A Literary Limerick – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

Today’s Music: Europe – The Final Countdown

Well, we’ve finally made it. Today, July 31st, is Harry Potter’s birthday. What better time to end our Iliad-ish saga through the Harry Potter epic in limerick form?
(Yes, yes, the day after it started (or even the day before) would have been a better time.)

But since we’ve all (Some of us? None of us? Just me?) made it this far, lets finish it with a bang, shall we? (if you haven’t read the rest yet, and are into that kind of torture, click the Limerick tab above the banner.)

The story thus far:
Two headed teacher, nifty phoenix, useless teachers, good teachers, great teachers, mistaken identity, slugs, potions, wickedness, sparkly vampi- (sorry, got confused there), anger, angst, whining, angst, willow, vuvuzela, treacle tart.
Oh, and noseless bad guy.

All caught up? Then, with a robust HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY! and a sincere DON’T SUE ME JK!, we now conclude our limerickian tribute to Harry Potter.

Book Seven – Part Two

Poor Dobby, he laid down his life.
And Ron pissed off his soon-to-be wife
but Harry stood tall,
one (ring) Wand to rule them all

The epilogue: Harry, with happiness, was rife.

Thank you all for coming along for the ride!

Tomorrow, as requested, I will post all eight limericks on one page(!!!)
I’ll understand if the hit count is low.

56 responses to “A Literary Limerick – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2

  1. Oh! You threw in a LOTR there! I like it. A LOT!


  2. I can now sleep at night knowing that I have read all of these lovely limericks languidly…languidly? laboriously? Hmm…needed an ‘L’ word…


    • El Guapo Limericks: Inspiring sleep in tens of readers!
      Laughingly? Ladylikely? Luxuriantly?


      • My brain has been captured by the evil overlords at work and I continue to wage war on the multitude of assholes that seem to surround me. I’m barely able to remember anything outside of the joyful phrases of “fuck you” and “please, kiss my ass”…sorry. Those are obvious candidates for the ‘L’ word I was looking for…Thesaurus, anyone?


  3. Ahh.. now I can die a peaceful death, knowing I’ve completed the Harry Potter Limerick series. Thank you, Guapo!


  4. You are going to laugh at this, but I was one of the last people on earth to know about the Harry Potter series — went to see the last movie with friends who were like “YOU WON’T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!” But I figured out who the bad guy was! haha. I can’t wait to see tomorrow’s limericks.


  5. whiteladyinthehood

    Awesome! You did it justice.
    You are a Limerick King.


  6. You had me at Harry Potter. I think I’ve got a morning project – going back and reading all of your other limericks. Thanks for the morning laugh.


  7. I love when with happiness, one is rife! Thank you for limericking Harry’s story. What a treat! I can’t wait to see them all on one page. This would be a great project to give kids to do with their favorite books by way of an alternative book report. Oh, the wheels are turning. With your permission, and giving full credit, might I share it with my students down the road?
    You made my morning, Guap!
    Enjoy Harry’s Birthday Celebration!


    • Thanks so much, Amy!Of course, you are more than welcome to use it in your class.
      Imagine that, El Guapo, contributing to the shaping of young minds.
      On second thought….


  8. Raise a Butterbeer to celebrate completion of your limerick!


  9. You did it! Muy bien, El Guapo! Now I’ll pay you big money to turn 50 Shades into limericks.


    • A request for a shades of grey limerick?
      I’m so…excited! Just for you, Madame Weebles:
      She was his college girl gem,
      who let him practice his BDSM
      She was strapped down quite tight
      He ravaged her through the night

      Why yes, my grandma’s read all of them.


  10. There once was a young man with a wand,
    Of whom many people were fond.
    While Ron pissed off his to-be wife,
    Who threatened his pecker with a knife
    As Harryā€™s wand was taken by the siren blonde.


  11. Snap snap snap…. I thought this deserved my bohemian three snaps not to be confused with the clap clap clap above my comment. :+) Who doesn’t like a good limerick? I’ll be back…..


  12. You always cheer me up even when I’m not sad! You’re so funny :). But when reading the books, I’ve missed out on that vuvuzela…

    I don’t want to ruin your mood, but how’s your ill family member doing?


    • As long as I don’t depress you first, NBI!
      I thought there were vuvuzelas in Goblet of Fire…

      Thanks so much for asking! She’s doing better, and slowly but surely will eventually be back on her feet. Not sure how long. But she’ll get there..


  13. All eight limericks on one page? You are one brave man, Tonto.


  14. Fabulous. I’m glad you fit Dobby in there. I’m still bummed about that part. Can’t wait until tomorrow!


  15. I know I’m spoiling this by putting it in the comments, but you should post a link tomorrow, and when people click on it, instead of your 8 poems…



  16. This person is doing better now that she read the epilogue. It’s epic. Hope your person is doing well, too. ā¤


  17. Who’s Harry Potter? I knew the Potters but there was no Harry šŸ™‚


  18. I’m also a fan of Harry Potter! šŸ˜€
    Happy Bday, Harry!


  19. So…let me get this straight…Harry Potter, the fictional Harry Potter, has a birthday, and people celebrate this birthday…people over the age of 12. Interesting.

    Great job on the limerick Guapo! Look forward to catching up on the ones I missed.


  20. sparkly vampire….LMAO!! You are something else Guaps. šŸ˜† JK should put your limericks in her books šŸ˜‰


  21. I am late to this post, Guap. But you did my boy Harry proud. No, I’m not JK Rowling. But I am a fan. A very clever series.


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