Friday Foolishness – Intelligent Life Edition

Today’s Music: Harry Connick Jr – Heavenly

Gasp…wheeze…stumble..almost there…
The Friday finish line is just a few hours away,and soon this week will be nothing but a memory!
But it will be a week with some good memories from posts out in blog world:
Nicole Marie is getting back to writing her novel. One of my favorites, Flame, is back, with a great post on Camping!
And finally, Marie won the lottery!!!
Thanks to them, and all the rest of you for a great week in the ‘sphere.

Of course, we have to go back to last week to get the answers from the poll.
We asked What could possibly be better than Sliced Bread? And wow, did you guys…rise to the challenge! Here’s what you had to say. (As always, my comments bake in italics.)

(Well that goes without saying. And stop hitting on my wife.)
Homemade bread! Benzeknees
(My home barely keeps me warm, and yours makes bread?!?)
Sliced Cheese. Mmmmmm…..
(I think we should make a cheese and bread slices quilt, held together with thin red licorice thread!)
Raisin bread. French toast. Strawberry bread. —Jell Jell
(Raisins are the devil’s fruit!)
an orga…wait…is this a trick question? Seems to easy. 🙂 Mel
(It’s…crap, your answer made me forget the question…)
sliced mozzarella cheese and a jersey tomato. mmm (wordsandotherthings)
(Says the Jersey Tomato: Nah. I’ll take you to a place in Brooklyn where they grow tomatoes like they do in the old country. Fuhgedaboudit.)
Sliced cake —Lily
(Oh, so close. Now if you’d said “with frosting”…)
Derrr, bread with vegemite on it (says LITFL) 😉
(After a quick google search, I’m going to have to say that I don’t think bread is strong enough to hide the taste of Vegemite.)
Breadsticks Rebecca 2000
(A food and a weapon. I like it!)
Divited Donuts lindav
(United we slice, divited we donut?)
What about just bread in general? It’s pretty great. Carrie – Cannibalistic Nerd
(How could general bread be better than sliced bread? That’s just crazy talk!)
baguettes with salt butter, actually! NBI
(Isn’t it illegal to not have baguettes with fromage?)
and a good blog too of course. NBI
(Tastes even smoother if you let the blog melt a bit before spreading.)
Naan. If I could eat Naan every day I would die happy (and large). Love & Lunchmeat
(You Pouri , Pouri girl.)
(A delightfully soft warm yeasty white bread slice between two scrumptious pieces of sour dough, served with a side of bread crumbs and a cracker! Mmmm…)
squeezy cheese..squirt cheese canned cheese lizziec
(It’s very unsanitary to eat that straight from the nozzle. I mean, or so I’ve heard…)
Warm, unsliced bread. 54.5
(Unsliced? Sounds like someone’s been loafing around. HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!)
FRIED sliced bread
(Step awaaay from the county fair.)
sliced soup Stay Abnormal
Getting literal here. Sriracha. Or Ranch dressing. Quirky
(How are you going to fit salami between two blob of ranch dressing? Actually, htat sounds kind of tasty…)
Youtube. A video of sliced bread, obviously.
(No. No really, it’s not:)

I see your “buttered” & raise you “with melted cheese.” Duh.
(…and now I’m sitting on a tower of butter and cheese. Excellent!)
The bread. Not the knife. Hand-ripping pieces apart counts as slicing. BrainTomahawk
(well yeah, if you’re Edward Scissorhands.)
Everything else. I hate bread. — asplenia
(Right, so Asplenia says Root Canal is better. We need to find you a good baker.)
Buttered, sliced, toasted bread, with Vegemite. And hot tea on the side (Kanerva)
(Vegemite? What would your Finnish neighbors say?)
Beer! (SnB)
(the ingredients of bread, and then some!)
Buttered sliced toast, obviously – John Phillips Bet 8 others did this one
(If only you’d bet on Vegemite…)

Congratulations to Stay Abnormal on this week’s winning answer. (Seriously, not since Joe Hoovers Gravy. Cold Gravy. cola flavor have I been so moved by an answer to one of these!). And from the offered choices, the most popular was BRRRAAAIIINNNSSSS!!!!. (I LOVE when that happens!)
So congratulations to all you lucky pickers out there too!

What? No beer tap?!?

And that brings us neatly into this week.
There was plenty of news from Curiosity on Mars this week – pictures, readings, some movement.
So now that it’s there, how should Curiosity spend its time? That’s what we want to know.
Heck, just to sweeten the pot, maybe I’ll even take the winning answer and send an email to NASA that will be posted next week.
Try not to me in trouble with NSA, hmm?

So lets dive right in! Remember, if you write an answer in, if you leave an ID, I can link back to you next week. So vote often, vote creatively. But vote before 6 Sept, 2359, Earth Eastern time. Because that’s when this one closes.

And until next time, here’s some otherworldliness to amuse and entertain.

Wallace and Grommit on the moon!

And the moon throughout the year. Great video (a little dizzying), great music, and some interesting factoids thrown in.

Have a great week y’all. And I’ll see you…out there…

60 responses to “Friday Foolishness – Intelligent Life Edition

  1. Cool moon video! Thanks for sharing.


  2. I LOVE that Harry C.Jr song! Ok, fine, I love ANY Harry C.Jr song!

    Happy Friday!

    Oh and, I WILL NOT stop hitting on your wife! Never!


  3. Astronomically good Foolish Friday post this week Guapo, and SO much to chew on. Have a great Labor Day!


  4. free penny press

    My day is complete.. I learned how to properly slice bread 🙂

    Loved reading all the “better than sliced bread” comments.. hilarious!!
    have a great weekend EG!


  5. whiteladyinthehood

    Great Foolishness! mmmm…I’m still thinking about the bread…enjoy the long weekend, Guapo!


  6. I dont think it is unsanitary to eat out of the nozzle if you dont …uh well ok yeah – great foolishness and I will have to ponder the poll cause I dont know…I love Wallace and GrommitI saw one with the big rabbit over and over and over again
    nio I didn;t like it that much.. my kids did..ok.. I m off to meet the Wizard..oh nevermind not there..


  7. That Wallace and Gromit video might be one of my favorites. “Is that…Wensleydale?”


  8. Oh so cool! Lots of great vids today – I’d forgotten how much I love listening to Harry….and I love me some Wallace & Gromit 🙂


  9. sniff….Thank you so much. I’d like to thank all the little slices of soup, without whom, none of this would be possible.


  10. A breadstick as a weapon. Something new to ponder the next time I’m at the Olive Garden.


  11. I find space exploration somewhat wonderous… but I think that it’s probable that we won’t know everything that they find. It’s an awesome time to be at the top of the info pyramid at NASA!
    And now I’m *craving* bread….. mmmmmmm…..sliced bread……..


  12. The moon video was super cool!


  13. Well, a root canal isn’t necessarily *better* but maybe on par…!

    Have a great weekend!!


  14. Love the link-up with Wallace & Grommit and Theme Cheese! Yay. I haven’t seen those videos for such a long time… they remind me of when my daughter was little 😦 missmiss. Here’s wishing you a fromagetastic holiday weekend! See you on the other side of August.


  15. Hooray! Thank you for the shout out! Another boost of motivation, that is. 🙂 Also, I tried to watch the video – because I wanted to learn how to slice bread, of course – and when I pressed “play” it said, “This video contains content from Jamie Oliver, who has blocked it from display on this website.” Jamie Oliver is a big meanie!


  16. I want to make a comment!


  17. Uh oh! I think I put my entry in on Earth time and I noticed you changed your mind and decided on Eastern time. I hope I’m not disqualified.
    And after Partying through this Weeks Friday Foolishness for us frolicking Guapulutians, I now have an odd craving for a Mars bar fashioned to look like a loaf of bread washed down with a nice cold beer from Curiosity’s beer tap/ray gun! 😀


  18. I have enjoyed reading these El Guapo
    and I can see that your Space has a very
    nice edge to it… Now where is that Mars
    Curiosity again? 🙂 Probably chatting up
    one of the local Sputniks, well there was
    a rumour that they had sent the red light
    over there back in the late 1960’s so she
    will be pining for some wayward form of
    Curiosity by now…

    Have a wicked evening El Guapo 🙂



    • Oh my goodness – are you saying all of Mars is a red light district???

      Have a delightful weekend, Androgoth!


      • Well it could be, it’s Niva been tested
        but there are definitely a Lada those
        Sputniks around these days so watch
        out for those El Guapo 🙂

        Have a ghoulish one my friend…



  19. Greatness as usual. You’re so creative and thanks for the mention.



    • Thanks, and thanks for playing along, Becca!
      Took a while to come up with a response to yours. You almost stumped me.
      I’m not saying my response was good, I’m just saying I came up with one.


  20. This post hits me where it hurts, sweetly and oh so much. Bread has been my failsafe for my vegetarian summer which is coming to a close. And that video is a heavenly swim to the girl who made it all possible for me. I love her so, and we both love Harry. And you.


  21. I don’t know how you manage to keep up with so many blogs. I watch less than sixty, and can’t keep up with most… Oh, and you now have a zombie award; it comes with no requirements.


  22. I love your reactions on the votes :D.
    Man, I should really stop telling you how funny you are before you get rock star attitude.


  23. I’m not so interested in seeing the black obelisk as I am to see the monkey-on-monkey fights that so often seem to break out around it.


  24. Pingback: Friday Foolishness – Homeroom Edition | Guapola

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