A Snaapy Post

Today’s Music: VeggieTales: The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything Silly Song (NOTE: This is probably the Only. Time. Ever. I will post one of these songs. It was ridiculously painful)

As the world spun earlier today, and time crept forward across the planet, something happened. Something Magical.
The date changed.
And it became 30 April. The world became engulfed in the unstoppable march of this date, and the world reveled in it.
What’s so important about 30 April?

It’s Ginger Snaap‘s birthday!!!!
Get out your sunglasses, because shininess reigns for a solid 24 hours!

He's celebrating.

Actually, shininess always reigns where Ginger is. Whether trash talking with the soccer moms, or pointing out the errors of his ways to Mountain Man, Ginger is just a bundle of joy.

Ginger unwrapped her present early.

Who can resist her wit? Her kindness towards crazy people? (She’s their leader!) And her weekday twitter dance parties?
Truly the stuff of legend, much like the woman herself!
So join in the celebration!
Let yourself go!
And if people are blinded at your joy today, well, that’s just Ginger Snaap’s shininess reflecting off us all!

Yeah, too bright even for him.

Or maybe they’re blinded by the awesome dance moves.

Doin' the happy birthday dance!

Happy Birthday Ginger Snaap!

111 responses to “A Snaapy Post

  1. Well shuckssss- You.Are.AWESOME! And I mean AWESOME!

    1. We FINALLY broke you and made you use the Veggietales! Ha!
    2. I am starting to like that Pete Rose pic…
    3. I REALLY like that Burt Reynolds pic….
    4. Yellow Lederhosen man has a nice ass…
    5. We’re ALL shiny happy people today, aren’t we?
    6. Can I have some London Broil too?
    7. I hope you are dancing today Guap!



  2. Oh, and THANK YOU! Got carried away with all the nekked men up there that I forgot to use my manners!


  3. Great tribute to my cross-town neighbor!


  4. free penny press

    Don’t know Ginger Snap, but I say Happy Birthday too!!
    Oh and the Pete & Burt pics, đŸ™‚
    I will say Ginger snaps are one of my favorite cookies, does that count?


    • That definitely counts, FP!
      And I can’t encourage you enough to go experience the peculiar and wonderful brand of crazy that is Ginger Snaap. (the twitter dance party is just starting – you can get in on the ground floor. No telling where the hell she’s gonna take it! Maybe even some Barry Manilow!)


  5. I was optimistic about today because I started with a nice run at a healthy pace and I have a full agenda of productive things to take care of…some of which I’ve already gotten to.

    But to see that picture of Pete. And then that picture of Tom. Argh. What the hell was in your coffee this morning?

    As for your choice of song, those Veggie Tales are a great thing. The shows are funny and clever and they convey sophisticated messages that kids can absorb. Besides, this was the first movie my son saw in a theatre. After 85 minutes and a 32 oz. cup of soda, he never ran so quickly to the bathroom. He made it too. .

    Happy Birthday, Ginger Snaap.




  7. I lasted 37 seconds on today’s musical treat. Thanks, but no thanks! Many happy returns to Ginger Snaap, who’s birthday co-incides with Finnish MayDay Eve (google picture search ‘vappu helsinki’ to see what it’s all about) it ain’t pretty…


    • Oh my. Lots of balloons and drunken silliness?
      Yep, that sounds like a Ginger Snaap holiday!
      And Kanerva, congrats on lasting that long. I had to check the video to make sure it was complete and my ears were bleeding by the end of it.
      The things we do for blog-friends…Sigh…


      • Snort.Out.Loud.
        I’m sorry your ears are bleeding. (No I’m not really sorry)

        Where is Lizzie? She NEEDS to see this!

        I hope you didn’t make TMWGITU listen to it!?!


        • Of course I didn’t make her listen to it. I love her too much to make her have to divorce me.
          She did ask me what was wrong while I was cursing at the video, but I just waved her off.


          • you really need to dig a little deeper than the Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything to appreciate the true awesomeness of the VeggieTales. Larry is a Cucumber of God.. đŸ™„ I think to introduce people to them properly you must start with… His Cheeseburger.. or The Yodeling Vetrinarian. I Love my Lips is always a crowd pleaser. and you can never ever go wrong with Song of the Cebu..


      • Oh yes! Mass amounts of drunken silliness, nudity, urinating in the streets and balloons…

        You are very brave and an extremely good friend to listen to that all the way though. Either that or certifiable – you pick the hat!


  8. I know it’s Gingers birthday (and a happy happy birthday to you), but Pete Rose, c’mon, that is not playing fair.


    • Sadly, Ginger likes it, John.
      ut you can use the Veggie Tales song to burn the image form your brain.
      Of course, I’m not sure how you’ll bet the song out of your head after..


  9. I would sing that B’day song….but then wouldn’t be offered a piece of B’day cake…so I won’t…so pass me a fork….!


  10. Wow! …Wow! …Wow…WOw…

    and Happy Birthday Ginger đŸ™‚


  11. Between Burt Reynolds and those yellow booty shorts, there’s a lot of sexual tension in this post. I APPROVE!

    Happy birthday, Ginger!


  12. Two things:

    (1) Happy Birthday, Ginger Snaap!
    (2) Why, oh why, am I experiencing major deja vu on the Rose & Reynolds pictures? I’m completely certain we used them for a Twitter joke or something at some point. Do you remember?

    Also … ODNT Fun Fact … that series of Burt pics was the first time I ever saw anybody’s … “Shamus.”

    What? I COULD have said “Longest Yard!”


  13. Happy birthday to Ginger Snaap! I expect the 70s era pic of Burt Reynolds was gift enough for anyone.


  14. Hi,
    A very Happy Birthday Ginger Snaap, now I will definitely have to go and check out Gingers blog. đŸ˜€
    Loved the post, loved the pictures, well done. đŸ™‚


  15. That is awesome. Lizzie’s and mine were getting me teary. I got teary from your blinding dance pic. She rocks huh. đŸ™‚


  16. There should’ve been a warning posted on this post…..duuuude.


  17. happy birthday to us all. a touching post EG. i think Ginger Snaap aka MRS. Baby is touched . i know i am, and i think we all are. touched. continue…


  18. Happy Belated Birthday Ginger Snaaps! So sorry to be late with this birthday greeting but by the time I got done scrolling to the bottom of the comments, well you were another year older. For your birthday I am giving you an A because a girl like you can never have too many a’s! So go ahead and use as many as you need at any giiven moment 24/7 for the next 364 days and send the bill to me! đŸ˜€


  19. I almost can;t wait til my next birthday… It’s like 3 after that one I will worry about but…this next one might just be the best birthday ever if how Ginger’s went down is any indicator. No Pressure though. NONE at all.


  20. Haha, somehow that song migrated onto my iPod from my daughter’s and it occassionally pop up in my shuffle. Funny the first time, annoying every time after that. I think it’s actually by a group called Relient K. They had another equally annoying song called “Sadie Hawkins Dance” which also occasionally interupts my gym visits.


    • I could see Veggie Tales being good workout music, Dan. It would definitely get my heart rate going faster…
      Probably not in a good way though…


  21. Love that veggie song! And you – you’re hilarious!


  22. Awesome cake. Very Ginger Snappy.


  23. It took me this long to post a comment. Far too many almost naked men on this blog, I am surprised you had those photos lying around on your computer..lol… Happy Birthday Ginger, hope you had a great birthday!


  24. Hey EG.
    dug this. Been reading all of your posts.Busy luxuriating in lithium and arsenic the past few weeks though. Oh sure, Do you KNOW how many people pay for this in NoCal, Palms Springs and upstate NY?
    Just my luck to be hanging in the part of Fallon that spews these two fab chemicals for the past month.
    Lovin it all my friend. Have not forgotten you. Just no time to post.
    Oh… and what can we do to Tony to say ‘Hey good job!’ while he’s gone?


    • Miss B, it is always a pleasure to see you, whenever/wherever in the sphere that may be!
      Right at this moment, I’m luxuriating in the post concert hangover.
      Maybe luxuriating isn’t the right word…


  25. Hoping you’re feeling better EG. And almost forgot…
    Happy Belated Birthday to GingerSnapp!!


  26. I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don’t know who you are but certainly you are going to a famous blogger if you aren’t already đŸ˜‰ Cheers!


  27. Those are funny pictures. Heehee đŸ˜€


  28. Yes, funny ristnw. Not disturbing at all. Funny. Taht’s exazctly what I was going for.


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