicked? 🙂 lmao Catch you soon Guap



    • Hmm…Andro’s wickedness colliding with Grippy’s goodness.
      Should be interesting, but I already know you’re a gentleman, so… 😉


      • Gray Dawster

        Don’t worry I am being as tame as the local pussycats there will be no lapses and if there was you have my permission to delete them, but there won’t be so no worries 🙂

        I still have to read some postings on Grippy’s but hopefully later on today I will get the chance 🙂 🙂
        Have a great rest of weekend Guap 🙂



  23. Deliberately Delicious

    It is so good to get a hit of the signature El Guapo humour – and your blogging generosity. And I’m so sorry I missed the eighties poll. It’s sad to have to admit it, but it’s the decade that shaped me….

    And now, I’m off to meet “A Gripping Life.” I’m quite sure that anyone who warrants a birthday edition here is somebody worth meeting!

    Enjoy your weekend!


  24. Awww this was so cute Guap! What a sweet guy you are. My mom woke me up on her big day and she was like, Guapo wrote a post for me!! Hah it was cute.
    Love Louis CK, love polls. Keep on keepin on!


  25. I think the comment I left for this either went to Spam or my brain, Peanuts, thought it pushed reply and such a thing never actually occurred except in the mind of Peanuts. But I did want to say Happy Birthday to best darn person in our neck of the blogging woods. Happy BirthdayLisa ! You never fail to make my day brighter and you deserves the most wonderful birthday ever. You’re are beautiful inside and out! And so funny too! Thanks for posting this Guap!


  26. Thanks for the book pimpage, Guap, but more importantly, Happy Birthday AGL!


  27. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Clima(c)tic Edition | Guapola

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